Becoming Immortal by Cloning

Discussion in 'Debate Corner' started by Gamefreak103, Sep 12, 2007.

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  1. Caetlin Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 17, 2007
    I agree that we should really clone animals over humans. We can use them as a food source. Cloning humans would just deplete the already dwindling resources we have.
  2. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    But would you really want to eat a clone? What if it had some sort of genetic defect or something that affected us when we ate it?

    Unless we could find some way to clone animals quicker than they reproduce naturally, than cloning them for a food source is no use.

    I do agree, though, that cloning humans is a bad idea.
  3. Nymph of Destiny Chaser

    Jul 23, 2007
    Just listen to your heart for me...
    Well, first of all, cloning, which is probably similar to a surgical process, would have dangers and other such problems. So it wouldn't be very safe to use, especially on humans. Cloning animals might cause the same problem, so it'd be better not to clone anything or anyone. Also, it depends on what you need to use to clone, and if you're going to squander any of the limited, external resources we have. So, all in all, it'd be better not to clone.
  4. Patsy Stone Мать Россия

    Apr 30, 2007
    Northern Ireland
    The cloning of humans would be used to create a ready supply of body parts for organ donation. It would (or at least should) not be used to create new life.

    But there will always be those with a big enough ego who want to bring themselves up through childhood V.V
  5. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...

    AMEN to that brother
    *gives high five*

    Cloning to live foever is not a good idea. Cause how can ones soul be copied? it can't, u can copy DNA and all, but it will never work out. also will the clone have a spirit or memories? in short i think a clone will be a nobodie(orginaztion XIII xDDDDDD)
  6. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth
    Cloning full stop is wrong, dude you can't clone a human just for spare body parts, thats a horrible way to think IMO. There are children whos characteristics etc are genetically engineered so that they can be organ doners/marrow doners etc for their siblings. Creating life just so that someone else can benefit from it, that to me just seems so wrong.

    Humans have a lust for scientific advancement, a need to see how far we can go, but sometimes I think we have already started going too far.
  7. Kairi9020 Traverse Town Homebody

    May 22, 2007
    In a house, in a country, on a world. Where else?
    Humans are not ment to live forever. It just wouldn't be right. Even if it was just a clone. Imagine if a serial killer had a clone. And if we are some how supposed to "download" their mind into a clone, wouldn't have the same mental issue that caused the serial killer to kill? Also, I doubt a clone would be able to feel or actually think, even if it had somebody else's mind in them. It would probably have the memories of that person life in them and just repeat it. They would be doing excatly what the orignal person did while they were living.
  8. OneWingedHeartless Gummi Ship Junkie

    Sep 6, 2007
    Humans are not meant to live forever, Yet if you try Becoming Immortal by Cloning then that would just make it horribly wrong. Think of it as you were making another replica of your item then it breaks easier and is more imperfect than your original item, That would mean that nothing is meant to live forever even by cloning (Ex. Riku's Replika was never meant to be real so he was never meant to live forever and would someday vanish just like that) it's great being an immortal and all but you wouldn't have rest and you would just be walking by to people who can die and rest in peace while you can't by suffering the same paths over and over again. Humans should never tamper with things they don't know or might cause them harm or a miserable life.
  9. JedininjaZC Hollow Bastion Committee

    Jun 15, 2007
    in a galaxy far far away...
    indeed, what if hitler had a clone!!?? what would happen hmmmm.
    Another holocaust against the world. Also WW2 would not be over if that happened. Also clonning an animal would make them stupider, cause they would all be the same, and driven into maddness. cloning not good, just look what happend to the JEDi!!lol(i know the jedi thing was unnecesarry)
  10. MARIExBRIARWOOD Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 9, 2007
    I am almost totally against cloning so this is rather ridiculous to me. I know all the advantages to cloning, and some would be nice to have, but because of how corrupt we as humans can be I would rather not have to deal with it.

    The things I think we would take advantage of is this:

    Organ donations - Say a human is cloned in all our likeness so that one day if we were on our deathbed we could get a nice healthy organ supply from them. Hello, has anyone heard of Dolly the sheep? She IS a sheep, but she does have her own sheepy life. She's even given birth to her own little lambs. So does that mean in the future its okay if we're dying to take organs from our clone who probably would have a mind and life of their own?

    Clone slavery - This is more likely than the latter. To clone the more healthy, athletic humans with a lot of skills and desired traits for the military to make our own little slave clone army. That way we don't have to go to war, but they can be reared and trained their whole life to. Anyways, they're just a clone they have no soul or mind of their own, so who cares?

    So, again I bring up Dolly. Genetically she is just like her "mother" but in all honestly, genetics aren't what make you who you are. I look just like my mom AND my dad in a nice even mixture, but I think NOTHING like either of them, though honestly I do act like my mom sometimes. I'm also a bit more mature than both both of my parents put together. I believe in God but I don't believe we all have our own little individual soul. I think we are given a part of one big soul the moment we are conceived. Is God so cruel that he would allow us to have the technology to create beings with no god and no little piece of soul? Or are we as humans just that cruel to create a being that is doomed to never walk in heaven or hell because they were never meant to be part of the cycle of life and death anyways?

    No I do not believe our mind can be put into that of a clone to live forever. Dolly was a baby once, and now she's a mother sheep, soon she'll be a grandmother sheep and die and had lived a wonderful sheepy life. If clones are really clones, then they'll grow old with time and die just like we do.
  11. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    It's not like cloning hurts anyone, you know. :3

    The being created from the person used for cloning will never have the same consciousness anyway. And the only reason people think it's "ethically" wrong is because people tell them it is. And the people instituting such judgment are taking life far too seriously in that case. Whether or not religion is right (since it's mostly religion saying it's wrong), there's no reason we don't have any reason not to know who we are and where we came from. :3
  12. MARIExBRIARWOOD Destiny Islands Resident

    Dec 9, 2007
    Nice and valid points, Darkwatch =]

    But I never had my parents or anyone else sit me down and tell me cloning is wrong. When we learned about cloning in Biology and whatnot the teacher didn't speak of it as if it were wrong. So I formed my opinions on my own based on my beliefs and how I think we would treat it in the future.
  13. Repliku Chaser

    I would disagree that 'cloning being wrong' in someone's mind is because others told them so. People do have free minds to think and examine things. After all, if we didn't, cloning wouldn't even be brought up in the first place and even people here are diverse on their opinions of it and it isn't just because of religion or parental units, school etc. We wouldn't have a lot of scientific theories even now if people didn't test the mold. Societies would stagnate much more and changes would be minimal if that's how it worked. Give some people credit that they can think here with their own minds. =:)

    The point raised about Dolly the sheep is true. Dolly is her own entity, just as an identical twin is. Religion is really not the reason for a no to cloning beings to leave them there on ice so people can get body parts or put their mind memories into a clone and go on. That clone -is- its own being. The ethical point here is that should Dolly, who has her own life, be made to give organs to her 'original' being? Should Dolly have her own kids? Should Dolly's kids be the property more of the original being's? Should Dolly, who can think and do things on her own, have her own life written off so her original can go on? Dolly is not just a copy. An identical twin is not just a copy. The clones are separate beings. So should someone have the right to take over the life of another being even though they provided DNA to produce that person? It borders to me on saying that just because a mother has a child, should that mother have the right to take that child's life and supplant her consciousness into that child's? After all, a clone is a relation to the original person and would be younger.

    I have nothing really against stem cell research but something that is already out and capable of living its own life seems a horrible waste to produce just so some jerks can live longer. I think a better aim of direction for cloning would be to consider the actual cloning of organs. We already can produce more skin from samples and such for burn victims. Some of the work leading doctors have done on burn victims is just amazing. It's sad many people won't see this treatment due to costs but it is incredible for those who do get it. Cloning from a person's DNA such things as organs themselves would seem a more positive direction than cloning a whole person for parts. As for the aging cloning dilemma, it seems to me that there are studies into the whole 'aging' process any way and as we humans go on, we are extending our durations of life as we raise our conditions of living to better and also learn more about diet, health, etc. Perhaps sometime we will figure out how to slow the 'aging disease' though I doubt we could ever halt it. These ideas though just seem more positive than the other option.
  14. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    actually you're wrong. i read somewhere that the clones all die after a while for an unknown reason. some of them die after 5 years of being creaing, some 7, but it's usually around 4-12 years. they die MUCH sooner than the real life span of the original. so the clones are the ones being hurt really. i am curious to know why they die untimely.

    yes, that IS wrong, especially if we steal body parts from them. even if they are slaves, that is still wrong. benefiting from it in any way is wrong
  15. Number13Roxas King's Apprentice

    May 11, 2007
    Why do you care?
    Playing god will result in drastic consequences, over populationand what about the clones, aren't they human also?
  16. Sabby Sleepy Panda Assassin

    Oct 16, 2006
    in your hearts
    I hate the idea of cloning PERIOD. I think it's wrong and unhumain. Just the thought of it is wrong. How do we even know that Cloning will actually work, since they will HAVE to test and if it goes wrong, people die from experimenting cloning. It's just ugh... and it ruins the population, we would be over populated and destroy the cycle of life by cheating death..
  17. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    Excuse my launge, (lol probably didn't spell that right but w/e) hell no! I mean, even if you mind could be downloaded, and it would go into a differant body, then your body still dies. You are inside your body. You body dies, you die. And just what Evil said, the mind isn't something that can be downloaded. lol kind of reminds me of Ansem from kh2 :P

    Umm, they have tested it, but not on humans. Sorry if that's what you meant, but yeah that have tested it, and it works. I read in a time magazine, that they said they were selling cloned meat o_O weird huh?
  18. EvilMan_89 Code Master

    Sep 30, 2006
    if we allow the person to live their life however they want to i guess there's nothing wrong with it. but they'll die much sooner than the real life span of a real human
  19. Dredica SNES was the best.

    Sep 6, 2007
    Press Ctrl+W to find out
    Where have you heard that^?
  20. Inasuma "pumpkin"

    Sep 25, 2006
    Indigo Plateau
    I meant "usually someone tells them it is," because most of the population isn't too completely aware of it. And even if they are, a lot of the time (usually) it's a brief idea of it. Sorry about that.

    Um, I can't recall me talking about whether clones are completely human/realistically living or not... That's the least of my concerns in the matter. Yes, I do care about the person like I would anyone else, but the concept of cloning is what I am focusing on. And whether or not people think it is right or wrong. Allowing people to make that judgment is up to them, of course. But if it's such a problem then they should probably just not try and worry about it and let the people who do care work on it. It wouldn't even have to be a secret, it'd just be there. If you're interested, go for it. If not, well... whatever.

    But that kind of nirvana society that respects cloning is never going to happen so... blah. xD
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