I know this game is month old news but I'm curious what was the overall kh-vids view on the game is? I was actually pleasantly surprised. Combat was very fun, I enjoyed the exploration and time limit, and the story was actually good. Of course there could of been some improvements, Hope was a huge problem. Sure he talked a lot, but the bigger problem was that he was always getting interrupted. You would actually miss out on story elements if you weren't careful. They should of made his story messages overwrite any hour mark reminders. Another improvement I think should of been made would be the adornments, what we had was cool, but they really needed sections so you could put on multiple ones. A glasses section, hat section, badge/tattoo section, other section etc. as well as a color palette to color them too. And I also think the last boss was a little too easy (You could literally deprotect and attack until he died through the first three phases) But other then that I think it was a really good game. No other complaints other those. I actually enjoyed it more the FFXIII. And I haven't played FFXIII-2 so I don't know how it stacks up against that game. PS: Could not find the official thread for it in the gaming section so I'm just making one here so I don't break any rules
It was okay I guess, but nothing to write home about. I thought the combat was better than in XIII and XIII-2 since there was no untweakable gambit to work with this time around, but I' m still not sold on it. It' s stuck between classic turn-based and Tales Of / Star Ocean style real time, but each of those halves shoot in the other' s foot, it' s not as fun as if it was 100% one of those halves. Story is a mess, reminds me of Chrono Cross in a lot of ways (I mean hello, the ending), but whatever. The time thingy wasn' t as annoying as I thought it would be, but it still seems beyond stupid to put time constraints in a RPG. It just gets in the way of whimsical exploration. As for the artistic side of the game, well, the XIII-verse never enthralled me and this one was the ugliest (and tiniest) by far. It' s a patchwork of mismatched things. Seriously, half of the garbs are the epitome of fashion faux-pas. And those fluorescent pink weapons, oh gawd that pink ! What the hell were they smoking ?!
Gameplay is a vast improvement from the previous two however the problem lies in that it might just be 2 games too late for anyone to care anymore to give it a try. Lightning Returns feels less like "The third XIII game" and more like "What the first XIII game was suppose to be" The story is also a clusternut
Am I the only one who enjoyed the gameplay from the first two games? granted I'm still working my way through XIII-2 but yeah
Late game FF13 is alright, but I did enjoy 13-2's gameplay. They didn't spend a million years on the tutorial
Pretty sure they' re trolling us on that one lol, remember the pink theme ? Well anyway, the premium pink is a marvel of sobriety compared to the pink I' m talking about. I sincerely doubt even the most hardcore Barbie fans wouldn' t find it ugly as ****.
I haven't played it yet, since FFXIII-2 just sorta ticked me off enough to lose faith in where they are going with this "trilogy." But I do like the costumes (sans stealing the wardrobe from previous FF games, oh lord) And actually hearing that the gameplay is better this time around makes me wanna try it. I'll probably wait forever for the price to drop and see how it goes from there.
No, I loved it. In fact, I see no reason to have added that minuscule movement to LR because it doesn't ever really serve a purpose and the costume change system is just a super limited paradigm system. And I've seen people play FFXIII quite a bit, so before y'all say LOL AUTO-BATTLE- 1. That will get you killed if you suck at paradigm shifting. 2. It will get you killed later even if you rock at paradigm systems. 3. You're the one who pressed auto-battle....
1. If you choose medic sentinel commando you'll win no matter what for the first thirty hours. It might take a while, but if you don't care about rank then it doesn't matter. Later on you need to be more strategic, but you still need to repeat the same basic steps over and over since enemies have way too much health (Seriously, I'm not sure what I'm going to do for my LP later in the game when a five star run of a boss battle is TWENTY MINUTES LONG) 2. You;ll get killed later if you rock because the game turns into an insane grind-fest at the end where you pretty much have to rely on exploits to actually get anything done in a marginally reasonable time scale. 3. Not pressing auto battle is a waste. It's slower, and auto battle often chooses better choices than the player can thanks to great AI, to the point where the only way you could regularly outdo it would be to constantly use a guide
It's not like Paradigm shifting takes any actual effort anyway. The only annoying thing is that you have to watch everyone do thier little dance at the beginning of every battle but that's more of a design flaw then an actual challenge.
There's also artificial challenge in the way that characters CAN move out of the way of attacks... but instead tend to cluster together