Ye got meh 'opes up, lassie. ...Don't ask... Anyways, I wanted to make a sig out of that part, but I don't really like this one... meh/5
hmm.., Well Misty, you're REALLY good at signatures. Like, REALLY REALLY good. But to be honest, avatars just arent your thing. :/ Of course, with alot of practice I'm sure you wouold get much better, but right now I just don't really like that avatar. For one thing, its pretty big. Most avatars are around 100x100. Someimes other avatars are bigger, but yours just looks a bit off when its that size. Also, if you hadent said who it was in the picture, I woudlnt have been able to figure it out. You have so much stuff going on in there, its sort of messy. Most of those effects are things you'd use on a signature, but they're very hard to pull off on an avatar, because of the size. But its okay, because you're still amazing at signatures, and I'm sure with time you could improve at avatars. I'm sort of the other way around. I'm an avatar person, and I'm still having trouble with sigs. So just keep trying and I'm sure you'll make a very nice avatar! It just takes practice ^_^ I'd give it a 5/10
xD Thanks. I know, Avatars aren't really my thing. But I really loved the stock, and I couldn't really make a nice sig out of it. But thanks anyway.
o.o It's pretty good (Better than anything I can do...) but it's hard to see what's going on. XD The shmall text seems out of place.... but the effects are pretty good.
It's very pretty^^ Even though TBK is right , it is not easy to see what is going on ;p But I still think the effects are good :3