Yup after fully hitting Microsoft and Nintendo, the free roaming killing game has moved to the Nintendo Consoles, but instead of the Wii, it's moving to a more...portable device. Source: 2ch
Should be interesting, to see how it would work. O.o also you mean Sony and Mircosoft at the beginning. XD
i thought it would be good but from the scans ive seen it looks sucktastic -___- :( i wanted to get it to
I thought we'd known there was going to be a DS version for a while now. =\ Either way I hadn't seen these screens, so good find anyway. :D
*As Demyx* You shouldnt judge anyone by apperance. Seriously, it looks great, I want to buy it. Saves money I need since I already have a DS.
This is a canon prequel to the first game, so if you're interested in Altair's story, this shows what went on before the beginning of the first game
I didn't actually see this one coming. Should be interesting to see how this will play out. Graphics are looking good though.
I'm prolly in it for the story but the idea of playing Assassins' on a DS doesn't too spectacular. Maybe I might change my opinion when I actually get to try it.