My new computer allegedly had its first blue screen. There was a notice that it had recovered, but I leave it on Wednesdays while I'm at college so it can perform its weekly scan, so I'm not 100% sure. However, from research I did a long time ago, if it's just once in a blue moon, then it's really no big deal, so I'm not worried. It's basically the same concept as glitches sometimes preventing you from advancing in a game, which is different from a bug because that's a constant thing that never changes, unless a fix is released or whatever, of course. Plus, when my computer goes to sleep, it doesn't stay asleep and will partially wake up on its own--as in the monitor won't come back on, but the computer will--and then go back to sleep and repeat. There are a few errors in the log, but not much. Although even the best of computers are never error free.
The best of computers are never error free, as no computer is. However id always look up error codes/Ids so you can sort of get a feel as to what is really happening. If it's faulty hardware or an overheating issue, don't sleep on it. You don't really have all that much time before things can get bad. If it's strictly software related, or more commonly some form of driver issue, then you should be fine/should be able to avoid the issue with ease.
Yup. I typically do that if anything happens too frequently. My old computer hardly got blue screens, but I know it's likely got a ton more errors.