WHOAMFG. friggin' EPIC. I can't find anything to crit, specifically because anything I'd crit can be blamed on the style. Should I upload my BB drawing?
O.o Oy, it's good! 8D I agree with CarbuncleGem, can't critique due to the style of the drawing. However, the only thing bugging me here is the right hand. The fingers look more like claws . . . unless that was what you were aiming for. Otherwise, it's lovely. And for some reason, I <3 the knife. >D
xD That's how I draw hands, considering the fact that I've practiced and practiced yet can't seem to get em just right. I think that they can look good, especially on evil characters like Beyond. Thanks!<3
Hmm . . . I see. O.o' Well, hands like that does look good on evil characters, so it's fine. But if you need to improve on hands, then just draw them over and over and over and . . . well you get the idea. I know they are b!tch to draw, took me 489673 years before I got it right. xDD But anywhoot . . . It's still a lovely drawing nonetheless, even with the claw-y hand or not. You style is your style, and ultimately, makes no difference. 8D Do continue to post more of your work, love. ;)