Below why don't you

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Hayabusa, Oct 10, 2014.

  1. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    Hi, I'm James. Let's be close friends so I can see these costumes when you make them

  2. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    What's got you in such a bad mood, James? You're really being a dick to the new guy. If you don't like something, then ignore it.

    And for the record, using reaction images from the series' you love all the time, is usually considered even worse than memes. Git educated, pleb.

    >using meme arrows
    How can one person do so many things wrong?
  3. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Let's all be friends and play nice.
  4. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    >still calling them meme arrows
    >Troll sighted

    Fandom images are actually a huge thing here like it or not. There's Who images, Supernatural gif threads, etc. I appreciate you defending the new guy, I've defended many, but let's not let him make bad habits, get to a thousand posts, and then be a member we hate every time he enters a thread.

    We can both name several members who were allowed bad habits and now contribute in a way no one really likes,

    Like wise, when Hector used Danganronpa reaction images in every. single. post, you all went mental on him because he went overboard and was flooding pages. Guess what? He stopped. KHV has never been a community where we use meme images. We use dumb gifs of head shakes.

    Memes can be considered worse or better in some communities all day. You could say the same about mashed potatoes. Example: Tumblr hates memes, loves reaction images. Reddit hates reacton images and love memes. Back to memes, they're jokes that aren't really jokes and don't go over well here. If you go in a community and try to force them to obey your will and include you and how you behave, then you're being a moron. Flat out. It's entirely selfish to walk into a circle of people who're talking about cars and demand they talk video games because cars won't interest you.

    If I wanted him out, we both know I'd be blunt and just frankly say "I don't like you, get out." I want more new members, especially ones that type semi-well like this guy. I also want him to fit in and not change the community.

    Tl;dr be in the community because you like the community, don't try to adjust it.


  5. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    >calling me a troll
    Who you callin' a dummy, dummy?

    All I'm really saying, is that you could have said it in a nicer way. You don't have to write paragraphs insulting something he seems to like. Just say "Hey buddy, you might want to calm down with those." or something like that. No reason to go all willy nilly.
  6. KaiserDragon Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 9, 2014
    This is a flat out statement, not advice.

    This is me saying I am begining to think you may be, it's an opinion. See the difference.

    "You know, those things that happen when you lose imagination and sacrifice personal identity to be in an in-crowd of "geeks and nerds" and make jokes where the punchline was generated ten thousand images ago."

    This is you not trying to make me better, if you were really trying to do that you response should have been something like "No offense mate, but memes are so old, you really should try to come up with something original instead of recycling those overused pictures." See now THIS is what I call trying to better someone, instead you just come off as rude to people who use memes, and it is exactly why I said I thought you were begining to come across as obsessed.

    Oh and btw, while you may have been a member of this community for 8 years (despite your profile strangly saying 2012 >.>) this doesn't mean you own it or can try to tell new people (namely me) how to act once they join it, rest assured, I will be using memes if I feel like it in the future. Sorry if you don't like it, but you will have to...


    In case you hadn't noticed, I joined this website, that makes me a part of the community. I use memes because I associate the line I used with the meme I used, see the logic there? Did you see one of my previous posts where someone mentioned salt, then I used a picture of a salt n sweet ice lolly reference KHII because I associate this site and the lolly with the game it came from. I use memes when I associate the line I use with what I thought to reply, it may not bring an outright laugh to the people I reply to, but it might bring a smile to their faces and in doing so fulfills its purpose.

    "I told you how crap the images were" That distinctly sounds like advice to me, good job mate. :)

    Its not about whether or not I find it funny, (I find it mildly amusing fyi) its about the fact that I associate the line I used with the picture it went with. Like my previous reference of the salt lick lolly?

    At the end of the day, if I use something it is my choice alone, the same as it is your choice to be annoyed/call me lazy/whatever, I am still going to be the same old me, perhaps you should learn to deal with it as I have no intention of changing.
  7. Amaury Chaser

    Jan 15, 2007
    Ellensburg, WA
    Can't seem to find his profile, but he actually joined back in 2007, if I recall correctly. However, his original account was banned due to misunderstandings, I believe.
  8. KaiserDragon Merlin's Housekeeper

    Oct 9, 2014
    It says it right below his avatar mate, on all his posts.
  9. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    Admiring your defense, sir.

    Yeah, but you're wrong on me. Saying I'm quick to dismiss them and saying I'm obsessed with hating them are things that may not be mutually, exclusive, but I explained myself. You keep using them- actively finding them. I tell you to get them out of my face. See the difference? One if I've been here along time, I know a lot of other people here who've been here along time, and they're not something that goes over well here. Though before you think otherwise, your deal with it image is fine.

    I like that you just made up a narrative here. I don't think memes are old, so why would I say that? I wouldn't say no offense, because I meant offense- positive reinforcement isn't always the best way to help someone. Either way, not obsessed. Tired. Absolutely tired. You have to understand, you joined here recently... why? Because KHIII is coming out soon/KH2.5 just came out and you wanted videos and this site's name is pretty self explanatory. You joined the forum because you wanted community. You also have to realize you're not the first, and not the first I've scolded on memes. Some of our now-premium members have been scolded by me for memes. If you want a sense of community here, and you want KH2.5 and KHIII videos, perfect. You're supporting the site and keeping us going. But don't bring things from other communities into a new community. That's not how small communities like these work. I wouldn't go on a Genesis hobbyist forum and use images or habits I use here. They're different places where established peoples have established ways of posting and having fun. Observe, participate as normally as you can, and indulge. But don't just call out a regular, and don't just use stuff from other communities and get offensive when you get called out. Which is weird advice, I know, because I admire that you're defending yourself and keeping up with the blows. But, you really shouldn't do this when new.

    1. Alright, but you're going to piss people off. Lots of them. And I will be one of the ones to call you out every time. So instead of just boxing people out and annoying them, why don't you... try. Actually try. It's really not hard. I got a lot of images while looking for that KiD image to court Spunk. I even had an image for when she laughed in my face.

    2. Amaury's close- I joined in 05/06 (can't remember) during the pre-vBulletin days. I was like member #30. I got raged banned in like 2010 and just didn't work it out, but kept in touch with the locals. Came back, I post quite a bit. If you're wondering why I'm not premium, I'm a spamzone creature. But I was a staff member back in the day.

    Yeah, but you can do better than a meme. And you seem to know it. I don't even need to explain it again because you've basically... done that.

    If someone said "these food products are crap", is that not advice? They're crap. Don't use 'em. I'm giving you a recommendation from my life experience to better your own. That fits within the definition of advice. Advice doesn't have to pat ya on the butt and send you off on your way to giggle and play.

    Do English peeps say lolly for poppsicle? That's just me being curious. But I don't care if you make references- I just made a reference to Killer is Dead, but is there a point to making a reference to a meme? Something that's already a reference with a generated punchline and laugh track? You never answered that. In fact, you didn't answer any of my questions regarding meme quality. You just kind of said they make you chuckle mildly.

    You really have no idea how crazy this sounds do you? "I can do things my way and I'm not changing, so you can do things your way but you're going to have to not do things your way" Again, it isn't just my way. I'm not the only one here who rolls their eyes at crap memes. You're coming in a community with no attempt to fit into the community. "Hi welcome to SEGA Ret- YOU GUYS LIKE NINTENDO? I'm gonna talk Nintendo. Deal with it"[DOUBLEPOST=1413049076][/DOUBLEPOST]
    He's refering to my first profile- Original username is shadowjak
  10. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
  11. Hayabusa Venomous

    Feb 3, 2008
    Cisgender Male
    My thread...what happened to it...
  12. Nate_River Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 28, 2007
    >getting this mad
    >shiggy ****ing diggiy
  13. Jiηx You're such a loser.

    Sep 27, 2006
    Twisting like a flame in a slow dance, baby.
    You better be part of the giant ****ing sea turtle fandom otherwise you have no right to post this.
  14. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
  15. Nate_River Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 28, 2007
  16. Fork These violent delights have violent ends

    Apr 1, 2007
    Story Brooke, Maine
    fyi KaiserDragon, don't listen to DigitalAtlas. He's just a big meanie who's trying to scare off all the members of KHV.
    You're cool and I like you.
  17. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    Hey it's those incomings I mentioned. It's always the same three pepole who don't actually like and rarely post here.

    Man, I can't wait for him to settle in and every one to hate him for certain ways of posting. You act like I've never seen the mega -__-"

    But yeah, your one group who always tries to discredit me is here just dismisskng me. Hang on, I'll grab a group and it'll cancel and we can get back to helping someone. As I said, if I wanted him to leave, I'd tell him to leave

    Rather, you guys used to HOUND Labrys for memes. I took him under my wing, yelled at people who yelled at him, and he became well liked. Of course you have no examples. You guys show up here when you want to spite me. In a group.

    Mildly funny
  18. C This silence is mine

    Sep 30, 2006
    >thinking the mega chat is still active
    >implying these aren't meme arrows
  19. Nate_River Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 28, 2007
    it's like you shower in mad every morning. I've never seen someone get this worked up over arrows and old jokes.
  20. DigitalAtlas Don't wake me from the dream.

    Oct 1, 2006
    Blossom City
    Why do you keep saying I'm mad? Big assumption. I'm not. But keeping making general assumptions.

    Meme arrows were also an example. It's actually pretty clear you haven't read a thing here