Soo, am I the only person that starts school this Monday? It seems the earliest besides my date is like 27/28. Why am I the only person that feels as though they start a hell of a lot earlier than everybody else?! What is going on here? ;-;
That's... odd. I usually start school after Labor Day. Actually, my first day of school is September 6th. o: I've never met, or heard of, anyone that starts school this early... What day do you get out?
Apparently my friends back in high school start on the 15th. I don't start until September 6. Heck yeah, college!
I actual start at that date, but its just another orientation which isn't really needed. I start on the 18th, but that whole week I'll be busy with school stuff if that counts. Stupid college -,-
I start my first year of college on the 27th. @__________@ But I always used to begin high school on the 7th-ish. One of my friends in Ohio would always start in mid to late August, though it balanced out in the end--she'd finish school way earlier than me.
I go back to school that same day and ever since i've entered my current school distract. Without snow days I got out of last school around the end of may.
i start my college soph year on the 27th too it's approaching so fast x - x good thing my sched is easy this semester hehehehe.
That's the day my exams finish. I've had school since february. I finish on Sept. 20th F*ck yeah Aussie schools...
Oh you did not steal what I always say! D; Anywho, some of your school dates are making me insane. Just saying €.€
One of my brother's starts high school the 13, and i'm not sure about the other one. More than likely the 20 for him. I have no schooling currently cause i'm a fail -_- actually i'm just taking a break. Thinking of going to college in the winter though.
not as scary as first year soz ;c Though you're in medicine so I think everyday must be terrifying. med student head canon = dead bodies all day everyday