Alright, so everyone knows about Square, obviously. Everyone knows of Square Enix, but no one seems to know where 'Enix' came from. Well, I just have to say whoever doesn't, deserves to get a flying dog to the face. I don't want to sound violent, but seriously. People draw the conclusion that Square ( or Squaresoft ) deliberately changed their name like what they did with the name 'Squaresoft'. Now, I can understand that since those people never really read the magazines where it was announced. Famitsu, GameInformer, etc. Well, what makes me mad about the whole situation, is that they draw the conclusions that the games that are most popular now with the title 'Square Enix' were Square games in the first place. Such as Dragon Quest and Star Ocean. Even the people who played the games and memorize it from the deep love of their heart, are some of those people. Although, I understand that you could draw that conclusion the fact that Chrono Trigger was originally a Square game, and Dragon Quest has the same art style and is developed by Square Enix. But still, it sets off something in my head. Seriously? Have any of you guys here had to deal with this small, yet arrogant problem?
No because it isn't even an important problem. I used to think they changed their name just cuz. I never heard about Enix or the merger until near the beginning of this year!
Honestly, that's alright. Because a lot people never really pay attention to that, but once I actually did, I was all "WTF?"
Sadly some people still do not know that Enix was a seperate entity, which is a shame since they came out with many amazing games like Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, Terranigma, and the Dragon Quest series. Plus they were the ones that published Full Metal Alchemist in their monthly manga.
meh all i noticed was that their games were WAAAY better when they were Square Soft than when they were Square Enix
Evilman is right...but it isn't Enix's fault. It's square's fault. Dawn of Mana compared to Secret of Mana for example. SoM owns all...and always will.
Yeah, most people aren't aware of it. Enix was far more successful in Japan than in other markets, as far as I know. I wonder, has the merger affected SE's games much? I mean, I think it deserves much of the blame for Final Fantasy XII, the horrific abomination that it was (IMO). Although they have made KHII and TWEWY since, so maybe not...
Don't blame Enix. Square's the one messing up. The Mana series is failing because of them. KH2 should have been more like FM+.
Yes. It is Square's fault really. They shouldn't have let what's-his-face direct FFXII... I agree with you about KHII. Final Mix + is just so much better than the original game. All of the stuff that should have been in the original are in FM+. Those extra cutscenes and bosses improve the game dramatically.
No we didn't forget. SE started changing before the merger. Enix hasn't effected other longer running series...Square just simply...changed.