Any ba-dum psh moment you experienced, list it here, or make one up! One I've experienced is this: ---:You shouldn't of done that. Ketchup goes bad with beans! -----: You've met with a terrible fate, haven't you? Me: More like, you've met with a terrible plate, haven't you? BA-DUM PSH! Edit:AW SNAP, THIS BELONGS IN THE SPAM ZONE, DOESN'T IT? xDDD Epic fail!
*Person gets a piece of meat-lovers pizza* Person: "I'm such a meat head!" Me: "That was cheesy." Ba-dum PSH!
Person: "Did you know that in 13th century England, a pig was convicted and hanged for murdering a child?" Me: "I never sausage a thing!" Ba-dum PSH!
Oh yeah, that reminds me: *Person makes a really obscure joke that I absolutely have no chance of understanding, ending with a rimshot.* Me: "I'm sorry, I don't get it." Person: "Oh, well, Ba-dum PSH is a vaudeville thing, called a rimshot, and it pretty much means that the joke is over. They play it after the punchliine." Me: "..." I know what a rimshot is, I didn't understand the joke. I didn't say it, but I thought it. If he could read minds, he would have been like, "What?" That actually happened to me once, BTW. XD
Meh, I don't even remember. All I know was I didn't get it, and he didn't explain it to me. You must spread some reputation around before giving it to . : tale_wind again. Hmph.
Is strolling on the beach with my crush. A wild girl appeared. Wild girl used surf. Wild girl used heat wave. Crush used encore. Wild girl used charm. Crush used harden. ..players and beaches. Okay, not really.
*I stumble as I walk into a room.* Person: "Have a nice trip!" Me: "Well, it is the Fall season." Ba-dum PSH!