Avatar: Hundred Year War

Discussion in 'Retirement Home' started by Mysty, Dec 22, 2012.

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  1. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    This is not the original story so it will be tweaked a small bit for story purposes. This is inspired by Noteworthy's RP Avatar: A New Hope.
    Avatar:Hundred Year War

    The world as we know it comprises of 4 great nations. The largest of these places is known as the Earth Kingdom. The people here are strong an proud. They work together in peace with the other three nations around them. The capital of this great land is known as Ba Sing Se. The Water Tribe is a group that have split into the opposite sides of the world: the North and the South. These people are of peace. They strive for harmony within the world. The Air Nomads are a disciplined group of individuals. They have four home lands in each corner of the globe. They are fun, loving, and have a great sense of humor. The most powerful of these four nations is known as The Fire Nation. There are an industrious nation that has a booming economy.


    Now these nations all have something in common. They all have people with powers that can distort the elements around them. Those of the Earth Kingdom can bend the rocks. Those of the Water Tribe and Earth Swamps have been seen to bend the ocean waters. The Air Nomads can move the wind at tremendous speeds. The Fire Nation has the power to harness the energy of the sun and release its flames. The people who could were known as benders. Together the four nations lived in peace. There was one however who exceeded them all, one who kept the peace between all the nations: the Avatar. The Avatar was the one being who could use all four of the elements. One could only be born after the death of the previous.


    The Story:

    The new Fire Lord, Sozin, had wished to share his nations wealth with the other lands. His ideals were not however pure. Roku, the current Avatar of our world, saw this in Sozin, but because of his past, he was blind from seeing the truth behind Sozin's plan. The two were best friends as children. Sozen even looked up to Roku. The plans were set to invade the other nations. Roku had discovered a truth that he himself did not wish to believe. He had to confront the fire Lord.


    Roku blasted into the Fire Palace releasing his rage. "Fire Lord Sozin1 What you are about to do is going to upset the balance of the four nations! I cannot allow this!"
    Sozin gave a smirk to his old friend. This was an obvious battle to the death for him. "You are my friend, Roku. It is time we shared the prosperity with the rest of the world. I will give you one last chance. Join me. Together we can change the world for the better!"
    The two began to battle. Fire and rage spit out by the two most powerful men on the planet. The Fire Lord had one advantage however, He had discovered a Water Bender who could bend man himself. This woman beside him would be known as Chi. She stopped Roku in his tracks allowing Sozin to firebend without distraction, killing the Avatar. The Avatar was no more and the Fire Lord could not make way with his plans... A comet was coming, he could use it to show the world the power of the fire nation.


    However, a small boy from the Air Nomads was just born. He would be the new Avatar. He was an airbender named Aang. The Fire Lord had become aware of this, however. News spread quickly after all with the Air Nomads. The Fire Lord sent men to trick the boy. Aang was told that they would be taking him to the fire nation to learn fire bending early. They told him he was a special Avatar, that he could learn fire first instead of last. On the way however, there was a lightning storm, and he and his sky bison were battling the wind and lightning. They were almost struck by one forcing them to be plunged into the sea. Aang however entered the Avatar State, an ability that grants them the powers of all the past Avatars, and formed a cocoon around him and his Bison to survive another day.


    However, the world needed him most now. He vanished at their time of need. The comet had arrived and it was too late for the people. Fire Lord Sozin torched the Northern and Western Air Temples. The war had begun. He remembered the words of his friend Roku to not destroy the balance, so he only rid half of the nomads. He knew that the Avatar was no more, for he did not stop the crisis at hand. The Fire Lord's next target would be the Earth Kingdom. Sozin has however died peacefully in his sleep. His son, Azulon is going to walk in his footsteps. He has recently turned the age of 40. He has begun his father's plans on the fire nation. The people can no longer stand the reign of the Fire Nation...

    Avatar: Hundred Year War OOC Discussion

    The Rules
    1. No godmodding. Please. I do not want to see anyone being to powerful.​
    2. No PKing (Player Killing). It is only okay if you have asked me and the person you are killing and get permission.
    3. I would really really really like it if you guys wrote at least a paragraph with more than 3 lines per post. It can get very broad if you just post one liners.
    4. Be respectful to the other RPers. We don't want any unnecessary fights. To make sure you are reading this, put the word "Flameo" at the end of your layout.
    5. You may kill NPC's if you are of that character as in Fire Bender or unless you cause an accident that ends a poor souls life.
    6. Keep it PG. No Drugs, Alcohol, or sexual ideas. We want this to be clean sense children are viewing the forum.
    7. If you do not follow the rules, I may be forced to get a mod to talk with you. If it continues, your player may not wake up.
    8. I will be forced to kill your character if you do not post within a week. I am serious.

    CS Layout

    You may have up to 2 characters. No more. I will play important characters that will only be around for a short period of time to aid in the stories development.
    Another important note, None of the character from the Avatar series will be featured excluding Azulon and Aang, but Aang will not appear.

    Character Name:
    Nation Born: Where are you from?
    Bending: Do you bend or not? Specify what element if you do.
    Side: Are you with the Fire Nation or are you with the Great Nations
    Bio: Give us a brief back story
    Personality: Tell us who your character is.
    Current Location: Where are you at the moment?


    Username: Myst
    Character Name: Krystal
    Gender: Female
    Age: 19
    Nation Born: Fire Nation
    Bending: Water Bender
    Side: Great Nations
    Bio: She was the daughter to the one known as Chi. Born within the Fire Nation, she knew the horrible things that they have done. She was treated differntly though. She knew what had been done was wrong.. She left her home to seek resolve. The Fire Lord did not approve of this however for he had plans for her. He sent men to catch her. The men almost had her, but she got away with a burn on her left arm. She now is traveling around the Earth Kingdom to find a way to end the war quickly. Flameo
    Personality: She is a bit of a hot head. An Impatient girl who seems to always find trouble. She is very giddy about boys and becomes very shy when any cute man comes by.
    Current Location: Ba Sing Se.
  2. Um, rule 5 is worded kinda confusingly and
    You could just put:
    Username: starseeker3 baby!
    Character Name: Xero Zone
    Gender: Male
    Age: 17
    Appearance: [​IMG]Only with a red jacket with a blue shirt, Amber eyes, and the hairband is black, it still has the symbols on it
    Nation Born: Awkwardly, Earth Kingdom
    Bending: Yes, He bends earth
    Side: Nether, he seeks to just top the war whatever side he has to help
    Bio: Born earth kingdom and raised in Fire Nation territory, he grew up wearing a multitude of warm summery colors from brown and red to orange and light yellow. He often traveled between Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation, and thus felt a loyalty to both. He was a earth bender, and a natural at it. His parents were mere farm workers and merchants, but he lived a rather happy life until his parents were killed by both the Fire nation and Earth Kingdom when they refused to give him up. He found out that his fiends and neighbors had sold him out for a quick buck because they knew he was a skilled earth bender. He now wanders aimlessly between the four nations trying to improve his skill and stop the fighting, as well as avenge his parents deaths for their last words to him were that he needed to help stop this war, weather for the Fire Nation or Earth Kingdom.
    Personality: Kinda empty inside, he is very untrusting but when he dose trust you, he trust you with his life.
    Current Location: Southern Water Tribe Territory
  3. NightCrisis Twilight Town Denizen

    Dec 25, 2012
    Washington DC
    Username: NightCrisis
    Character Name: Rea
    Gender: Female
    Age: 17
    Appearance: Asian--has brown long hair and wears a sky blue windbreaker jacket with a white scarf [I can't find a picture at the moment--unless I draw one...]
    Nation Born: Water Tribe
    Bending: Water
    Side: Great Nation
    Bio: Ever since the Fire Nation destroyed Rea's home, she journeyed solo and found that the other Nations were in war with the Fire Nation--so she joined the fight.
    Personality: Rea likes to always think the positive of things--everything would go right for her and others.
    Current Location: Southern Water Tribe Wastelands
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