B& Note Chapter 5

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by Gwen, Feb 21, 2008.

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  1. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    Sorry for the delay, guys. Came back to moms house and Im in school again, so I dont know when I'm gonna be able to write chapters. But this chapter is pretty epic, so I guess you could say it makes up for it.
    Anyways, enjoy FF's banning. I know I did. I was smiling the entire time I wrote it =D

    Ban Note - Chapter 5​

    The remains at the site were horrific. The bus was stopped and the staff were not far away to come and question the witnesses at the scene. Vivi stood there, next to a fear-stricken CtR. He stared into the distance, wondering what he should do next.
    “lol hay u.”
    Vivi turned his head and looked at Finalform. “Yes?”
    “k so like I aculy cam hear on a supr auseom mishun…” He said “so lik cud u not tell the staf that dis happens caus then madi wil hate me and I LOOOOVE HER.”
    “I understand. I won’t mention this incident to anyone, and of course that includes Xaldin.”
    Vivi quickly turned away as Finalform left. Just as I thought. I don’t want anyone to know that I’ve met a roleplayer either. If Xaldin were to find out… Madi would definitely hear about it. Vivi grinned. This incident will be dismissed as a mere accident from the staff.
    In a house somewhere in the middle district of the spam zone, a young woman sat quietly, reading a book on the teachings of the staff. Her hair was a beautiful ebony color and her clothes matched it perfectly. He sat there silently, awaiting the return of an all too familiar face.
    “Welcome home, Finalform.” She greeted.
    “Yeah… I’m home.”
    “Oh my gawd, what happened? WHY ARE YOU TALKING LIKE THAT?!” The woman asked
    “lol sry bout dat hun. today wuz prety hectick.”
    “What happened?”
    “sum n00b tryed to hijck a bus but ran off and gotz hitted by a car.”
    “…Did he die?”
    “lol, I thik so. I didn’t stikk arond caus then madi wud hate meh.”
    “FF… are you sure that was just a coincidence?” She asked “I mean… you were tailing someone when you were on that bus, right? And somehow, a n00b has ended up dead? That’s—“
    “hay u, shutup. ur a woman. i dun hav to listn 2 u.”
    “shut ur mouth an put sum sugar on dat.”

    “Hm? You gonna write the name of that RPer down?” Remmis asked
    “No, he’ll be written in one week’s time.” Vivi answered. “If he were to get banned immediately after encountering me it’d look suspicious. It’s better for me to wait until the investigation progresses further and allow him to investigate as many people involved with the staff as possible.” He smiled. “For now, I think I’ll bait Madi with some more n00bs.”
    Madi turned her head towards her laptop.
    “There’s been another victim that’s left some sort of odd post.”
    “Send me the images.”

    Spam truly is sumthn ausome. its lik a creation of the
    Godz or sumthin… ya.

    Madi, doez u kno Spam Godz… Madi thought. Shika… are you suggesting that Spammigami exist?
    “Lead, tell the staff to continue surveying the spamzone. We may see more n00bs leaving posts behind.”

    The downtown streets of Anything Else were more crowded than usual today. People walked hastily left and right as Vivi and Remmis stood in the middle of the scattered crowd.
    “This place is crawling with KHVidians…” Remmis observed “You gonna do it here?”
    “I’m finally going to be able to show you the results of the experiments.” Vivi assured. He was wearing different clothing for this particular event; a beanie and a heavier coat than usual with a hood.
    “Experiments?” Remmis questioned
    Remmis shrunk back into the corner.
    Vivi sighed in frustration, but immediately regained his cool demeanor. “With the aid of the B& Note, I’ve been able to identify several different method of banning people.” He paused; “For instance, if I write the details of the ban in advance, I can add a username later and that person will be banned exactly as I specified.”
    Ooh… Even I didn’t know that. Remmis thought.
    “He’s here.” Vivi said, putting his hood over his head. He immediately walked up behind FinalForm, who had just entered the vicinity.
    “Mr. FinalForm.” Vivi whispered, trying to disguise his voice in a more ominous tone.
    Finalform stopped dead in his tracks, and began to turn his head.
    “Turn around and you’re banned.”
    He ceased.
    “I am Shika.” Vivi heard Finalform gasp quietly “That’s right; if you even try to turn around or stick your hands in your pockets, I won’t hesitate to ban you.”
    This… this can’t be real… Finalform thought. This voice… though I’ve heard it before…
    “First I’m going to prove to you I am Shika.” Vivi ordered “You see the member at that thread over there? That’s right, the one sweeping the floor. I’m going to ban him just for you.”
    Suddenly, the man in front of the thread began to fade, pixel by pixel, familiar grey text appearing in his place. People began to crowd around stare at the remains of the member.
    “I thought I’d at least have to ban one person for you to take me seriously. It couldn’t be helped” Vivi explained “That man is named sweqsora. I think it’s safe to say he was the most annoying member ever to join this site. He got what he deserved.” He paused; “I’m sure that Madi has told you, I need to know what someone looks like to ban them. Simply put, I can ban anyone here. If you’ve got any requests just ask, I’ll ban ‘em.”
    “stop, dood… I beleave u, k?” Finalform whispered.
    “Although banning someone here would mean nothing to you. I’m sure it would be much more painful to see someone you love banned. You should consider them the real hostages here.”
    I-Impossible! Finalform thought. How does he know about her?
    Vivi noticed Finalform’s expression of shock and grinned maliciously.
    “I’ve been investigating you, Finalform. If you go against my orders, I’ll have no choice but to ban her.”
    “lol ok. wat do u want frum meh?”
    “I take it you’ve brought your laptop with you. Do you have a file with all the Role-Players assigned to the Spamzone on it?”
    “lol yea, I hav teh labtop but thers no file lik dat.”
    “Then please take this.” Vivi ordered, handing him an envelope. Finalform quickly grabbed it from Vivi.
    “First, I want you to take the transceiver out and put the earpeice on, then await my instruction.”
    A transceiver? Finalform thought, taking the transceiver out of the envelope. This thing’s practically a toy… but with this we can communicate at a close distance, and there’ll be no record of the conversation… he’s really thought this through.
    Finalform could hear Shika’s voice through the earpiece. “Ok, now get on the Spamzone line. Inner or outer route, it doesn’t matter which one you take. I’ll be constantly observing you from a distance. Even while you’re on the train, look straight ahead. If I see you doing anything suspicious, don’t think I won’t ban your right then and there. Once you’ve boarded, sit in a corner seat by the door. If there isn’t a free one, wait till there is.”
    The train suddenly came roaring down the track. Finalform quickly boarded it and followed Shika’s instructions without hesitation.
    “I’m going to ask you several questions.” Shika explained. “If you give me any conflicting answers, I won’t hesitate to ban you and your girlfriend. How many Role-players have entered the Spamzone and how are they organized? Answer in a low voice into the transceiver.”
    Finalform put the transceiver to his face and spoke softly. “madi told me it wuz 4 teems in groups of 3 so thers prolly lik, 10.” He could hear Shika sighing in annoyance over the earpiece.
    “In that case, take out the contents of the envelope.” Finalform obeyed; and gasped in confusion at the contents. What the hell is this? He thought, eyeing the odd second envelope with slots cut into it.
    “I’d like you to write the name of your direct superior who should have memorized the name of your investigators in the top box.”
    What’s going on?! What’s he trying to do?! Finalform wondered. But right now I have no choice but to listen to him. He wrote the name of the RPer leading them. If he only has their names, he won’t be able to ban them.
    “Next I’d like you to open up your laptop. Your superior should be sending you some files soon. The should be files containing the names and faces of all the Rpers sent to the Spamzone to investigate. I want you to write each name in one of the slots whilst concentrating on their faces. You’re going to do this for each one.”
    I don’t get it… Finalform thought. Shika... what are you trying to do?! Finalform closed his laptop and sat back in his seat, awaiting further instruction from Shika.
    “Good, you’ve finished. Please place the papers and the transceiver back in the original envelope and leave it on the wire rack. Once you’ve done that, remain on the train for another 30 minutes without moving. Once you can be sure that no one will notice you leaving without the envelope, get off the train.”
    Finalform sat, shocked and silent. Why… He thought. Why can't I remmeber whose voice this is?
    The train came to a halt. Passengers suddenly flocked out, and Finalform followed behind, only one thought racing through his mind.
    Who are you, Shika?!
    And at that moment, the second he stepped off that train, he felt something break inside of him. He ceased, holding his hands in front of his face and watching the pixels slowly disappear. He fell to his knees, straining his hardest to look inside the train. A large, ominous figure stood in front of him, smiling. Perhaps it was from the pain raging inside of his body, or perhaps it was from the shock of the endeavor, but at that single moment, Finalform finally spoke like a normal person for the first time in public, ever.
    “Vivi’s… Dark Side…” he groaned, looking up at the teenager who was smiling maliciously in front of him.
    “Farewell,” Vivi said “…Finalform.”
    Finalform’s last ounce of life was taken from him as he faded from KH-Vids, and the doors of the train closed for him forever.

    Vivi grinned at the papers before him, the very same ones Finalform had left on the train. Those papers he wrote on were actually torn out pages of the B& Note. Without even realizing it, he was signing a ban warrant for all of his colleagues. Finalform’s superior was banned after sending the files to everyone on the team. All of the Role-Players were banned after they received the file.
    Vivi’s smile grew larger and larger as he looked over the names.
    “Madi, you’ve got a call from the lead moderator of the RP section.”
    “It’s me,” Madi heard the mod say. “I’ve just been informed that all the Rpers you sent into the Spamzone have been banned. I can only assume they must’ve been banned by Shika. Madi, I’m sorry I have to do this, but…” there was regret in his voice. “We’re calling the investigation off in the Spamzone.”
    Madi did not reply; she simply walked away from her computer and stood still. Perhaps she was grieving the loss of 12 precious lives, or perhaps she was just annoyed that her plan wasn’t going well.
    “Xaldin is on the line for you, Madi.” She finally moved when she heard Lead alert her.
    “Madi, I’ve just spoken to the Moderator for the Role-play section.” Xaldin told her over the computer. “It seems you’ve hired Role-Players to investigate us and the people closest to us. Is this true?”
    “Yes,” Madi did not hesitate to answer. “I have.”
    “So what is the meaning of this? Are we suspects in our own case?
    “I believe it was needed to narrow down the suspects of being Shika.”
    “This is ******ed!” Xaldin screamed “You can’t treat your allies as spies!”
    “I guess we can’t trust Madi, after all…” Misty sighed, back at HQ.
    “But this means Shika must’ve banned RPers, too.”
    “He’ll ban anyone who gets in his way, n00b or not.”
    Lead suddenly brought one more piece of news to Madi.
    “Another n00b has posted one of those odd notes.”

    Madi’s eyes widened in anger, frustration, and overall pissyness when she put the posts together.

    Madi, doez u know spam godz r 1337 h4x0rs?

    Her expression tensed as she bit her fingernail. Damn you, Shika!
    In the same small house, lying somewhere in the busy streets of the Spamzone, a young woman clothed in the black of shadows sat, gazing into the dark night, tears streaming down her pale cheeks.
    “He’s gone…” she whispered. “Finalform’s gone…”
    Her tears suddenly ceased, and her pain and hurt turned into hatred and rage.
    “No… he was banned… by Shika.”

    “Shika’s willing to ban and delete those who oppose him.”
    The voice of Xaldin echoed throughout the room.
    “We could all be banned. I’d like you to think of your accounts, forum families, and buddies. Anyone who wants to leave is free to do so; there’ll be no risk of demotion, I promise. Only those of you, who have the conviction to fight Shika, even if you have to sacrifice everything mentioned, should stay. That is all. ”
    Xaldin opened his once closed eyes as soon as he heard the footsteps cease and the door shut.
    Standing tall and confident in the room were Ghettoxemnas, Sara, Kitty, Shadowjak, and Hissora.
    “Five, huh?” Xaldin pondered. “Well, 6, including myself. No… in fact, I’d like to think of it as the six who are willing to stand up against evil.”
    “He’s right,” Madi said over the computer “By being here you have all proved that you have a strong sense of justice. I trust every one of you.”
    Shadowjak suddenly snapped. “Just hold on one second! Madi may have said that she trusts us, but we don’t trust her!”
    Sara agreed. “Look Madi, we’re all putting our lives on the line to catch Shika, alright? We’re really sticking our necks out here! “
    “But you never have to show your face. You just give the orders!” Shadowjak continued to accuse, “I’m sorry, but we CANNOT work with someone like that!”
    Xaldin attempted to summarize Shadowjak’s ranting in a more polite manner. “Madi, if you’re serious about this, then could you please come down here so we could meet you face-to-face?”
    Madi was silent for a couple seconds before she spoke. “The thought had already crossed my mind.”
    Lead turned the laptop towards the other members, where instead of speaking; she typed IM’s to them.
    I would like the following events to be kept secret between the eight of us.
    I would like to meet you 6 trustworthy people as soon as possible.
    But before that, I want you to leave the building.
    …and discuss whether you choose to trust me or not.

    “Why is she asking for our help now, at the risk of exposing herself?” Sara questioned. “She’s solved thousands of cases in the past on her own. I don’t see why this time is any different. Besides, judging by her past actions, she may just send a proxy or a stand-in of some sort.”
    “A proxy, huh?” Shadowjak pondered “Could be possible.”
    “I believe Madi.” Ghetto said “I think we can trust her. I believe her skills will be invaluable in this case.”
    “Yeah, me too.” Hissy agreed.
    “Madi said from the start this investigation would take the full co-operation of the staff.” Xaldin inquired; “Maybe… she was waiting for this to happen.”
    “’For this to happen’?” Ghetto asked (Sounding quite a lot like Remmis :P)
    “There were people on this case, right from the start, who were suspicious of Madi.” Xaldin explained, “People were resigning left and right, and information was somehow being leaked. It would have been impossible for Madi to run this investigation without complete trust.”
    “You mean Madi’s been waiting for only dedicated individuals who she could trust and whom are willing to stand against evil remained?” Ghetto pondered.
    Sara’s face suddenly tensed up in anger. “If we’re planning on teaming up with Madi, I quit.” She walked away, still talking as she did so. “Don’t worry; I won’t try to follow any of you. I have no interest in finding Madi.”
    “I trust the lass,” Kitty said “I want to work alongside her.”
    “Me too.” Shadowjak agreed.
    Xaldin nodded at the 4 of them, hope shining bright in his eyes.
    I’m currently in a room at the KHV Spamzone hotel.
    I’ll be switching between hotels in KHV every few days.
    I’d like to request that my room be the real headquarters of the investigation.
    If you agree to all of this, I’d like you to split into two groups, and leave within 30 minute intervals of each other.
    Please organize it so you make it here by midnight.

    Shika… Madi thought, gazing out the window at the bright lights of the Spamzone. It appears we’re moving towards each other at an even pace. Alright, then. I’ll show myself for the first time. If you happen to find out about this, I can only assume that you’ll try to make a move on me… that’s what I’m hoping for.

    I’ve done quite a lot these past few days… Vivi sat in his room, the light on his desk shining in his face. I’ve got to think hard… did I make any mistakes? How should I proceed from here? The real battle is just beginning… Madi.

    Ghetto and Xaldin stood in front of the hotel room. Both of them could feel their hearts beating like crazy in excitement, anticipation, curiosity, and eagerness. Xaldin knocked softly on the door, and heard Madi’s voice call through to him.
    “It’s unlocked. Come on in.”
    Without hesitation, they turned the handle, and walked inside, preparing themselves for the truth.
  2. Cin Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp Derp

    Sep 26, 2006
    Bumpers for jooz.
  3. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    I don't know why, but FinalForm's thoughts along with his dialogues.. so funny how that collides. X3

    *it's pretty early in the morning so sorry for a short post, your chapters deserve more*
  4. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    lol i just noticed sumthin. When I am thinking i sound really smart but when im l talking im like a complete idiot. lol.
  5. Mielé Banned

    Oct 27, 2007
    well done FF, you learnt something new XDD

    great story as usual btw >w>
  6. RRMS Gummi Ship Junkie

    Apr 18, 2007
    In a random empty void |D ~♥
    I repeat stuffz.
    And Ghetto did a Remmis:
    Repeating teh words.

    Must resist tempation to repeat Vivi's everyword.

  7. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    Ryuk does that to Light a LOT. I never noticed until like my 3rd time watching the series...

    And as for FF thoughts/words, I figured it was only normal. I know a lot of people who are immensly intelligent IRL but they get online and BOOM their words turn to phail. I guess I thought about it that way when I was writing for him xD Now that I think about it, it does sound REALLY funny.
  8. Amber PLUR

    Sep 5, 2007
    I'm like, the opposite. IRL, I talk like "Oh Mah Gosh I can't believe you stoleded mah cookiez!!!! U phail!!!!". I scare my friends. Also, I add -ful to words to make them sound cool. Purple is ok, but purpleful is better. ;)
  9. Gwen Farewell.

    Apr 7, 2007
    I say things like 'smexy' from time to time to scare the **** out of my dad... and I do tend to shout out 4chan memes, but that's just me being a newfag xD
  10. EraserRain Banned

    May 28, 2007
    Lucario's Pants
    wow she tottally captured everything about me. Perfectly everything
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