Hello, I drew a new sketch of Axel, once again. He does have some negative sides, like the hands and lower body and his organization coat. The cookie was um...kinda good I think? Overall I like his smile and face, I think there should be some more shades in there, then the neck. Tell me what you think:D http://no14mexony.deviantart.com/art/Axel-and-cookie-79641999
Overall very nice. ;D I see what you mean by the lower body and the hands, but there's nothing else wrong other than that. Hands will come with practice.
So much for CnC D: Well honestly, I think it's rather cute. It doesn't look like a 'serious' Org XIII drawing, more like a cute-ified version. Which is totally fine, it ended up really adorable. I like how you made his expression in your own style rather than strictly copying Axel's look. As it has been previously stated, hands do come with time. Just practice, practice, practice!!
His hair and the proportions need some work. He has too much hair on the right side, try to make it match the other side. The rgiht arm is too bulky at the top, slim it down, and make the shoulder slightly smaller. His body could be bigger though, he looks too small for a man. The thumb could be bent some more towards the cookie, like he was holding it tighter, if you know what I mean. Just remember to keep the body sizes in check with the head and make sure to follow male proportions. Overall, it's a nice idea and cute picture, keep practicing!
I like it a lot its really cute.....COOKIE!!!!!!!Oh wait I have cookies in the kitchen*runs off to go get tasty cookies*
The hand looks a little off but, as not-so-good-an-artist myself, I'm not gonna judge lest I be judged. XD Overall, Axel looks really cartoony and funny looking in a good way. Great Drawing! Also, there's few things different about Axel's gloves and coat that differ from the Other Org. Members e.g: His Gloves are longer and are on the outside of his sleeve, most likely for Fire Hazard pruposes, but I think you caught that, I'm not sure.