"Before They Were Nobodies" Organization XIII RP

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Flowers-For-You, Jan 13, 2007.

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  1. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Braig sighed, running his fingers through his hair some more at Tsuki's reaction. Well... I tried... he thought, pulling on his jacket. He tied his hair up into a neat ponytail, put on one of those hat\caps things that gangstas wear, and slipped on a pair of small sunglasses that were so dark you could hardly tell he had eyes behind them. He also pulled on his little gold rings that went on his fingers - except his pinky ring, of course...Then, he strode over to the closet and pulled on a pair of pure white Nike shoes.

    He turned to Tsuki, arching an eyebrow. "Well... I'm ready. what do ya think?"
  2. Demyxu Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 5, 2006
    I live in Demdem's pants.
    "Oooooh...." would be the only response from Tsuki, followed by, "Gangsta Nation~" in a singing tone. He hopped off of the bed and grabbed his dice blingage and put on his airwalk. His looked down at himself and let his pants sag down behind his butt. Not like he ever cared who could see his boxers. He was proud to show 'em off. He'd point in the air with small anime circle eyes, mouth open with a cat tooth hanging out, and shouted, "TO THE.....Wait, where were we going again?" Normal people would of fell over for the stupidity of him, but he'd just stare at them with a good blank stare.
  3. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Braig slapped his forehead, practically embarrased FOR Tsuki. "Well... Let's see. First we're going to that all you can eat buffet thing, then to the park, then we're just gonna walk around doing nothing until the bar opens at... Uh..." He thought. "I think it was 8 o' clock... Somewhere around there. After that... I'm assuming we're going back home...?" He jammed his hands into his pockets casually as he said this, practically oozing the word "gangsta."

    ((EVIL Celeste, making me come up with all the places they'll go to when it was YOUR idea in the first place to make 'em go anywhere at all!!! >=O *throttles*

  4. Demyxu Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 5, 2006
    I live in Demdem's pants.
    "Boom baby!" he shouted as he did a backflip, now remembering what they were doing. "Yeah! Let's goooooo!" He shouted, pointing towards the hall to the door before slipping on the rug. With a hastened pase, he got up and looked around, saying, "Meant to do that. I was just puttin' on a show yo." The chains on his pants rattled as his feet shuffled agenst the flooring as he went to the door, hands shoved in his pocket while he looked down at his feet. He made a fool of himself infront of Braig AGAIN.

    (God I love making Lux totally blonde <.< )
  5. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    ((So do I. <3))

    Braig slapped his forehead again, then dragged his hand down his face, rolling his eyes. Oh, what a wonderful pair we are... he thought, placing his hands behind his head. ((Sorta like how Sora is always doing in Kingdom Hearts 2. XD)) How did I ever get stuck with this goofball...? he wondered.

    "Whatever..." he sighed, striding to the front door. "Let's just go, m'kay? And TRY not to embarass me in public, savvy?" He opened the door, and leaned on the frame, motioning out. "After you."
  6. Flowers-For-You Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 12, 2007
    Hugging on Mari's leg
    Ienzo turned in his sleep, laying an arm over Evan who was next to him. He suddenly noticed this and opened his eyes in surprise. "Evan! Your still here? I thought you would have already left by now..." Ienzo blushed slightly while taking his arm away.
  7. Demyxu Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 5, 2006
    I live in Demdem's pants.
    Tsuki shrugged and walked out infront of him. He looked to and fro while waiting outside for Braig to follow. Once he did he'd lead the two of them to the resteraunt that they were heading for. He thought what he was gonna get while they started to walk. He wasn't sure if he could go on for a while without being a total blonde, but knowing him it wouldn't take long to make a fool of the both of them.
  8. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    Evan shook his head and smiled. "No...I..wanted to stay here...I can go if you want me to though." He sighed and started to stand up.
  9. Flowers-For-You Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 12, 2007
    Hugging on Mari's leg
    "No!" Ienzo shouted then looked a little embarressed. "I just... wasn't expecting you to stay, thats all..." He looked away, hiding the side of his face that was visible to Evan under his hair.
  10. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    Evan smiled happily and wrapped his arms around Ienzo again, snuggling his face against the man's neck. "Ienzo..." He muttered quietly before turning red with embarassment
  11. Flowers-For-You Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 12, 2007
    Hugging on Mari's leg
    Ienzo smiled slightly, both shy and happy. He wasn't sure what to say without sounding stupid so he stayed silent, just running his fingers in Evan's hair.
  12. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Braig sighed, his stomach rumbling. Yep. He was a bottomless pit, and he was very damn well proud of it. He glanced at Tsuki, taking his time walking. ..... WHY is he going so slow?! he screamed in his head. I shoulda never let him take the lead... He blinked, and then metally shrugged. Well... Ya know what they say... Ladies first.

    He snickered, then rushed up to Tsuki, grabbing his arm. "You're taking too long. Let's go." he said hurredly, speeding toward the resteraunt.
  13. Arc Kingdom Keeper

    Sep 25, 2006
    Evan shyly turned his head toward Ienzo as he felt the man's hands in his hair and smiled. He slowly leaned forward and kissed him, his face going red again as he quickly looked away.
  14. AlexleHoshi Dude called Alex

    Nov 2, 2006
    In a house duh
    After getting to the lad Myde walked around slowly opening door till he found the room where Ienzo was in, when he opened the door to Ienzos room he saw him just being kissed by another man
    "I-Ienzy!?...How could you!?" Myde shouted as he started to cry again, he wanted to run away or to attack the man Ienzo was with but he was just to shocked at what he was seeing
  15. Demyxu Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 5, 2006
    I live in Demdem's pants.
    Tsuki was whistling before he was pretty much dragged towards the resteraunt. "Hey! Wuh, wooooa!" he said, tripping over as he tried to keep up with Braig, failing in even trying to walk with the other. It seemed that the other was either too hungry, or was just impatient. It was most likely the impatient one.
  16. 2Foxxie4U ~The Forgotten Crusader...~

    Oct 22, 2006
    The internet! Duh!
    Braig burst in, still dragging Tsuki along, and said to the clerk, "Table for two, please..." The clerk looked at them both strangely, then said, "Uh... Okay... Just wait a moment, please, sir..." and he pointed to the table across the room. Braig sighed, rolling his eyes, and dragged Tsuki over to the table, plopped down, and crossed his arms, a pissed look on his face. Waiting for food wasn't exactly his idea of a good time...
  17. Demyxu Merlin's Housekeeper

    Nov 5, 2006
    I live in Demdem's pants.
    Tsuki was still being dragged when they went inside of the resteraunt. He stayed silent before Braig took a seat at a table that he reserved for the two and sat across from him. He stayed silent until the waitress that came by snorted loud enough for him to notice. He'd raise a brow and give a glare before saying, "I'll have the steak."
  18. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Larene looked in shock as she saw what happened when Myde found out about Ienzo and Evan's affair.
    I need some fresh air... she thought, but then looked back at poor Myde crying and with a huff, she walked straight up to Ienzo and said sofly, but harshly, 'Would you like it if Myde had kissed another guy in front of you? Or are you happy now that you have broken his heart?'
  19. Flowers-For-You Traverse Town Homebody

    Jan 12, 2007
    Hugging on Mari's leg
    Ienzo looked up in shock to not only see Myde standing before him, but also Larene. "M-Myde?! Larene?! I..." He stuttered nervously, but began thinking to himself about what he had said in the cafe. "Well, I told Myde that I wasn't sure if I really loved him, it was all going too fast and I wasn't sure what I was feeling! I wanted to take it slow and just think of him as a friend for a while, but as soon as I told him that, he left without even saying a word to me!" Ienzo couldn't hold back the tears he had previously cried for Myde. "I thought Myde had left me for good! I had no idea that he would want me back! It's not like anyone would ever want to be with me forever anway..."
  20. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    Larene crossed her arms and began tutting a little, and muttered, 'He might have been in a bad mood, or something that he had to leave so soon'
    She then unraveled her arms and revealed a Kleenex Tissue and handed it over to both Myde and Ienzo, and then looked back to Myde and asked, 'Myde, do you love Ienzo? And why did you leave Ienzo in the cafe?'
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