Atelier Ayesha finally has its release date in NA on March 5th. People are making a big fuss on the fact that this is one of the first Atelier games that won't have dual audio, and will include English Voices only. What do you guys think? Will this be a deal breaker for you or are you still excited for it?
It's a shame. Especially since it's not even got a full dub. Goddamn Tecmo. I'll probably buy it though, I liked Rorona enough to order both Totori and Meruru, which are supposedly far supperior, so why not?
Not only that, but I saw on the NISA forums somewhere, one of people in charge said that even though there isn't japanese audio, that doesn't increase the amount they are dubbing. So in other words, we are getting the half dub, and only the half dub. Disappointing but I think Ill enjoy the game.