Best Friends

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Pinekaboo, Feb 19, 2012.

  1. Pinekaboo Chaser

    Feb 18, 2011
    Yes, I'm aware of how 'sappy' this thread is going to be.

    As the title says; we are discussing friendship. Specifically; the person or persons that you consider to be your 'best friend(s)'.
    You don't need to answer any specific questions or anything, but here's some ideas to think about.
    • Where/How did you meet them?
    • How often do you spend time with them? Online conversations and phone conversations definitely count towards this.
    • Do you often argue with them? Do the arguements have lasting damage, or is it a good thing to argue?
    Anything else you think of that you think is relevant; post it.

    I met whom I would consider my closest, and therefore 'best', friend approximately four years ago, while playing Soulcalibur IV with two other friends. He joined our match by invitation from one of those two others, and we more or less got along brilliantly straight away. As we played we figured we had a lot of common interests, and we ended up deciding to keep hanging out.

    We seem to spend a lot of time talking and gaming with eachother. I don't know how much time exactly, but it's definitely several hours at a time. It's not every day, of course, we both have other obligations than just to each other, but there's definitely a lot of time spent 'hanging out'.

    We do argue. We argue a fair amount. I wouldn't say a lot, but perhaps more than most friends would? In any case; I don't think it has actual lasting damage between us, because most things are able to be resolved in some way, or we simply take a breather and come back a little later. There have been one or two things between us that can't be forgiven, but the fact is that we're able to, for the most part, look past those faults.

    He is not the only person I consider to be a best friend, but he is the one I've known the longest and am able to talk most about.
  2. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    I've never liked the practice of naming people your "best friends." I've just never found it necessary to rate them in that way. Perhaps it's also due to the fact that I've never had many friends. I'm simply one of those people that tends to have a few very close friends, but I could never compare them and name one my "best" friend.

    In real life, though, I only have two friends that I often see outside of school; one more than the other, not for any real reason though. The one I don't see as much I've been friends with since I was young but it's only recently that we've reconnected. The other I first began speaking to in the sixth grade. This might sound silly to some people, but the thing that first brought us together was the fact that we have the same name. Our running joke would be to say "Hi ..." to one another and it was pretty much the most unfunny thing ever. That's the kind of sense of humor we have, I suppose. We were never close then, but we were in the same friend group. In my last year of middle school I began to drift away from my closer friends, but I remained loosely tied to the group, and the two of us started to realize some things we had in common (a love of Gilmore Girls, mostly, at that point). In my freshman year of high school there was some drama that was a nail in the coffin for those I was good friends with and it just ended up with the two of us falling together. It's been a little more than four years since then.
    We have classes together so, during the school week, I see her usually every day. We also work together so we see one another there, and we try to get together once every weekend, though it doesn't always come to fruition, simply because of differing schedules.
    The two of us have only ever really had one fight and it only lasted a few days. I wouldn't say it had any lasting effects.

    In terms of online friends, I'm lucky enough to have a few that I feel close to. The one online friend I have that is no longer active on KHV is Orange (if anyone remembers her). We started talking when I was in the eighth grade, and, or at least on my end, it was just suddenly an intense bond. We have similar ideals, likes, and personalities so that we agree on major things, but not where we're so identical it's boring. She's one of the first people that I felt ever truly understood me.
    Unfortunately she's often busy and I am too (much less, though) so we don't get to talk as often as I would like, particularly during the school year. I suppose that that makes the times that we do get to have together, though far in between, more special.
    I don't think we have ever had a fight, to be quite honest.

    I feel silly mentioning people that are currently active and will in all likelihood read this probably just because I am a chickenshit so I'm going to leave it there. c: But I will say that having occasional arguments with friends isn't always a bad thing, as long as you can truly resolve it later on. I've found with some people that it has brought the two of us a bit closer in the end, and offered a better understanding of one another.
  3. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    I've been through a lot of friendships where I had thought the person was my best friend and they end up being quite the opposite. I really stopped becoming attached to people in that sense. I believe having a few close friends is important, but having a best friend is really a responsibility and commitment. It's not just something that happens overnight I suppose. Not to say that it can't happen, but the title has had difficulty sticking for me. It's kind of been like a curse in a sense because as soon as someone says they're my best friend, I feel like I need to fill in a huge pair of shoes. And as a person I'm not really into hanging out with only one person. I like having different people to hang out with, that way we don't get sick of each other.

    With that all being said:

    The only person that I feel is my best friend is my boyfriend. I feel like he's all in one. There isn't a person I'd rather spend time with, and there isn't a person in the world that understands me or knows me as much as he does. And I'm lucky, I mean falling in love with your best friend has to be the biggest gift in the world. And knowing that someone loves me for everything little thing I am is pretty great too. I guess that's why he's the only person who deserves the title. It's silly but it's true.

    As for how we met, we randomly started talking on Facebook because we struck common interests. I think I posted a link and he commented on it. We fight over silly things, but nothing serious. Fighting is healthy for all relationships to grow and whatnot, but nothing has ever changed us or made a significant impact. We see each other everyday because of school and we hang out tons. We like to give each other space though which is important. We talk on the phone and online all the time too. We've been going out for more than a year, but before we went out we were good friends.
  4. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    When I was younger I had many problems with finding close friends. They tend to usually screw me over, even throughout high school and sometimes university. People have told me I'm too nice and then i get taken advantaged of. However, if you really want to know who your true friends are, they are the ones that stick with you thick or thin.

    It came to a point in high school where I realized this. I was going through a tough time in school because I became depressed and had to be put on anti-depressants. I told two of my closest friends, Taylor and Erin. Taylor being my best friend of 5 years, Erin, I don't talk to as much but still keep in contact. I told a couple of other people as well but they thought it was a way of getting attention and told people. One other person straight up told me that they don't want to deal with me emotionally so I never told them anything again. It even got to a point where people thought I was suicidal because I didn't get asked to prom. Taylor and Erin were the only ones that really cared about my situation, they never told anyone. They even looked up depression on google on ways to help me out.

    My best friend is Taylor (if you don't know her.. she's the one that says "Kingdom of Hearts". Our story is very confusing to explain at times, but it was weird on how we became really good friends. In grade 9, I tend to hang out with some of the people I knew in middle school and chilled with others from different schools. Taylor was from the other school. We only had one class together though, it was Instrumental Strings. We would usually sit with a big group during lunch and I just exchanged emails with her since she didn't have a phone then. One random day on MSN I get a invite to add her. so I did, we talked for a bit but she got to the chase.
    So Pretty much that's the start of our friendship. I told Peter that Taylor couldn't date till university and that she is only allowed to marry and asian doctor. Eventually.. the guy figured out that I wasn't her mom. He left and her and I continued to talk. Somehow her and I just clicked so fast, we didn't know how, we didn't sit together in strings. She sat in front of me and every time she would turn around to talk to me, the teacher told her to face forward. Pretty much our time together was lunch and after school. During the first year or two I did kind of neglect her and regret it. Yet she stayed with me through all of this. We do have similar interests being video games, food, shows, boys, celebrities, etc. Her style of clothing is way different than mine and sometimes her music. Our families always questioned how we became really good friends even though we had one class. As years went on, we would only have a couple classes together each year, so we chilled during lunch, hanged out at my house and her house. In university, I was afraid that we'd be distant because we went to different campuses. That wasn't the case, we text almost everyday. I try calling her once a week on the phone or skype. Her and I can talk for hours... sometimes we talk too much on the subway and we miss our station. The difference between her and I(besides our horoscopes being the complete opposite of one another), is that I have more tolerance, but she knows what's best. We both talk too much and laugh WAYY too much. She is my rock cause I'm seriously way too emotional. Her and I don't generally fight, we have miscommunications and get frustrated with one another. Other than that, we don't fight. Fighting is only healthy if you learn to get it go after explaining everything out. If it holds grudges and is repeated OVER and OVER then that's not good or healthy because you would be dragged back into the past. Having healthy fights is good because not all relationships are perfect, since we are our own person, there are certain things that piss us off, so as long as you forgive and forget then it's good (then again, it also depends on the situation)

    As for online friends, there are people from KHV that I've know for years and still talk to. I've know Darky and Trigger the longest because they are still the ones that talk to me often. We were in the same group of people, and just chatted a lot. Darky I used to date, but we broke up. He and I are still really really good friends. He and I do fight like once in a blue moon, we apologize and get it over with. Trigger, he and I have been through a ton, but he's there to listen and vice versa. We are generally quiet people unless we are being emotional. :P I have lots of people I can count on, on this site and I'm very happy that I met all of them. <3
  5. Excasr The Forgotten XIII

    Jul 20, 2011
    Hum, as many of you may know, I have three best friends. Trulyyy, Lexibrag and Evil Twin.

    I met Lexibrag and Evil Twin February 10th, 2003; first day of school. I was like, am I okay? I am seeing two person whom are... almost the same. O_O
    Though I am the twin brother of my sister, I don't get along with her even now. Lexibrag and Evil Twin get along since we were child.
    So I saw them and we started to talk and... POOF. We see each other everyday and talk to each other everyday. Play together and do works/homework together. But next year, 2004, they weren't in the afternoon period, but on the morning period. So I couldn't see them very well for a year. But happily, in 2005, we started to frequent the afternoon period together!

    In the same year, 2005, I was in the 2/9th grades. This year Trulyyy started to come to our school each other.
    First day of school, February 14th, 2005; I was on my school transport. Suddenly we stop by a house which I didn't know. "A new person?". Then I saw him, he sited in the seat behind me. Then when we arrived in school, we met in the gym before the class start. We started to talk and... POOF. We four are like friends-Soulmates.

    BUT, 2006 Trulyyy wasn't on my shcool. I was sad, just like I was when Lexibrag and Evil Twin weren't more there.
    But, happily again he came back to us February 12th 2007!

    Since then, we talk a lot in school, and since I create my MSN we start to talk to each other always when they're online, specially in vacation, when we have more time to hang out and talk to each other.

    Now, we don't argue for something very serious. And when we do, we just can ignore, because isn't something that could ruin our friendship. Sometimes we do something that the other get sad, but we forgive each other.

    We're always together in school's work, studying together, regardless they are on the same class I am. We do homework together and sometimes I help them with English homework (they have an English school, I don't. ;_;) when they ask. When someone need help, we always help each other. We talk and hang out the much is possible. When we're online, we talk. When we have time to hang out, we hang out. All of this the much is possible.

    Friendship is the most important thing to me. So we're always together. Trulyyy is online one hour per day (less non-school days, non-school days we talk like, the all day. lol). Lexibrag and Evil Twin aren't online so much time, they almost don't get on. But when they do we talk a lot too. And there is the school time, we talk to each other when we don't have work to do and are waiting the teacher do something.

    It took me... 37 minutes to write this. Hope you guys liked it.~
  6. Lite The Future

    Jun 6, 2008
    I had a best friend one (I have since decided not to have "best" friends, just several close friends), but due to him becoming so much of an opinionated pr1ck that you can't have a conversation with him without getting into an argument, we no longer talk.

    Ranting aside, I guess the friend I guess I talk to the most would be one that I met a few years ago on Gears of War 2. He lead a for-fun clan on the game called "The Carmine Brothers", and I joined. It wasn't one of those "OMG WE GOTS TO BE TEH BEST" kind of clans, which is why I joined. Over time, we began talking more and more often, until we started talking to each other every time we were on Xbox Live. We enjoyed several games together, ranging from shooters to fighters to music games. We never had any serious arguments, in fact the only thing we have differing opinions on is which generation of Pokemon is the best.

    All in all, out of all of my friends, this one is the one I spend the most time with (Even if the time spent is over Xbox Live or Facebook.)
  7. Makaze Some kind of mercenary

    Jan 22, 2011
    The Matinée
    I have a lot of trouble remembering how I first met most people I know. I have had a few best friends throughout my life and I could not tell you how I met any of them other than where we met each other. It occurred naturally to my knowledge and we became good friends almost instantly through shared interests and complementary personalities.

    When I had my friends around, I spent all of my time with them. We would talk everyday online and see each other at least once a week, often staying over at each other's places. All of my friends are away at college right now, however, and it has been a long time since I have seen a friend in person. This saddens me.

    I almost never fight with my best friends. I cannot remember a time when it has happened. I choose my best friends well, and we usually come to terms with each other on everything. Betrayal is not likely on either side, and you could say that we understand each other almost perfectly. Especially with my most recent friend. I miss him quite a bit...

    I find it good and bad to argue with your friends. On the one hand, it is better if you understand each other perfectly. On the other hand, it important to resolve tension instead of ignoring it if it is there. Where you blend the two is up to you, but if you have do not share problems with each other, then how good of friends are you? What makes one a best friend? Food for thought.
  8. Yozora Archer

    Feb 14, 2007
    female king arthur
    with taiga, eating rice and ****
    I believe there IS someone to call a best friend. If you ask me, everyone sucks. They think differently, they won't keep secrets that you've told them, etc. But you know what makes the magic? Finding that ONE person who isn't like the rest of them, and that would be my best friend.

    We met when I had just moved from another state. We got an old house in a small town and started living there. I was weird in my first day of school, always being goofy and all that sazz. Yes, everyone thought me weird, and so did my best friend (before he was my best friend), but that all changed when I invited him to play basketball with me. I can't remember exactly how it all took place, but it was recess and everyone was playing, except him who looked alone. I invited him to shoot some hoops with me and the rest is history. So the next day he invited me over to his house, we were into similar stuff, I gave some of my weird to him and he gave me some of his rebellious attitude to me and from that day on we've been BEST PALS forever.

    I think we're opposites, he and I. Im the goodie-goodie, while he breaks some rules here and there. What we have in common is that we are somewhat emotional (girly) and care a lot about others. He's a player, sort of.

    Yes, you can name someone a best friend. All my "friends" here aren't all that great. They're just....people to socialize with. But my best pal, he's different. We can get into fights, but the next day, we'll laugh it off and ride around on our bikes, go out after curfew and get caught by the cops, etc.

    Yep, no one's gonna read all that. Oh, and I don't live in the same state as he anymore. It's been like this for like, 4 years. I sometimes go visit, and he visits me.
  9. Saxima [screams geometrically]

    Jan 1, 2010
    In all of my life, I've only ever had one best friend.

    She lived on the next street, which was very convenient, so we used to spend nearly every waking hour together. The reason we became best friends was because we were in the same first grade class. I was close to her as a child as I was to no other person I'd ever met, up until recently. We did things together, shared things, clothes, drinks, bathing suits, etc . . .

    Her house was my sanctuary when I ran away from home a few times, her parents welcomed me with open arms. I knew I always had a place to go when I had her. I confided in her, we had inside jokes that no one else would get, and it was great. I loved her, maybe even more than a friend, at one point, and it was the same for her.

    We argued like sisters, but it was mostly over video games and silly things like that. We would always get over them the next day or even the next hour. There was never a dull moment when we were together, and that was alright because it complemented our personalities well.

    I moved away in the fourth grade, but our friendship/relationship thingie was still strong, and then I came back and it was better. Distance makes the heart grow fonder, as they say, or something like that, and I agreed with this sentiment. Over the course of middle school, both of us matured out, but we were becoming very different people, I was growing tired of being girly but she loved it, she stopped playing video games, I played them even more. We were distancing to polar opposites, but we still spent a lot of our time together, which was what kept us close.

    Eventually, we entered high school and then that was it. We were just too different. We had none of the same classes, only shared a few mutual friends, and we hung out with different people.

    Our friendship had a big impact on me, and I'm glad that we shared it. I miss her, and recently, she's picked up coming to see me again, but it's . . . just not the same, y'know?
  10. Droid Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 19, 2011
    I've had a few best friends in my life due to moving, but for the last 6 years I know who my best friend is. While I know a good bit of people, I only have about 5 people I hangout with all the time. Of those 5 I do have a best friend I'd say I'm far closer too. She's my neighbor so we've spent allot of time together over the years, gone through allot of shiz together, and been there for one another. I trust her with my secrets, as she does with me.

    We met when I first moved into my current neighborhood, she was taller than me at the time and never lets go of that fact. We had the same interests and enjoyed hanging out, the first summer we were friends we spent 3 straight days together from dawn dill dusk. She's the only person I know that I can spend all the time with and not get sick of of. We occasionally fight about small stuff, just to annoy one another, but nothing that would ever do any harm. She's the only person that I can go to Publix and Target with and us have a day long adventure.

    We've laughed, cried, and done stupid stuff together. We've both gone through crappy relationships and had one another to lean on when they went south. I love her, she loves me, but It's only been the last year or so my eyes were opened to the fact she was more than just my best friend. She is the person who makes me happy, my companion. Right now times are tough, getting towards graduation and dealing with family affairs I've had to do all I can to be there when she needs help and back off when she needs space. If there is one person either of us can count on it's one another, and that's why she's my best friend.

    Of course I also have the wonderful people I've met on here as well. While I may not ever get to meet any of you in person, I see you all as extend family and friends and think of you all dearly.<3
  11. Bushy "Don't think. Imagine!"

    May 27, 2008
    On the other side of the internet.
    I wonder who this could be?... *shotforobviousness*

    Anyways... I believe you can have more than one best friend, which kind of defeats the term 'best friend', however I know these are people I couldn't live without...
    If anything, I'd say these are my 'closest friends' in terms of that I see them often and am so close to them. In a sense, I have to agree with Misty in the terms of wording in that 'best friend' seems kinda ratey...
    So yeah... my closest friends:


    I have a few childhood friends... and sadly, one of them isn't with us any more. But I will never forget her ever.
    I won't delve into the subject too much, but yeah.
    This girl was born 2 days before I was, and I literally spent some of my happiest days with her.
    She was one of my closest friends... and I still think about her every day and I miss her terribly.


    Next is a friend who'll I'll refer to as 'Amber' here, because of her eyes ...oh those beautiful eyes... how I get lose in- O_O.. anyway...

    I met this rather beautiful girl in primary school when we were both around 4 years old. We've been so close ever since and I can tell that if I ever show her what I've written here, she'll blush furiously and then likely call me a 'softy'. XD
    But I am, so meh. :P
    'Amber' has long natural white hair and bright yellow eyes (no joke, it is a shockingly beautiful combination... -and before anyone says anything, she isn't actually an albino) and so she used to get teased a lot by other kids because of it, but me being the 'hero' that I am, I often came to her rescue and just treated her like I would anyone else, and well... I cared about her a lot to be honest, we were friends after all... and well yeah. We've grown up together and I have to say I love this darling girl to pieces. Even today we still are going forward as strong as ever. :)
    People keep saying me and her clearly should get together... but every time we hear that, we just laugh. We really can't see it... I guess we've just been friends too long. XD


    Next up is a girl who I shall refer to as, 'Pole' XD

    I first met her in year 8 when she moved over from Poland and didn't know a word of English. I didn't talk to her much at first... well, I should say we obviously couldn't. But I always tried to help her out and we exchanged our fair share of smiles. Anyway, her silence didn't last long as she really (and surprisingly) became fluent in English rather quickly (seriously, you wouldn't be able to tell she couldn't speak it before). We were sat together in IT (computer) class... and hilarity ensued. I'm unsure of how it really happened, but she quickly became one of my closest friend. We both love going to see live comedy shows and all sorts of other crazy things. Me and her have been through a lot too, but regardless, I know I couldn't live without this girl in my life. Maybe I'm just selfish... XD But I know I never wanna lose her.


    Right... a guy called Dark 'bro'.

    I first met this guy when I joined a game of Soul Calibur IV...
    and... (you know the rest...)

    Also, I feel I should mention, you owe his beautiful presence on this forum to me. I will accept all thanks in the form of cookies.


    Admittedly, I haven't been as detailed as some others... but since I was writing about 4 particular amazing individuals (one of which who pretty much already explained our situation), I think that this is enough.
    If anyone wants to hear more though (I dunno who would... XD) I could go on for days about my many mis-adventures with these wonderful people.
  12. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    Best friends exist, but I don't really have any right now. I have close friends, whom I see every week or two outside of school or church, but I've always avoided thinking of who my best friend would be. My first friend, who happened to be my first best friend, I met in kindergarten, and we went to the same elementary and high schools, but now we go to different colleges, and I rarely see him. We' re still good friends though of course. My closest friends though, I think of as pretty much brothers and sisters. They're closer to matching those descriptions than my biological brother ever will.

    Might be off-topic, but I've yet to really have anything beyond a friendship with someone. Whenever I've tried for that, things don't work out. Its nearly ruined quite a few friendships. I've kinda accepted for now that the most I can ask of a girl is to be just friends. I'm ok with that,, I'd like to know what being more than friends is like?
  13. Going Down In Flames2001 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Aug 16, 2009
    Liverpool, England
    •Where/How did you meet them?
    Well my grandma saw me after my mum gave birth. She then looked after me when my mum went into 2 labours when she was having my sisters

    •How often do you spend time with them? Online conversations and phone conversations definitely count towards this.
    As i go to college and later off to uni i dont see her very much now, however i always keep in touch and always will. My grandma isn't good with technology so she cant use a laptop/computer never mind using a phone, so it is pretty funny.

    •Do you often argue with them? Do the arguements have lasting damage, or is it a good thing to argue?
    Nope never

    Overall my Grandma IS THE BEST IN THE WORLD!!!XD :<3:
  14. Soap Hollow Bastion Committee

    Nov 10, 2008
    When I was younger, I had some people who I called my "best friends" but then they screwed me over, and started treating me like crap. So I kinda ditched the whole "Best friend" thing. Now I just have different levels/inner circle of friends. I have had many people been in my closest inner circle, but fights, time, growing apart, people have been moved from one circle or another. I currently have just one closest friend right now, he's on here if you can find him. I met him almost two years ago now, when we started working together. We didn't talk a lot at first, but then we became pretty much great friends. I call him my brother(because we have been told by hundreds of people that we look like brothers >_>). I see him pretty much everyday because we work together, and we play all the same kind of games together, and we have the same group of friends.We don't really fight fight, we have "I'm right, your wrong" spouts, that last about a few minutes, then it's forgotten. I have some friends currently that I haven't been in much contact with, and I want to change that, so here's hoping to getting some close friends back.
  15. Styx That's me inside your head.

    Sep 16, 2008
    Lately I feel that the need for best friends has packed its bags and vacated my mind completely. The closest thing I need in my life right now are mates and buddies.

    My best friend is my ex-girlfriend and we met at uni. I only see her about once a week in real life now; we have the majority of our conversations on MSN. We argue occasionally, with some of those arguments inflicting lasting damage and others not so.
    My second best friend has outgrown me, which left me with an ambiguous feeling. We met at a tennis camp when we were kids. We used to argue a lot, to varying degrees of intensity. They didn't mean a thing the day afterwards, or so we often thought.
  16. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    Sadly enough, I actually don't really believe in the concept of 'best friends' or that I'm really considered to be a best friend by anyone. I'm so accustomed and used to drifting from place to place; person to person that if I looked retrospectively at most of them, they were just acquaintances or people who I met up frequently (with indifference) most of the time.

    Entertainment such as video games, books and television shows that have the common theme of 'friendship' and 'best friends forever' are often my guilty pleasure, mainly because I just don't believe that you can be best friends forever is possible. I have many groups of friends and in those groups, I'm a different person in each one. I really do have (funnily enough) personas which I use for different people and have absolutely no intention in letting any of thesegroups interact or meld together. It's just easier for me to manage, I suppose. I also enjoy being alone most of the time which I guess has had some impact on how I view and maintain friendships.
  17. OblivionKeeper4 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jun 4, 2012
    Mildura, NSW Australia
    i met her when she moved to my school four years ago, but we weren't best friends straight away it took a couple months to get to know each other but then we had a big blow out, and i mean big! she went her own way and i went mine. but then we kinda met up again and she likes kingdom hearts too she kinda got me into it all, it's all we really talk about, videogames! like skyrim or assassins creed, im glad we're friends again i'm pretty sure she's the awesomest friend i've ever had, i've only got her and she's only got me, we're kind've in our own little world hahahaah
  18. Agent.T Destiny Islands Resident

    May 20, 2012
    That England thingy place I've always lived in
    I had a best fiend when I was young...Though when we changed schools we lost contact...Nowadays we're just too different xDD

    I had another best friend 4 yeas ago...Though recently I was kicked out of 6th form and havent had much time to see her these last few months...Though I am really hoping out bond is still strong :)

    My current best friend...I met him a few years ago...We didn't talk much then...He was just a gu who hung out in the library that I exchanged occasional "Hello"'s with...These days I can trust him with with anything and like-wise, we share a very close bond that goes stong...despite all the time he spends at wok or with his gilfriend :3
  19. GhettoXemnas literally dead inside

    Jun 9, 2007
    The person I consider my best friend is a team mate of mine who I have known since sixth grade. We didn't become close until about eighth grade though, when we started going to school together. I don't recall exactly how our bond formed, but it did and since then we've always had a sort of connection. He's like a brother to me, honestly. He's the type of person that always says things to get under my skin on purpose, and I always get him back by tackling him or pushing him around because I'm a bit bigger than him. It's an interesting relationship. He and I actually don't see each other outside of school that often, but when we do it's always enjoyable. I've got countless good memories with him and it saddens me that he and I will be hundreds of miles away from each other within the next month or so. He and I spent all four years of high school together, and we actually transferred schools at the same time as well (right after our sophomore year) and for the past two years (junior and senior year) we've had this running joke that I can predict the future as long as it relates to his life because when our junior year started I predicted his entire love life for the school year and it was pretty accurate. Also, he's the reason I played basketball in high school, because I met him because of basketball and I decided to play my junior and senior year because him and another one of my friends played. In the end, I honestly don't know where I'd be without the kid.

    Then, the other person I consider to be my best friend. This person I met at summer camp when I was around 14. He and I didn't talk much until the next year at summer camp where we ended up in the same cabin. We instantly became friends when we found out we both made music, then our bond grew when we both realized that we were b-tards. That was when we were 15. At age 16 we both went to summer camp again and planned things out so we'd be staying together, and our bond continued to solidify. We'd do everything together, from going to the camp store for snacks to picking activities to talking to girls. We were nearly inseparable. That fall I went with him and his family to "family camp" which is basically a three day camp with your whole family, yet I stayed with them since my family never goes. Then that summer, at age 17 we went to summer camp again, but this time not as campers but instead it was for a two week life guard training course. Every time I see him we grow closer, and he's like another brother to me. The best part is, he and I will be room mates in college starting this fall if everything goes as planned.
  20. xXHumanoidLoverXx Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 21, 2012
    i have a best friend but we don't act like "best friends" and we didn't talk to much :/ sometimes she's ignoring me and im like..."did i do something wrong or what?!" and i have best friends with boys. they always make me laugh and happy than my other best friend. and i considered them as my best friends than the other one.