Behind those broken Mirrors...

Discussion in 'Archives' started by GenesisRebirth, Jan 14, 2008.

  1. GenesisRebirth Merlin's Housekeeper

    Ok, well this is an rpg about a bunch of friends finding a mirror to a parallel world. If you are a girl, in the opposite world, you have a boy, and vice-versa! It only works at a certain time to travel to the other world. In the opposite world, there exists magic, but in the normal world, it hasn't been there for thousands of years. But something is coming, something dark.
    ^-^ If you want, you can give me ideas on what to happen in this rpg!

    Just to let you know that you have to have a minimum of 2 characters.

    Ok, so if you want to join, you have to write down:

    Pic (optional):
    Opposite world:
    Normal World

    E.g here's mine for example:

    Names: Kyra & Kyro
    Ages: 15
    Horoscopes: Leo
    Bio: Kyra: A sickly yet happy girl who would stop at nothing to beat her illness. She unfortunately, has a shortened lifespan, but acts like a normal teen, to hide it from them. She's into making music.
    Kyro: A healthy yet bossy boy who always mocks people. He is troublesome and a bit of a dare devil.He loves to skateboard. Hates School.
    Pic (optional):[​IMG]
    Opposite world:Kyro
    Normal World:Kyra

    Ok, spaces for now that are currently available = 20 (Opposites and Original count as 1)
    Rules are simple:
    No God Modding!
    Have Fun!
    Don't overdo cursing!!

    People currently applied:

    1. Ipeck (Kai + Kairi)
  2. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Sign me up dude, I'm bored and broody!

    Names: Kai and Kairi
    Ages: 16
    Horoscopes: Scorpio
    Bio: Both very much alike, both sweet and calm. They recognize whenever they can't help in the situation, and laugh it off. They are childish and by all outward appearances, normal teenagers.
    Pic (optional):





    Opposite world: Kai
    Normal World: Kairi
  3. GenesisRebirth Merlin's Housekeeper

    Spaces left:


    need at least 4 more to start.

    Just to let the others know that the worlds iss like a mirror image, some things never change and somethings do, where lets say a person who had died in an normal world is still alive in the other, and the what if's in our world happens in the opposite world but not the normal, and no magic in normal and too much in the opposite. Hope you all can understand a bit more!
  4. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Thanks for the tip, I can get the idea of it now! ^-^ TBH, I was a little confused at first!

    Does that mean in the other world you can:

    Use weapons and not get arrested.
    Use the magic.