Birth by Sleep BBS Limit

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX' started by ◄Slip►, Aug 17, 2009.

  1. ◄Slip► 1st Class Coder

    I was thinking as many videos showed Terra and Ven fighting Solo do you think a moment in the game a Ally! may join your battle Like
    Ven & Terra and they can form a Limit
    because i think this might be possible in the game because Ven & Terra could have a limit where Terra changes his keyblade into a launcher and shoot Ven out and he does a combo of moves and kills enemies around him.
    Well xD i have a image in my head of a awesome limit.
    So you think Limits is gonna be in this game.?
  2. Naqki Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 13, 2009
    Definitely, it's an awesome thing and it's been in KH1 and KH2, I can't see them removing it, especially as they will have to rid of drive.
  3. ◄Slip► 1st Class Coder

    Ye because limits are gonna be Awesome with Terra because look at those forms in his keyblade... and each character might unlock that form in his keyblade but i think the Rocket Launcher form of his keyblade would suit Ven because he could launch him in air and Ven does some move in mid air and owns everyone around them.​
  4. Naqki Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 13, 2009
    Could you please explain what you mean by Terra's forms in his keyblade?
  5. ◄Slip► 1st Class Coder

    You know how in FM when he fights Sora he uses those different forms of his keyblade like that whip and cannon

    Like in this video
  6. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    The game is more about solo gameplay as three different characters than fighting together. Maybe there might be one fight with an ally but I really doubt it. Besides, Terra is too badass to fight with anyone else. I'd prefer using his keyblade morphing powers over teamwork any day.
  7. ◄Slip► 1st Class Coder

    I just think there should be one part in the game where
    all three of the main characters will come together and fight a huge amount of enemies like 1000 heartless battle... or somthing different and then you will be able to use limits...
    with whatever character you play as
    like if you play as Ven he would do a Limit with Terra or Aqua.
    and you could switch every cutscene to a different character like first 300 Ven next 300 Aqua next 400 Terra comes in sooo
    you can play as all characters in that big battle and do awesome limits together.
  8. RockmanDS Destiny Islands Resident

    Sep 18, 2007
    Twilight Town
    I think that the "Multi-Lock" attacks that are shown in the Terra and Ventus gameplay vids are the Limits of this game.
    I'm not sure if they're dependent on mode but Terra activated his in Fatal Mode while Ven used his in Speed Rave, so there might be others based on the mode that character is in.
  9. ◄Slip► 1st Class Coder


    Yea the may be Solo Limits because the Gameplay was mostly one playable character at a time and no allies....
    Soo ye the "Multi-Lock" limit may be just a Solo thing for one playable character but i can imagine teamwork limits begin possible....
    but no evidence..... so guess we gotta wait.
  10. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    It'd be awesome but pretty much impossible since it'd be on the PSP. In Crisis Core, there was a fight against 1000 opponents(not the last battle of the game) but they came in groups of...8 or 10 I think. It'd probably be a little tedious and not as epic with the limits of the system.
  11. ◄Slip► 1st Class Coder


    Yea that was at the ending...
    When Zack dies...
    Ye the PSP cant handle such a big fight..
    and they never had a big fight with a Ally! but im thinking about Monster Hunter had other people playing together and there was a little lag but it was ok..
    If they aint making ally's because of the amount of size and amount of power will be needed to power the game then i think it should be added because it w
    ould be awesome to have limits.
    Monster hunter had killed my battery when i played with other people i had charged battery and in 45mins i was out....
    I think BBS is gonna cut-down Ally! because they wanna save as much battery power so a gamer doesnt have to keep re-charging his PSP every 40mins.​
  12. Naqki Traverse Town Homebody

    Aug 13, 2009
    Either way it's not too bad, I mean the fact you can play as three different characters, and Aqua and Terra look pretty badass. Instead of poofy Sora.
  13. ◄Slip► 1st Class Coder

    i thought Vens Special/Limit attack was
    Lock and Bolt....
    0.0 Guess i got it wrong.