Here's an attempt at samurai drawing. Without any reference material except for the first episode of Samurai Champloo this is very hard stuff. I suck, seriously, I do suck. Tell me how to be better.
Well I never seen that anime/show before but... This is good, you don't suck >w< This drawing is really good, this is flawless :3 But I think you could use a little work on the hands. I can't quite get it when I look at it, but heck I think everyone need a little help there x3 So good job~ :3
The hand is wrong because a real hand would not act like that. It's all blocky and does not contour to the object's shape like a flesh and blood hand should. I noticed the hand thing after I posted.
The 2nd best out of all the ones I've seen. I like it alot. I would change the position of the sword so it looks bigger.
I like this style; it's very nice. ^^ The only things that bother me is the hand and the neck. The hand isn't really drawn right and the neck seems just a bit too thin. This is very well drawn, though. Better than anything I could do. Good job. ^^
I thought it looked better foreshortened because when I draw longer edges they get very ugly and messy. I had it placed for a down cut before but as I said I couldn't make a neat clean edge so I erased it and made it point straight out so there was a smaller chance for error.
Letsee..... The neck too long, the head is small, the sheath's end needs to be raised up a bit and his right arm's gone missing. Why? but on the other hand, I like how you draw his arms and his clothes. Especially the hat. Great job! ^^ And yes you and I are the same except you draw your own style and I draw my own and we both don't do well at it. So don't go off punishing yourself. Just enjoy the life of your own drawings. :3
In order, my necks and heads are weird all the time I've heard this all before, that'd be a bit of a pain to try and foreshorten, it's right there on the right holding the sword, the left on is behind his sleeve though because he's holding onto the sheath to steady it like they do. I can see where you get all your comments though. The people in real life also like the hat. Never.
The only true advice I can give you is to draw your characters naked first during the sketching process. Not becaue it's fanservice o: but because when you draw the outfit right away your eyes will easily get tricked by it, creating a funky anatomy as a result. If you make it a rule to start with what came first ( the body, then the outfit on the body ) perhaps you will see a change for the better in your drawings? But keep at it - I like this guy's head, looks like he's one you should never underestimate with the scruffy bears and all.
Duly noted, I generally start with a mental image wrapped around a stick figure frame and draw it out mentally before I commit to paper as I hate erasing. This new style could mean a strange breakthrough in either my perversion or artistic skill. Only time shall tell.