Traditional Art Axel whole

Discussion in 'Arts & Graphics' started by Sir Charles of Monocles, Apr 13, 2008.

  1. Sir Charles of Monocles The Fault in Our Stars

    Sep 19, 2007
    in my dorm room watching Tangled
    I got bored one day so I started to draw. Yes I know that it could be better. The eyes for one thing. The arms for another. CnC please. And no "oh this is good" just to make me happy. Don't soften anything.

  2. Shuhbooty moon child

    Mar 12, 2007
    First, I'd make the hood, more rounder. While making the shoulders out more, not so round like a knee cap. And make the neck slender, not so fat like. xD And his eye towards the middle of his face, just slightly and give him his little eye brows! And then, like, make his hair more spikier. xD
    Also make the nose curve with the face, looks weird to me. xDD

    And I think that's about it my friend! xD
    But it's not half bad, I sucked too! xDDDD
  3. Cocohints "Up to now, the most discussed topic is global war

    Sep 20, 2007
    Hunting for the Behemoth King fffffffff-
    If you want a suggestion, the best thing would be to study the human body and how it is built up like. Right now the anatomy is off, Axel's even skinnier than in the game. o: You look like you enjoy drawing, so you'd do yourself a HUGE favour to look at some tutorials and learn how other artists work when drawing something. Best to start early. :3 There's a couple of tuts in a sticky in this section so take a look when you have the time.

    The crit about this drawing:

    When you draw the head, it's important to remember where the eyes will be placed. In art you actually have to do a lot of measurements. In this case, the eyes will ALWAYS be in the very middle of the face, following a horizontal line. The space between both eyes is about the width of a single eye. Right now there is about two eyes in that space, can you see it?

    When drawing the male upper body, it can help to associate the shape with something else. Like, I always think of the male chest being build up like a bean and try making the shape somewhat similliar. And that the chest would never be smaller than the head's size. That's part of the things you figure out when studying the human body. :3

    So keep drawing - push your limits and try thinking outside the box, try to do things differently. Most of the time it's harder to become better if you're not open for new ideas. Believe me when I say that.
  4. Sanda Kingdom Keeper

    Mar 29, 2007
    Coco made some excellent points.
    I will add that you should study the details of Axel's Org outfit more closely if you draw him again. He does not wear ninja shoes; Org XIII have boots. (Each character's is slightly different so note that. I *believe* Axel's are more angular like Larxene's but I could be wrong) Also, do the seams on the chest & pocket-y things in addition to fixing the beads.

    Really it is a good start, and I think you've got a good general sense of things so just keep practicing.
    & don't be afraid of doing his hair!! (: