yes i have hit hippie but i love the beatles and i have whole bunch of favorites by them and my first song i learned how to play on the guitar is ealnor rigby =3
Honestly, I really don't like the Beatles it's just I don't know. I don't like them the tempo or anything. Even though they're PopRock, which is my favorite genre, I really dislike their music.
Rock and pop are waay different now to what they were in the 60s/70s though, so you really can't compare it to the pop/rock you like now. I like the Beatles and everything they stand for, especially during their more psychadelic phases. :B My friend photoshopped mine, her's and a few other of our friend's faces onto the cover of the Sgt. Pepper's album. xD; I wish I still had it... < random tidbit. I used to be able to play Yellow submarine on guitar (okay, that was about 10 years ago but w/e). My favourite song is probably Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds. How could you not love? We learned about 60s culture in history by watching Hard Days Night. Awesome. 8D Yoko Ono sucks. ):
I don't really listen to the beatles so I don't really know what their songs are like. Other than hippie like.
I like the Beatles. My mom was always playing them when i was little, so i kinda grew into them, i guess. I really really like Hey Jude, especially the Across the Universe version. Also, i know how to play Eleanor Rigby on my cello.
I like the Beatles. I don't think I LOVE them, since I haven't listened to a lot of their songs. But really, they are awesome, and almost everyone knows them. I actually enjoy their tempo and their lyrics. They have a lot of meaningfull songs that make me inspired. And I guess I like them because they are original, you'll never really see another band like them. The assasination of John Lennon was a huge surprise for me, I wasn't born in that decade, but when i did find out that he was assasinated, let alone DEAD, it saddened me D:
I love The Beatles. I was pretty much raised on them though so that's probably why. I have several favorites but Hey Jude and Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds are two I like especially. In addition to their songs I also love the Yellow Submarine movie. Across the Universe too, but of course that's only their songs.
I love the Beatles. They have a song for any mood you happen to be in, if you want to wake yourself up, mellow out or dance like a moron, the Beatles won't steer you wrong :P. Meh, not all of them. They actually have a nice variety.
The Beatles are legeeeends. Gods of music. :'D Yellow Submarine, Hey Jude, Help!, Penny Lane, Eleanor Rigby, so many awesome songs. :'3
One of my by far favorites is "I am the walrus" but theres also "Lucy in the sky with diamonds" and "yesterday"......jeez it would take meh a long while to list all my favorites by them