SIlent Hill and Resident Evil. I havn't Seen Advent Children. I could see the Prince of Persia Movie being somewhat good.
My favorite would have to be Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children Complete. Loved seeing Reno in that movie. x3
I kind of have to go with Advent Children, only because the rest are horrible. The new Prince of Persia movie looks like it could be legit, though.
I haven't seen Silent Hill or Resident Evil (that CGI one whatever its called) so i'd have to say Advent Children.
Somewhat? D8< It seems like people haven't even mentioned The Last Order. I think I liked it more than Advent Children. Although it's still good.
Advent Children was ****. All it was was fan-service. No actual plot, no character development, just fancy CGI and WOOH FLYING.
This. How the hell could they screw such a simple idea up. Bravura's supposed to be an old white dude, not a young black rapper :B|:
Advent Children imo isn't a movie based off a game. It takes place in the same storyline of the game. Now Resident Evil is based off the game. It uses the same basic underline of plot (racoon city, zombies, umbrella) but is not canon. Thus the term 'movie based off a game'. Plus the first Resident Evil and Silent Hill are the greatest movie based games period because they captured the atmosphere perfectly.
Max Payne was alright, but yeah, could have been better. I also thought AC is overrated and could have been better too. I do like the Resident Evil movies so I'd say those were the best based off a movie, though of course, they aren't really canon. I'll have to get Silent Hill to watch it. Video game movies seldom impress me though, so I usually don't bother much with them after the horror that was Blood Rayne.
No Mortal Kombat love? I honestly loved the first movie. But I've seen a lot of movies based on Games, and most suck. BloodRayne, Hitman, Silent Hill, Alone in the Dark, Doom, House of the Dead, Resident Evil (Probably the best in this list)
I think Silent Hill... Though I do like AC, but It wasn't as good as it could be. Advent Children Complete kinda makes me change my mind though... xD