Audio Archive Update - Soundtracks, MIDIs, and Game Audio, oh my!

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Aug 15, 2013.

  1. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    Hey guys! Been a while since we had one of these, hasn't it?

    As some of you probably know, our audio archive has had to be redone since our move to Xenforo last year. Other tasks took precedent for me, so it's been slow work getting it done! I've still a ways to go, but I thought I'd draw your attention to some of the recently completed pages.


    We now have a complete collection of the Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix, Kingdom Hearts II, and Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix soundtracks. Each of them features a quick download option, where you can snag the entire page in one neat file.

    Now we're not just hosting up the soundtracks--we've got some cool Kingdom Hearts sound effects for you to play with too!

    Courtesy of our Media Recorder Miles, we're also proud to offer MIDI & instrument data from Kingdom Hearts.

    Finally, thanks to our Coder iwantedtoexplode, we also have some game audio from Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix. On one page you can download all of the cutscene dialogue (organized by world), as well as battle cries from the game's party members and from Organization XIII.

    Check it all out by going to Media > Audio Archive in our navigation bar, or simply clicking here. There's always more on the way so stay tuned!

    If you create a cool video using these sounds, do show it off in our Video Portal!
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Misty, Aug 15, 2013.

    1. A Zebra
      A Zebra
      of course, they're not going to sound quite right by their nature as midis. This is just the notes, it won't sound accurate by default because it doesn't use he Kingdom Hearts instruments
    2. Misty
      The rips are from KHII:FM, so naturally, it wouldn't include Xion.
    3. Shiki
      Thanks for the rips. Been wanting some clean rips for awhile now.
    4. A Zebra
      A Zebra
      Hey, so I gave standarizing the midis to General Midi format a try, here's what I've done so far

      Attached Files: