ben 10 meets kinghearts

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by naminestwinsister, Mar 2, 2008.

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  1. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    OOC:...What's going on...?
    Where is everybody?!
    And why does Pete smell like fried bacon?!
  2. sora n roxas rock Merlin's Housekeeper

    OOC all I know is that Larxene is talking to Riku and Kairi
  3. MajorSeargent Banned

    Feb 16, 2008
    Kairi looked at larxene and got mad alittle"I thought you were gone....Riku this is more joyful then port royal you see the colors not all gray."she said.

    Yuffie thjen found a rv and knocked on it"Knock knooooock"she sang.
  4. sora n roxas rock Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oh...yah...I don't know then maybe Radiant Gardens
  5. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    ooc-hey bama erm nothing has happened since the last time you posted other than the fact a few others joined

    bic- Larxene laughed again "Radiant garden? Nice try but not good enough I suppose you'd say twilight town next? We're on planet earth, a dieing planet"Larxene explained then summoned nobodies half of them set out to find sora the other half advanced on Riku and Kairi

    Sora heard a knocking at the door and opened it to see Yuffie "Hey yuffie! what are you doing here?"Sora asked

    "Friend of yours?"Ben asked tripping over and smacking the omnitrix against the wall and turned into Grey Matter "Stupid watch!"Ben shouted then he turned into upgrade then back to himself "Right, is this thing working right now?"Ben asked angrily, then noticed the omnitrix looked weird "Thats weird. Why didn't I stay upgrade?"As soon as Ben had said upgrade he went into upgrade "Yes! I've unlocked the watch again!"He shouted then possessed the RV hold on tight people we're going to the park!"He said and made the RV drive he ran over five nobodies the saw people at the park being attacked "Park this thing grandpa i'm going to save those people"Ben said going heatblast, he ran over to the Riku and Kairi and Larxene and burnt the nobodies which faded "Well that was eas, oh and hey woman if I were you i'd take your kids and run"Ben said to Larxene
  6. sora n roxas rock Merlin's Housekeeper

    Kids? *Riku questining* what makes you think that she can mother kids like...and thanks for taking care of them nobodies for us
  7. MajorSeargent Banned

    Feb 16, 2008
    Yuffie hugged sora with glee still licking her ice cream and un hugged Sora"Sora!There you are!"she said and looked back at Larxene"Hey it's that witch Larxene!"she said meanly

    Kairi looked over at Sora and smiled and huged him"sora there you are!"she yelled
  8. sora n roxas rock Merlin's Housekeeper

    hi Sora...where have you been?
  9. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    "Kairi, Riku! nice to see you guys"Sora said then saw Larxene "So the king was right!"Sora said "And it isn't just the organization but pete was after us earliar aswell"Sora said

    "OK, whats happening here?"Ben asked

    "Shut up doofus, can't you see they're having a reunion?"Gwen said

    Ben turned himself into Stink Fly and spewed his goop all over Gwen and burst out laughing, then, without meaning to turned into Grey Matter and Gwen caught him so, he turned into Cannon Bolt intostead so that Gwen dropped him

    "If your quite done, I'll be destroying the key-bearer now"Larxene said throwing some kunai in Sora's direction

    Ben turned into upchuck and ate the kunai and spat the energy ball at larxene but it missed and destroyed the slide
  10. MajorSeargent Banned

    Feb 16, 2008
    Kairi hugged Sora and then un hugged him"There here too!?!?!?Dang it!"she exclaims and loooks at Larxene summoning her blade out

    Yuffie took out a big kunai"Don't mess with a ninja!!!!!'she exlcaim wit her smile and jumps side to side
  11. sora n roxas rock Merlin's Housekeeper

    *Riku jumped infront of Kairi and Sora to protect them* come on can't you see these two need their time to see each other again *Riku joked*
  12. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    Naminé poked her head out of the RV and saw Larxene and hid under Ben and Gwen's bunk bed

    "Your just jealous of me"Sora joked back and summoned his keyblade"Hey Riku this my impression of you" Sora said "Hey look a heartless hi there... uh oh a nobodie I will use the keyblade"Sora paused and swiped the air "Oops that was my house key now i'm locked out"Sora said then threw the keyblade at Larxene who dodged and used thunder
  13. MajorSeargent Banned

    Feb 16, 2008
    Kairi giggled at sora "sora!..You 2 stop it!!...Hehehehehehe....When we get back to the islands you two can have a race!...Or a little battle"she exlcaimed hitting them both in the head giggling

    Yuffie then threw her giant kunai at Larxenec like a boomrang and it came back
  14. sora n roxas rock Merlin's Housekeeper

    Your also jealous of me and at least I never slept in the same cloths for a whole year and no one forgot me *Riku said attacking Larxene*
  15. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    Sora used the stop spell on Riku and Larxene and got out a permanent marker, and doodled and their faces then, to finish it off he put it so Riku and larxene could eachothers faces and stabbed Larxene, then the stop spell wore off and Larxene was starting to fade "I win!"Sora exclaimed

    "So you think!"Larxene said"Thats how you are foolish you merely wounded me nothing can be stitched up, besides I have no vital organs so HA!"Larxene said "My jobb was just to test your fighting skills to see how much you've improved but it looks like you haven't improvedat all"Larxene said laughing and dissappearing

    Sora just blinked and burst out laughing at Rikus face handing him a mirror
  16. MajorSeargent Banned

    Feb 16, 2008
    Kairi giggled at riku and wipes it off with a tissue"You 2!!!"
  17. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    "What about us?"Sora said looking at Rikus face to see it covered in smudged pen "What in kingdom hearts? Riku what happened to your face!?"Sora said "Oh it hasn't changed at all from the way its always been"Sora laughed

    Naminé poked her head out and dragged herself outside "Oh. Hi Kairi, Riku, you two alright?"Naminé said quiet as a whisper
  18. MajorSeargent Banned

    Feb 16, 2008
    Kairi nods and wi[pes there faces clean"Stop it werere new here not getting off thw wrong foot"she says and then smiles at Namine"other me"she says.
  19. sora n roxas rock Merlin's Housekeeper

    *When Kairi whiped the pen off of his face he glared at Sora with an evil glare* you know when you least expect it I'm gonna get you back for that *he said with a evil smirk on his face*
  20. sweet_and_silent Merlin's Housekeeper

    "I'm not you, you get a keyblade, me, i'm just left to be saved time and time again by Sora"Naminé said

    "Thats not true!"Sora said
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