Television Avatar: Legend of Korra

Discussion in 'Movies & Media' started by Always Dance, Jul 21, 2010.

  1. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Moar info:
    The city Korra is looking over is called "Republic City", and is a hub for all kinds of benders.
    There is an anti-bender society that Korra is going to have to deal with and potentially stop.
  2. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    Oh my... This just made my day. I'm so happy that they're making a new series! YUSH! I can't wait. Even though it's a slightly different style from the old one, I bet it'll still be awesome-sauce and fantatica! WOOT!
  3. Plums Wakanda Forever

    Aug 21, 2009
    Republic City looks like an Earth Kingdom esque place, which makes a bit of sense seeing as how everyone was in Ba Sing Se in the finale. Korra seems to be like Katara, so she'll probably get into a lot of uninteded mischief. That and the fact that her fiery personality will probably give her trouble Airbending...

    About Aang:
    He got his dream girl~
    But it sucks he died so early.

    Looks like those 100 years of frost caught up with him.
    ...Wait, does this mean Appa's gone too? D:

    [lol, Garxena and I were talking about it earlier]

    Overall, I'm pretty hyped for this.
  4. SORA! Gummi Ship Junkie

    Jun 7, 2007
    what happened to Sokka? He's my favorite character ^^
  5. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    He was 112 at the end of the series.
  6. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    My dreams for what the next Avatar series should be have most certainly come true. I simply cannot wait for this event, it shall be amazing.

    Here is a quick Wiki article on Republic City for future reference. I must say that inspirations from all four of the above cities - particularly Shanghai and Hong Kong in particular, is very evident.

    If you will all pardon my geopolitical analysis, I would assume the most likely location for Republic City would be somewhere in the Earth Kingdom, as Plums stated previously, considering its size and diversity. The climate appears to be a bit too cold for the general Fire Nation whilst much too warm for either of the Water Tribes - perhaps the islands on which the Air Nomads built a handful of their temples may also be a possibility, but I would presume them being much too mountainous from what we have seen of them.

    What is interesting to note is that the architecture of Republic City has a number of influences - I can see the high curves on the roofs of a few buildings, usually associated with the Fire Nation, gently-sloping Earth Kingdom roofs here and there, and even the high skyscrapers in the background being possible influences of the Air Nomads. The former two, if indeed found in the Earth Kingdom, may be from the Fire Nation's previous occupation of it but that may only be the case if construction began seventy years prior.

    Indeed, it is stated that there are "people from all nations" in this city, which may signify three things:

    1. The city is in a separate jurisdiction of its own.

    2. The city is indeed located within one of the four nations, however ease of relations through the nations have allowed for immigrants from other nations to settle in the city safely. If this is certainly the case then I must applaud Zuko for diplomatically reforming his nation.

    3. The city is part of a new nation entirely. Witness the fact it is named Republic City - indeed, it has been seventy years, and for what facts we have, we may be able to presume that the previous four nations have been done away with entirely and replaced with more "modern" nations - larger collections of them resembling the nations we have today, not divided by geography as per the previous nations but general geopolitical attitudes and the like. The fact that the city's multiculturalism has been confirmed may contribute to this fact - the barriers between the previous four nations have essentially dissolved, the city's people representing it as such. This is, of course, a theory of such, and as an honest counterpoint I would doubt that Mike and Bryan would so easily remove the four defined "elements" pertaining to the series, even in the face of modernism.

    What may be known for a fact, however, is that a Republic indeed exists in this present time, though it is unknown whether it is a new nation entirely or simply one of the four previous nations adapting a new governmental system. Perhaps the Fire Nation has turned into a Republic per Zuko's aforementioned reformations or a reconstruction of the Earth Kingdom government after the corruption in Ba Sing Se, despite the kingdom itself being extremely decentralized.

    In general, and as you most likely witness through my insane tinfoil ranting above, I am horribly, horribly excited over this revelation. All I require now is noir themes.

    I am quite honestly curious as to how they may implement this, and if done so without an overly genericised way how it may be executed.

    Again, there is indeed a chance they both may still be alive. For the former, however, I am not perfectly certain about the life span of flying bison, however there is an interesting chance he may indeed be alive as a remnant or tribute or some such. Sokka, if he is indeed living, would be an old man at this point, something akin to Bumi I would wish to imagine.
  7. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    As far as this "Anti Bender" organization goes, does anyone else imagine it using machines of some kind to simulate bending? It would work considering how they are against bending and thus will probably do anything to make it obsolete or pointless. Another theory of mine is that their leader him/herself may be a bender who is trying to eradicate all other benders and thus make himself and his descendants a the only possible Avatars. It may be extremely cliche, but I could see something along those lines happening just from the nature of the organization.
  8. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    It is indeed quite possible, however I would not believe they would even wish to simulate the process of bending considering they are against it, unless, of course, the creators have made them intentional hypocrites of sorts. I would assume they use other, non-bending methods to achieve their goals as such, more akin to what is used in reality in contrast with the fictional bending. This idea of "simulated bending", however, is intriguing.

    I myself cannot exactly recall the process in choosing the next Avatar, however I do believe it is irrelevant upon the bending prowess of a person - a person does not transition from bender to avatar but is born, or rather reincarnated as one, directly. These anti-benders cannot control the process of reincarnation simply by committing genocide on presently-existing benders, unless the anti-benders themselves are using their own brand of silly logic.

    Also, here is the Wall Street Journal's interview for those who wish to perform a complete vivisection on Mike and Bryan's statements.
  9. Maka Albarn It's called love

    May 7, 2008
    Fairy Tail
    O.o Whoa... I got sudden inspiration.

    Keybladespirit could be right about the usage of machines. There was an Avatar video game that came out after the first water seaon ended, and your enemies were machines that produced different bendings.

    Some of the video game plot:
    And it was made by a woman who dispised benders and thought that the world would be better off without them. If I remember right, she didn't appreciate benders because of the war with the Fire Nation. So she kidnapped benders to study their bending, and some joined her cause for a new kind of world, while others were forced to join her side.

    So maybe in the new series, there could be a possibility of the machines being used by the anti-benders.
  10. KeybladeSpirit [ENvTuber] [pngTuber]

    Aug 1, 2007
    Girl ️‍⚧️
    As I said before, I think that they're simply against bending and wish to make it pointless. There may even be a Zhao-esque character who wishes to destroy the sources of all bending to ensure that his invention of simulated bending becomes necessary. This may actually be a better plot than my original theory, but the "mad inventor" plot is quite cliche if you ask me. That last part is separate from my second theory about a bender being the leader of the group, but they're both feasible.
    My thought was that this proposed leader of theirs plans to kill all benders and then the Avatar, making his next of kin the Avatar by default, as there will be no other benders to have bending children. I for one think this is flawed logic as the planet would probably force an Avatar into existence via energy bending*, or the balance would be thrown off to the point where the Avatar cycle would end completely. Then again, Earth does come after water, so that throws a kink in my theory, but even so, it's a good one nonetheless.

    *Assuming the planet is sentient that is. Think FFVII.
  11. SpazticFantaztic >:3 Kingdom Keeper

    II'm willing to bet that if Appa is not still alive, he is to Korra what Roku's dragon was to Aang.

    Although I can't imagine Aang's voice, however it may sound at his age, coming out of Appa xD
  12. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Tenzin, and the Gaang(If they're alive) meeting Korra would probably be a really emotional and awkward moment, considering she's Aang. I wonder how that scene is going to be written.
  13. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    According to this tweet there will be a character named Meelo, this one says there will be a character called Wei Bei.

    And according to the creators, LoK will be darker and more mature than the original, although they're not going for a new audience, just trying to add more mature themes and try to balance it with the "fun and adventure" of the original as well.

    I'm really looking forward to this, especially since Jeremy Zuckerman says that he would definitely write the score for this show too.
  14. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Meelo sounds like Momo, maybe one of his descendants? Wei Bei sounds a little too close to Hei Bei.

    Sorry for the DP, but this is necessary info for people who haven't heard it.
    It was confirmed at Comic con that ATLOK will in fact be a 12 episode miniseries and will air in late fall 2011

    I'm pretty sad about this, but at the same time really happy that we're still getting something from Bryke. It'll be cool to see the Gaang all old and grey, and we get to see more of the Avatar World.
    Also Meelo is a person.
  15. SpazticFantaztic >:3 Kingdom Keeper

    That really makes me sad. I guess it would be harder to do a full series that is all in the same place, with only one element left to learn, but still, they could've made a big plot around it.

    Oh well, at least we're getting something, and it's coming THIS FALL :lolface:

    Also, Bushido, from that photo it kinda looks like Korra has Katara-style hair loopies.
  16. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    220 it's not. that was a typo... i meant Fall 2011.
    But yeah, there's one element left to learn, and judging by the perfect ending of ATLA, I can't imagine there's much of a conflict.
  17. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves
    Here is another interview by Mike and Bryan. It would appear that they shall write the presumed twelve episodes themselves - if, indeed, there shall be, considering how the original series was supposed to have a lesser amount of episodes. Regardless I am quite happy even with the shortening of content - one does not need a large amount of episodes to tell a lovely story, indeed - and as most of the previous episodes in the series were primarily establishing the world and culture, many episodes would be unneeded or omitted in a series where we are already familiar with the world - perhaps one or two focusing on Republic City alone, but that may be sufficient depending on the city itself. Perhaps the episodes themselves may be longer than half an hour.

    I can certainly perceive a combination of Sokka and Aang in Meelo from the facial expressions alone, but first impressions shall simply be first impressions.

    And the return of the cabbage man's legacy shall be an amazing day.
  18. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    Someone at comic-con said that Bryke said it'll be 12 episodes. Also Nickelodeon sent an email to a fan saying that 12 episodes were greenlit.

    Meelo may be another of Aang's kids. It would explain why he seems to have characteristics from his dad and his uncle.
  19. Korra my other car is a polar bear dog

    Nov 19, 2006
    Republic City
    Has anyone considered that maybe Meelo is Tenzin's kid?
    If Katara is 84, that must mean her son is not like...20. He'd probably be somewhere between 50-60, which allows the possibility of him having a son himself. The drawing of Meelo look's too childish in order to fit in with the family; Katara would likely be in her 60s when Aang died (assuming that Korra is 18-20, imo she looks it), and Meelo looks far too young to even be 20.

    And Katara is supposed to have great-grandchildren, at least according to the fortune teller, she is supposed to have three before passing away in her sleep.
    As sad as it would be, perhaps this story will include that birth and end with Katara's death, sort of giving it a "full circle" closure.
  20. Always Dance Chaser

    Feb 22, 2009
    We've gotta keep in mind that Aang probably had a lot of kids, he probably had a strong desire to repopulate the Air Nomads.
    But Meelo could very well be Tenzin's kid or grandkid. He may be learning airbending together with Korra.