way back when I posted my axel drawing, well i decided to digitally color it. http://demonchick25.deviantart.com/art/Axel-digital-108871209
I'm sorry to say, but I think it looks like it was made in paint. It's very plain, and needs some shadows, lighting, and maybe some bigger portrait of himself and what he's doing. No one likes floating heads. xD But very good for a try. What program did you use?
I really like it! I can see what he's doing perfectly, there's no need for a larger shot. For a picture without shadows, it looks good, kinda of like the light is coming from under him and illuminating him completely.
I think its Hot xD But it dose look like you colored it in paint but you did a great job :noworries: :3
I used one of the Images from the KH2 manga :/ I used photoshop elements 5 and I did do my shading D: