Babysitters Demyx and Roxas [Chapter 2]

Discussion in 'Archives' started by venster, Apr 22, 2007.

  1. venster You never heard of me, but I pop in time to time

    Jan 24, 2007
    Chapter Directory

    Chapter 2: Momma and Dada!

    Wrapping Axel in his blankets, Roxas and Demyx both ran to Xemnas’s room, as Demyx carried little Axel in his arms.

    “Superior!” Roxas knocked on Xemnas’s door.

    “What is it, #13?” Xemnas opened his door, a bit irritated from waking up due to the Key of Destiny.

    “Look!” Roxas pushed Demyx to the door and showed Axel to Xemnas.

    Xemnas was quite annoyed. “What is a child doing here?”

    “It’s Axel!” Demyx held the baby out to Xemnas. Axel giggled and reached out to Xemnas.

    “I see…” Xemnas didn’t want to really believe it. “This looks like #10’s doing.”

    “Huh?” 13 and 9 had question marks over their heads.

    Xemnas sighed and explained. “It’s not really well-known, but Luxord has the power of time. Only Luxord can fix Axel back to normal.”

    Shock went over Demyx and Roxas. “But Luxord is gone for 3 days!!!”

    Xemnas shrugged. “It’s not my problem. Just make sure that #10 fixes #8 back to normal.” He shut the door on them.


    First thing first was to make some clothes for the toddler. Cutting some holes in a red towel and lots of safety pins. Demyx and Roxas were able to make a suit just to at least cover the main part of Axel’s body.

    They went back to Axel’s room, where Demyx and Roxas talked about what to do with baby Axel as the toddler crawled around the room.

    “So I suppose we need to take care of him.” Roxas was watching the baby pyro.

    “Dada!” Axel hugged Roxas’s leg.

    Demyx started to snicker, as Roxas shot a glare at him.

    Axel crawled over to Demyx and hugged his leg. “Momma!”

    Roxas laughed as Demyx blushed in embarrassment. Suddenly, Axel started to cry. “Uh-oh.” Demyx started to freak out. “What do we do?! What to we do?!”

    “How can I know?!” Roxas lifted crying Axel up. He tried to comfort Axel by rocking him side to side, but the wailing didn’t stop. “What’s the matter?” Roxas asked as gentle as possible.

    “Ne!” Axel exclaimed, but still cried.

    “Ne?” Roxas and Demyx certainly didn’t know baby talk.

    “Ne!” Crying still continued.

    “Let me try to calm him down.” Demyx took Axel in to his arms. “Oh! I got it! He’s hungry!”

    Axel’s cry softened 3 volumes down. “Ne.”

    Roxas was amazed. “How did you know that?”

    “Mommy knows best!”

    Roxas shot Demyx a look saying: “Tell me the real reason.”

    “Ok…I felt his little tummy rumble.”

    Sorry that this chapter is so short. T_T
  2. Peyton Goddess Of Love ♥

    Feb 12, 2007
    It was fun even though it was a little short (:
    next chapter comming soon? (:
  3. coolgirl200 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 30, 2006
    Cool! Hehe...I can see Axel as a baby lol. ...Demyx is the Mom?! *snicker* *Demyx comes behind her hits her over the head with sitar* Ouch! ...Anyway, please write more! *begs, hopes this post dosn't sound werid since I'm really tired right now*
  4. Quiet Elegy This is the death of beauty.

    Apr 11, 2007
    lol that was quite funny :D demyx is the mommy? *falls over laughing*

    That's so cool! keep up the good work eastercat!
  6. Dawn King's Apprentice

    Man, you crack me up on this one eastercat! I tried to figure out what 'ne' was until Demyx said he's hungry. I would like to see food all over the walls on the next chapter. He's still Axel, right?