Floating head = no-no. Work on that, and depth. Depth is way too sudden from the bottom of the tag to the middle of the tag. And, again, where's Sora's body? :P
I think actually lightening up the foreground effects infront of his body might help. Since those make him look so floating headish.
Well I didn't notice it before you mentioned something. Erase some of the effects, or something. Whatever you can do to make at least SOME of the body visible (at least obviously visible). Depth? Sharpen/Blur. I'm sure you know how to use those by now. lol EDIT: and as another suggestion, the light is extremely contrasted in your new version. The source is extremely bright, and the stock's face seems to have more of a glow-like reflection. Which is kind of weird. I would dim the light source... or bright the stock a little more (as long as it doesn't lower the quality).