
Discussion in 'Introductions & Departures' started by Kaihedgie, Aug 23, 2008.

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  1. Kaihedgie Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 20, 2008
    Left for a while cause evidently, someone around here takes racism lightly
  2. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    What do you mean by that???
  3. Rosey Chaser

    Apr 15, 2007
    ummm okay ._. *is confused*

    Welcomeback. <3
  4. Kaihedgie Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 20, 2008
  5. Princess Snow White I feel such an isomniac.

    Oct 21, 2007
    My castle &lt;3
    Welcome back....?

    You could've PMed him about that instead of leaving ._.
  6. Mathias Jay beauty is in everything

    Oct 22, 2006
    Welcome back, I guess?

    Never knew ya, but hope I get to know ya?
  7. ~Namine_Hearts~ Gummi Ship Junkie

    May 23, 2008
    watching reborn
    umm....welcome back!
    hope you don't encounter something like that again ._.
  8. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    I'm surprised he didn't get an ear full from Tularim and Ghetto about that.
  9. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Oh plz. Anyone who takes racism seriously is a real *****. Not for nothing, but tell me, are you saying that that racist comment isn't true about half of the black population?

    Whites= mostly made up of stuck up idiots, who don't have the balls to do most things, are either tryen to act black, or are stuck up rich punks that think they are better then everybody else (which includes races). That applies to most of the white population

    Mexicans= most of the mexican populations do illegal stuff, act like *******s, steal, do whatever they can to tick off a white person, work in construction sights (and I know for a fact that this can apply to a lot of mexicans, cuz the neighborhood is filled with mexicans, and I can gaurentee, say a racist joke, and it can apply of 3/4 of my community, cuz I've seen it myself)

    Blacks= Yes, they do commit the most violent of crimes (in most situations), act like they are tough **** most of the time, are most likely to be caught with a weapon. This also is related to 3/4 of the population

    Jews= all jewish jokes I say lead towards the hasitics. Not for nothing, and this one I can agree if people disagree, but I think 90% of the hasitic jewish population is filled with *******s (their religion teaches they are the 'chosen ones', and they abuse the government to get them welfare since they have so many dam kids.). Now, I'm not saying all other jewish religions don't have their bad sides, but I like jewish races all but the hasitics, and that is a personal oppinion on my part

    Point being though is that just about every race has a bad side to them, which makes them up, and that is why everyone has so many jokes about them. But still though, I mean cmon, its not like people aren't a bit racist. I'm a white guy. I can willingly admit that my race is made up of monstly idiots who are probably screwen up this entire country (not that other races aren't also involved, but still).

    Now some may misunderstand, and that is fine with me, but, face facts, racist jokes can apply to 75% of each and every race.

    As far as I am concerned, only race that hasn't really been all that bad is Native Americans.

    But if you are going to be a little nancy all cuz someone made a racist joke, then you might as well leave this forum for good, instead of coming back and getting into a whole big fit about things.
  10. daxma Hei Long: Unrivalled under the Heavens

    May 14, 2007
    Ireland somewhere
    You are such a short sighted,noob flamer Deathsight.Who the F*ck do you think you are to judge people you don't even know.White people aren't all stuck up idiots unlike yourself because plenty of the people on here,like myself, that are white and aren't at all racist or think that they're above anyone.If that was the case then they should get off the internet because there are plenty of races on the internet.It doesn't apply to most white people.

    Mexicans aren't all law breakers just because the people around you are like that.Just because you've seen stuff like that doesn't give you the right to judge them like that.They've got the right to get angry about racist jokes about them and the chances are that if i had a mexican friend and a white guy made a racist joke about him i'd help him all the way.3/4 of Mexicans aren't like that.

    Where the f*ck did you get that out of.You watch way too many Movies and watch way too much T.V..
    Not all Black people carry weapons and if they do it's probably because they live in the Ghetto where they need a way of protecting themselves against criminals both Black and White.This doesn't apply to 3/4 of the Black population.

    Your opinion on Hasitics is just racist.Just because they have alot of kids.Thats there b usiness not yours.Who cares if the government has to pay out welfare, if anything, fair play to them for having enough commitment to have that many kids.

    Racist jokes don't apply to 75% of every race.You are just a blatent racist but refuse to just say it in front of people on the internet.I am in no way racist and i'm white so that shoots down your theory of a little racist.I'm friends with many people of different races.

    This kind of view is not in anyway exceptable on this forum.Your a racist and i'm informing an administrator.
  11. Deathsight44 Kingdom Keeper

    May 22, 2007
    Let's see what you can do.
    Yo dude, A. I aint a noob, cuz I've been here for a good year now. B. Pay attention. 75% . How many white people do you think their are in the world? Dude, we are talking billions here. Dude, all the people on this forum don't even make up a full 1% of the white race. You ever even consider that?

    Alrite then, fine. But still though, if I heard a white joke, then it isn't like I would get all pissed off about it. If I have a black friend (which I do), then I aint gonna get pissed off over a black joke. I mean, jees, we've even made fun of eachothers races.

    Fine then, you tell me. WHo is more likely to be found in a gang? A white guy, or a black guy?

    Dude, that money could go to a lot more use then just kids. I mean, jees, their religion even teaches the superiority of men. Just the other day, 2 hasitic families came and took a family stroll through the freaken mini golf course I was playen on with meh dad. I counted up to 14 people total. I'm tellen ya, they think they are better then us. Their religion teaches that they are the only ones goin to heaven. They believe in the superiority of men. They just aint a good group

    I'm friends with many people of different races to, and quite frankly, I don't give a rats ass abour racism. If someone is racist against me, then sure, I probably deserve it then. You think white people have a very good reputation? Do you have any idea how much bull we have done? We have messed with every other race in some way in the past, and even now, we are invaden muslin terrotory and supposidly "Democrosizing" it, or whatever the hell you want to call it. If I was a racist, then I wouldn't give a rats ass who knew about it, but, a joke is a joke. Some people find humor in it, some people do not. But there is no dam reason for someone to leave a forum because of something like "Shadow is black, of course he has a gun".

    Inform the dam administrators however the hell you want, but I aint racist. Like I said, I wouldn't care to let people know that I was a racist if I was one. But in the end, everyone has some form of prejiduce towards other races. It is freaken human nature. Ya sure, fine then, you aren't racist, but guess what. Unlike you, not everyone is perfect, whether they voice it or not
  12. Sanya Orussia’s 586th Fighter Regiment

    Oct 13, 2006
    Deathsight, that comment was really uncalled for and I'm going to warn you for posting that. You don't have the right to judge anyone by race/ethnicity. Daxma... thanks for informing me of this, but please don't retaliate to a post like that... Flame wars are against the rules here.

    This thread is closed, take your racist disputes elsewhere.
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