Okay-Im repulsed by the consept of eating meat-But the problem is-I kinda have to eat it.. I told my dad about my new found vegetarianism but he start saying "Oh-What book did you read this time" and "Who are you trying to impress?" I simply replied "I haven't liked the concept of meat for a while now..." Meat is still made for my dinner and sometimes I just give it to the dog if I know I can get away with it but my parents know that I start doing that so they start making stuff like Burgers and Mince Pies-Which I cant give to the dog without it being obvious so I have to eat it-I know what your probably thinking-Nobody put a gun to your head and forced you to eat it-But in my house-This kinda stuff would cause a full scale Riot/Argument and I do what to avoid that because everything is so calm these days.. So...Any Advice?
First off, don't give it to the dog. Table food generally isn't made for them and that can cause problems, even if it's meat. Secondly, offer alternatives for what you can eat. Make some kind of deal with them, like if you're not forced to eat meat, you'll make your own dinner and they wouldn't have to cook, you would.
(I knew either you,Styx,Catch the Rain or lilBruno would comment on this first xD) Okay-The Dog thing:Noted And I cannot cook -_- lol
Learning to cook can be a lot of fun, plus it will give you something to do and may help with your other issues (the stress etc). See if they will consider meat alternatives such as quorn. It seems a bit unfair of them to make meals deliberately so that you have to eat meat, that is pretty malicious. You've said before about your mom being quite supportive of you, see if you can get her on side. If everything is much calmer at home now then you should feel comfortable to talk to them about your opinions, just make sure to be mature about it. Maybe if you let them know how seriously you feel about the issue they will take it into further consideration. ^^ good luck~
My mum finds it a pain in the arse to make me a meat alternative when everyone else is digging into burgers or lasagna, so I can why your parents might be annoyed. If you stick to your values, though, they'll realise you're serious about being vegetarian and you can discuss it with them. Why don't you go food shopping with them next time they go, and point out the meat alternatives available? Kay mentioned quorn; I eat quorn and it's a really good alternative and pretty easy to find. It also cooks the same way as meat so it wouldn't be much hassle at all.
How about stop being rude and unappreciative and just eat the meat? I mean honestly. If your mom is a bad cook or whatever, you still eat it traditionally because you LIVE in her HOUSE and she takes care of you. Just because I'm "repulsed" by the idea of my mom's spaghetti (which i am by the way), i still eat it, because I appreciate that she made it for me and everything else she does. Do you have any idea how ridiculous you sound right now? I know this sounds cliche', but try telling a starving child in Africa that you are repulsed by eating meat. Now if you're taking care of yourself or paying rent, that's a different story. But I can think you can put up with eating meat for a little bit. I mean even if you did still decide to cook something else and eat it right in front of your family, do you even realize how rude that would seem? Seriously, reality check time.
Em-My mum is an amazing cook just so you know-She is supportive of vegetarianism-Its my dad who makes meat AND The only reason I do eat it is because I dont want to cause an argument-So im not just saying "Oh-I dont like meat so you can go eef off" And I am taking care of myself thank you very much so yeah it is sorta different. Im so sorry that I dont like eating the butchered parts of animals that died for such a good reason! Yeah for that I apologise... ...Yeah Right.
I was using that as an example. If your mom makes you a pasta or something you don't go OH NOT I'M NOT EATING THIS **** I HATE PASTA. That would be rude. It's the same thing with meat. Nice job missing the point.
Dude-I eat the meat to avoid an argement-Its not like I just say"Oh-Um-**** this" I know how rude it is.
Okay-That was sorta laugh worthy lol But if you read: DPWolf-First off, don't give it to the dog. Table food generally isn't made for them and that can cause problems, even if it's meat. SoraUchiha-Okay-The Dog thing:Noted So Yeah lol
Fair enough. If you really want my advice, it's that you eat what's in front of you. Demanding food apart from what everybody else is eating is an inconvenience and rude, and I'm sure you can bear eating meat. If your mom is supportive of you, that's great, you should try to get as much help from her as possible.