ben 10 meets kinghearts

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by naminestwinsister, Mar 2, 2008.

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  1. sora n roxas rock Merlin's Housekeeper

    I colud tell them about the key blade
  2. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    "OK, so basicly"Sora said summoning the keyblade "This is the keyblade it has special powers only the chosen keybearer can use it, which would also count as my nobody Roxas, Kairi, Riku, and king Mickey also have keyblades"Sora explained

    "Mickey? Like Mickey mouse?"Ben said being stupid

    "He IS Mickey mouse. But how did you know?"Sora asked

    "Hellooooooo? He is one of the most popular cartoon characters"Ben said

    "Cartoon?"Sora asked
  3. sora n roxas rock Merlin's Housekeeper

    ...So your saying our king is a cartoon character?
  4. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    "Yup half of disneys films involve mickey mouse but, I don't remember any saying he was a king."Ben said"I bet your lying, next you'll be telling me Donald Duck and Goofy exist"Ben said laughing

    "They do, they're some of my best friends"Sora said

    "sure they are Sora sure they are"Ben said in a sarcastic voice
  5. sora n roxas rock Merlin's Housekeeper

    They are here look *Riku reached into one of his pockets and pulled out a photo that had Sora Kairi Donald Goofy King Micky and him in it and showed the photo to Ben* See
  6. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    "OK, you guys are freaks that know Mickey Mouse, big deal! I still don't see you guys being able to destroy the universe"Ben said shrugging "But ifyou really need our help then fine, we'll help you"Ben said
  7. sora n roxas rock Merlin's Housekeeper

    let me guess you think you can destroy the earth with a watch?...but thanks for helping us
  8. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    "I think I can do better than hitting it with an over sized key!"Ben shouted

    "You wanna try it?"Sora asked summoning the keyblade

    "After we save the world!"Ben said
  9. sora n roxas rock Merlin's Housekeeper

    aww come on we can have a bit of fun before saving the world *Riku said also sommoning his keyblade* and notice mine is better than Sora's
  10. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    "Bring it on!"Ben said"Four Arms will take you down!"He said and went Four arms and ran at Sora and Riku he aimed punches at them both

    "Sora saw he was about to be punched so he dodged tbut the second arm aiming for him hit him right in the privates. Sora collapsed from the pain
  11. sora n roxas rock Merlin's Housekeeper

    *Riku jumped back just miassing the arms after him. Then he slashed both arms with his keyblade* You ok Sora?
  12. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    "Pain...Lots of...Pain"Sora replied feebly

    Ben seized his chance . He went diamod head and shot the crystals at him
  13. sora n roxas rock Merlin's Housekeeper

    *Riku used a dark sheild around him and Sora but his sheild failed and he got hit by the crystles* that hurt
  14. MajorSeargent Banned

    Feb 16, 2008
    Kairi watched Sora form!You got me and Riku we can go into master formShe yelled and got up summoning her keyblade andhit ben in the arm and pushed off him.

    And the Keyblade is the powerfull weapon ever can unlock any door, save thwe world and can probably lock or destroy you'r watch so you can never use it again for you'r info!" said and looked away

    I'll be king mickey if you need!?!?
  15. sora n roxas rock Merlin's Housekeeper

    Yah Sora master form...we can win this kid and show him what we're made of
  16. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    ooc-sure you can be mickey

    bic-"OK here goes"Sora said but it backfired and he went anti form and started attacking Ben

    "Gwen its one of those thingss that Leon person destroyed earliar we can't win!"Ben shouted and went ghost freak and went underground

    "Dweeb! What about me?"Gwen said running but bumped right into anti form Sora and tripped over

    Sora suddenly couldn't control anti form he made to attack Gwen when the form ran out
  17. sora n roxas rock Merlin's Housekeeper

    *Riku tryed to help sora control him self and stop attacking gwen and ben*
  18. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    The form finally ran out and he, Riku and Kairi were seperated only Sora was still a heartless and he had lost emotion

    Larxene's laughing echoed around the park and she appeared "Oh man!"Larxene said "Looks like your precious Sora is a heartless

    "W-what did you do to him?"Naminé asked

    "Oh its nothing...We only sealed his heart, he can't reach it. Not even the keyblade can get it back, you see, we used Roxas as test subject we sealed some girls heart what was her name? Oh yes, I think you know her, does the name Ollette ring a bell?"Larxene said tauntingly

    Naminé looked at Sora, nothing happened

    "Now you see my little angel, we can't just let you change Sora's memories to get his heart in range of his mind oh no, anyway now I have to go. More heartless to make you know? Ta ta be good little boys and girls now"Larxene taunted and dissappeared laughing

    Ben emerged and went XLR8 and ran to the portal but closed just before he got there"That monster, she was expecting this!"Ben shouted
  19. sora n roxas rock Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sora...Wait this thing kinda happend to me...I think *Riku said looking at Sora* Wait Sora's been a heartless before and Kairi called his name...He came normal again...maybe if we call his name he might come back
  20. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    "But didn't you here that woman? His heart is locked up tight out of reach but anyway you wanna try it?"Ben said and took a deep breath and shouted at the top of his voice "SORA!"

    Sora just looked bemused in a heartless sort of way and attacked ben and hit the omnitrix which started to swirl really fast with new icons appearing every second

    "Sweet now I can turn into heartless!"Ben said and immediately chose one at random which turned out to be a Large body heartless "Hey i'm fat!"Ben said
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