What is the BEST/FAVORITE action movie you have ever seen? (can be from ANY YEAR!) (explaining why is recommended!) and it doesn't have to be a movie from the top! ready, GO! Also, I'm sorry if this is in the wrong spot.... D: there were many certain reasons to place this topic in a multitude of categories, so I just went with this one.
It's fine in Spam, though I could move it to Movies & Media if you'd prefer it to be a bit more serious? Anyway, I chose The Matrix. And by that I mean only the first one. Edit: Wow, totally missed Star Wars. xDD I think it's more than an Action movie though personally. c':
I clicked for both Star Wars and Terminator. >> Star Wars isn't that much about action(not the original three anyways) but it still has some really great scenes which is why it's a classic. As for the Terminator...why would anyone question my decision? It has the Governator in it. Thus it is manly, awesome, and action-packed. Plus, who doesn't like seeing Arnold shoot things with a shotgun? Also...lol. Iornman. XDD
Empire Strikes Back - My reason is Boba Fett, but the more rational one is the Battle of Hoth. Return of the King - The scene where Aragorn is talking to the armies right before storming the Black Gates has always been one of my favorite scenes in the trilogy. Transformers: The Movie - The 1986 movie. Why? Rodimus Prime, Galvatron, and mother****ing Unicron, that's why.
Voted for Lord of the Rings (because I'm a nerd like that), and the Dark Knight (because I'm a sheep like that). Would have voted for RED, too if I had noticed it was an option before I pressed the "submit" button. ;_; For serious, that movie was made of essence of badassery, and I don't even like Bruce Willis. EDIT: Just a question, in my first sentence, does it look like it says "sheep sheep" on your screen? Because it does on mine, but only one "sheep" appears in the text box when I try to edit. ._. Stupid Internet Explorer.
A tie between Taken and The Bourne Ultimatum. Bryan Mills and Bourne are one of the best action heroes of all time. Yeah, that's how I roll.
Iron Man alllll the way :3 The action is amazing and I love how Iron man was created, plus the acting in it is amazing. Seen it more times then I can count. Red was good, it amused me but it felt anticlimactic, the action was good and there were some ridiculously funny parts but it just didn't feel satisfying.
Fight Club. Had a really deep plot too. Probly my favorite movie of all time... Even if it was made in '99, I think it still counts as a 90s movie. Bwahaha, I chose Indiana Jones. I freakin' LOVE ITT! c:
I voted for LotR because I'm badass like that. Luna you don't deserve to be a LotR fan if you think it's nerdy >: But LotR is more like a fantasy flick imo.
LotR are the best fantasy books ever created. All the works of fantasy writers are, in essence, based on the worlds of Tolkien. The movies were one of the best movies made, like ever. It had blood, violence, love, excitement, thrills, beautiful scenes and breathtaking scenery. Something that bad ass shall never be labeled as nerdy coughlikestarwarscough
MY MOZiLLA FIREFOX SPLODED IN A BALL OF VIRTUAL SOFTWARE PUKE. :B|: Denial. Just because it's popular and awesome does not take away from its nerdiness.
Chrome! Opera! Safari! Command line! Interpreting the raw electrical impulses! Anything is better than that crappy software!
I disagree as well. I never said that. D8 Whether you wish to admit it or not, Lord of the Rings is still nerdy. But this does not take away from its awesomeness. One does not need to be a "nerd" to like Lord of the Rings. ._.