"Baby memories"

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by MandyXRiku4ever, Mar 21, 2010.


What was your faverite memory of?

  1. Playing with toys

  2. Playground

  3. Meeting a friend

  4. Playing dress up

    0 vote(s)
  5. Chasing girls

  6. Hoildays

  7. Getting a question right

  8. Reading your first book

  9. First crush

  10. First taste of your faverite food.

  1. HellKitten Kingdom Keeper

    May 20, 2007
    Nowhere, OK
    Actually, I don't remember any of the options really :x My earliest memory, I believe, was when there was tornado warning in my town. I was three or younger. But it's one of my only memories. o.0
    I do remember throwing an Easter eggs at my brother... And then my brother threw one at my other brother... And then he threw one at my aunt and it turned into a whole Easter egg battle.
  2. Cherry Berry Chaser

    Dec 4, 2006
    Nudist Beach
    I remember one particular memory from the age of 3. I was sitting down at the hospital by my brother's bedside (he had been diagnosed with cancer for the first time, yet I thought back then that he had a funny tummy and that the doctors will fix it all up..) whilst munching constantly on salt and vinegar crisps. When they had to sedate my brother for theatre they had to take me out of the room and I remember giving him a hug and a kiss before leaving. I also remember him saying that I stank of vinegar.

    My grandad (who died a year later) from my dad's side happened to be in the hospital at the time, and my dad would normally take us there whilst my mum stayed with my brother. I remember how weak he looked, how pale his skin was and how weakly he used to grip onto my hand and say some things in portuguese. My dad seemed to be pretty tearful after talking with grandad so I offered him some of my crisps. He laughed lightly, and then told me, ''its ok sweetie, I'll eat some later.''
  3. Sakura Angel Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 26, 2010
    the erliest i remebber was being 3. I was sitting at my grandmothers house playing with my fav stuffed animlas. And her dog came in and took him out of my hand and i started chasing him yelling. right infront of me he ripped his head off and i started crying and picked up the body and the head and ran to mom saying the dog killed him. My mom tried not to laugh cause i was chasing him and tried not to laugh whe i said he died>.>

    After that I remember her talking to my grandmother and she said they were going into the "surgery" room (kitchen XD) and see if the could bring him back to life. so i waited and watched tv and they came out and said they put his head back together and that he was just fine and would live a nice long life :3 and yes i still have the toy XD it was a stuffed tiger
  4. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    I remember some of preschool, but I don't think I can remember anything from when I was a baby baby. I also remember many days of kindergarten.
  5. Day~Dream Kingdom Keeper

    Aug 29, 2007
    Exploring the cosmos
    Earliest memory I can remember is when I was 1, and I was out picking my birthday dress for my 2nd birthday party. Probably the best day of my life. First time I decided something for myself on my own. x3 I guess you can say I felt proud.
  6. Shadox D. Twilight Town Denizen

    Mar 13, 2009
    I always got excited when I got a question right... I still do xD
  7. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Lol, I can remember things way, way back. It's kind of weird. Like I remember nightmares I use to have when I was a baby (like wolves being down in my basement and the Big Bad Wolf coming to eat me *Shudders*) and I remember my mom holding me in my arms and singing to me to help me fall back asleep. I also remember falling asleep in a laundry basket, my sister practicing her clogging routines, and the time when my brother dumped my basket of jelly beans on the ground at easter. I also remember being scared of the fighter jets that use to fly over my house and I would run and hide under the porch because I thought they were going to hurt me. XD There's so many things I can remember, it's so weird. O.o
  8. Bubble Master Califa Hollow Bastion Committee

    Apr 20, 2007
    UK, England
    On holiday somewhere Spanish/Greek/Med in a playpen with toys.

    I think.
  9. AwkwardFailure Traverse Town Homebody

    Feb 22, 2011
    Putting my face through a desk.
    My earliest memory is me being about 20 days old, and my mom carrying me in her arms walking from the kitchen to our playroom (about 5 steps..)
  10. Spike H E R O

    May 12, 2007
    Some pub in Montreal
    There's actually a couple of things I remember from back when I was small.

    - I remember the day of my baptism, my mom had made me wear a sailor's suit an take a picture next to my older brother. I didn't like either of these things, so I started balling my eyes out. We've kept that photo in the living room every since.

    - I remember going to a store with my grandma, they had a piano there, and I was just pressing keys on the piano. A lady came up to me and commented about how the way I placed my hands on the keys were in perfect form or something like that.

    - I remember loving whip cream as a kid, so this one time I found a bottle of my mom's hair mousse and sprayed it on the ground. It smelled weird, so I knew I could eat it, but what I did instead was make balls of foam all over the bathroom floor and bounce on each one.

    - I also remember carrying a rainbow checker-pattern blanket around all the time until I was 6. The blanket had a name, but that's not something I'm going to disclose on this forum. Just kidding, it was Giggily.