attack on titan abridged

Discussion in 'The Spam Zone' started by jackdaniel0, Aug 9, 2013.

  1. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    i want to make an abridged series of attack on titan
    i need script writers and voice actors with good mics though
    and i dont have a recording device
  2. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013
    You'll end up doing better if you write the script. I find that people aren't as reliable as you are for yourself.

    You should probably also get together some ideas for what types of ways you want to make fun of the show, just making an abridged series of the most popular anime of the month 'just because' almost never gets past the planning stage of the first episode.

    I assume you'll be doing the editing? Show some examples of work you've done, and if you've not done any work before, make a quick teaser video to showcase your work, people will be more interested in a project if you can show some skill with editing.

    Make audition lines for characters, list characters to audition for, or at the very least, give a general idea of the feel you're looking for. Something crazier, something more tame? Most importantly, I can't reiterate enough, do you have an idea of how you intend to make jokes out of the material? Too many abridged series attempt to simply condense the show into 6 minutes and write terribly shoehorned jokes, or worse, inside jokes from the group of friends that are making the series, which any audience will likely have no frame of reference for.

    Commit to the project, or you won't get any commitment.

    You could probably also post this in the project casting section, where this type of thing is expected and wanted, the spam zone is probably not the best place to get any serious takers.[DOUBLEPOST=1376100075][/DOUBLEPOST]Lol, butts
  3. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    I've no idea how good i am with editing, also i'm a dumbass cause i do have a recording device although i've never used it before, same for a video editing device. im going to try though
    what should i make for a teaser video I know this is like my choice but I've no idea what to do.
    and what should i use for an audio editing device if anyone has suggestions
  4. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013
    You can pick up a copy of Adobe Premiere Pro CS2, for free, from Adobe themselves, it's low on modern features, but it should get the job done for simple things like lip flaps and keyframing any additional graphics you may add.

    For nabbing frames, you can't beat Virtualdub.

    You'll also want to grab Photoshop CS2. When I edit a video, 1/3 of my work is done in PS.

    As for audio editing, I use Magix Samplitude, but Audacity will do fine.

    Generally, the most notable part of a good abridge will be smooth and accurate lip flaps (KaiserNeko had some nice tutorials, but since just now checking, they seem to have disappeared, so try this instead), just taking some random audio and a few frames from any old animu will do, edit them together to make it look like the character is talking, for posterity, make it some kind of pun or joke.

    Practice, practice, fracking practice.

    If you're looking into getting a recording device, but don't want to commit to a big (read: >$100) purchase, a blue snowflake (~$35) is a halfway decent entry level mic. At the very least, you can use it to record yourself and practice doing voices to see if you've got a knack for it.
  5. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    Right, well I got audacity, I'm just having problems with downloading virtual dub and photoshop. All the links are confusing and I'm not sure which one to pick, and I have to fill in a serial number to get photoshop, which I have no idea what it is.
    Also, I downloaded premiere pro and I got it opened on Winrar but I have no idea how to open premiere, unless I have to set it up first
    I feel like an idiot ._.
  6. Tyrant Valvatorez Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 10, 2010
    369 I could have gotten that rather than wasting 100 bucks getting Premiere Elements 11? Damn it all........
    This will be better once I get Sony Vegas though.
    Also Pretty much what SynK, get experience of stuff you've made, show us video's, art pieces, anything. I use to think like you, thinking I could jump on the bandwagon and make whatever, Let's Plays, reviews, AMV's etc. But than I realized that the way that people make them are harder than I realized, I than just saved up enough money to afford such software, hell I'm not even halfway done until I get something "professional", and I'm starting my own videography business. It takes time I know, but eventually you'll get it done eventually, for now why don't you use what you do have or what you can afford as an advantage? And once again as SynK said, I don't think we don't ALWAYS need an Abridged for the "popular anime of the month" hell I wish someone made a Dangan Ronpa abridged but that's not going to happen for a while. Attack on Titan is not even finished yet is it? (sorry I don't watch the show, I'll watch it later maybe) I would wait until the series is finished and than make an abridged, that way you have a good idea of what to make next. Don't mean to crush your dreams but if you really want to do this, I wish I could help you but I currently do not have the software to do such things (I would get Premiere Pro CS2 but I'd rather save my memory space for something more useful than something I'm going to use only once in a while) but until than let me give you advice on how to get to doing what you want to do, first check what you do have right now, do you think its good enough to show off your experience to tell other people "hey, I can do this!" people are not going to want to help someone who does not know what they are doing. If you do think you have the materials to show off, great! Practice with those! Do something with it, anything, not an abridged but something else, and when you do criticize yourself or grab a friend or a family member and ask "is this good enough to show off?" (of course you would have to explain what you are doing), I've run into a million projects where I just look at it once and say "there! It's great!" but than people saw the final product and usually said "you could have tried this, this and this to make it better", maybe it is good to upload something, those criticisms are good for learning your mistakes, or like I said before ask people around you or ask yourself multiple times "will people enjoy this?". If you do not have the materials you need to show off well you could always save up for the software or
    you could be a dirty boy and go out on the sea of the internet and say "arrrrr"
    problem solved. Again sorry if this is "crushing your dreams" (ok its not really, I'm telling you how to accomplish those dreams) but keep working and waiting and eventually you will get there, it might take time but you'll make it eventually. Hope this helps :-)
  7. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013
    Line breaks.

    It's easy to want to jump into stuff. And by no means is this an attempt to get you to give up on the project, but an entire series is a huge undertaking, especially with no experience under your belt.

    Try making a few random jokes out of the series, keep the videos to <30sec. That way you get practice, and you get to make something related to the show.

    (And it's a lot easier to make a few herpdero jokes than write a good script for an entire episode, much less a whole series)
  8. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    Thanks for the tips guys but...
    they don't answer my questions x.x
  9. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013
    Pick all of the links.

    I haven't actually gone and downloaded any of the adobe stuff, but you're looking for Premiere Pro and Photoshop. You'll need to install them before they will rin, you will also need to enter the serial numbers provided on the download page for them to work correctly.

    As for virtualdub, what problem are you having? Actually downloading it? It should be the link on the page that says "VirtualDub on Sourceforge" or something to that nature.
  10. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    What did you mean by pick all the links?
    Edit:I realized you meant pick all the links you mentioned. That wasnt the links I meant ._.
    Okay turns out I dont have the serial number meaning I cant download photoshop or premiere pro. They were apparently intended for people that legitimately bought them before, meaning they had a serial number when they got it, meaning it's not actually free.

    And for virtualdub, I clicked that and it led me to a page with a lot of downloads. No idea which one I should pick.
  11. Tyrant Valvatorez Gummi Ship Junkie

    Oct 10, 2010
    You could also write scripts and show some people, if someone who has good editing skills is impressed they can help you, but again.
  12. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013

    Here's what you're looking for to get Adobe Premiere and Photoshop.useless space goes here^^Here are the serial numbers.

    As for VirtualDub just click this link.
  13. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    OH THOSE SERIALS Im a dumbass.[DOUBLEPOST=1376174019][/DOUBLEPOST]Okay I got everything, thing is I've already started making a video to show off my..."editing skills". I'll post it in the production studio when I'm finished.
    I only got a small part of it done but I can honestly say I'm happy with what I did so far.
  14. SynK Destiny Islands Resident

    Jul 2, 2013
    Wünderbar, I look forward to it.
  15. What? 『 music is freedom 』

    Jul 4, 2008
    Surfing de Broglie waves

    It appears that the members are already practicing to audition for the role of "German yelling in the opening".
  16. jackdaniel0 Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 9, 2011
    Deep within my brain
    I dont need them to get them right, they can do whatever like "SIE SIND DAS ESSEN HOW DO YOU SPEAK GERMAN" thats fine with me