You are wrong about the Wii, there is much more to it then Zelda, at the launch yes. But the whole console in innovative, and has many other great games on the Wii (Shame Red Steel turned out to be crap) We have Metroid Prime 3, Super Smash Bros Brawl, Mario Galaxy, and many others. And besides the Wii had a better launch out of all the others in this new generation. As for the PS3 being the best new console, in terms of hardware I have to agree, the PS3 is a monster of a machine.
PS3 is the best? Huh.. Well I can't say cos I've not got one :x but I don't like the look of the games that are out ATM. When I was in NY, the launch games sucked! But of course, that will all change once it comes my way in March 07. Also... BRING ON TEKKEN 6, VF 5, DEVIL MAY CRY 3, RESIDENT EVIL 5 and SILENT HILL 5! Those games alone will do it for me :D P.S the Wii sucks XD Everyone around here is complaining because their christmas lights are f'in up the motion censor and making games and consoles cut out XDDD Nintendos reply: "Turn off your christmas lights when playing, then!" gahahaha
I see, well it isn't to everyones tastes, to me it appeals, it takes gameplay to a new level, but only if it works, like the touch screen to the DS, that has been used to death before the DS came out, but look how well it's done and how many other great games are on it, the could happen to the Wii, we just don't want another Gamecube situation. As for launches, lets face it, all the launches sucked, the 360 had no real defining game for the launch, the PS3 just had resistance, and the Wii just had Zelda. All launches are crap.