I used the search thingy. There's no thead about this game. D8< So, did this game please you people? I think it was a complete improvement over the last game. You can swim, kill two people at once, the story missions are done so well that you can't really call it repetitive anymore, blending in seems more realistic(you blend in with a crowd now), then there's the almighty gun which may be hard to use but...I've managed to do some badass kills with it, the combat is...well...get behind someone and attack(if you've played the game, you know what I mean), and Ezio doesn't suck with his fists compared to Altair. The enviroments, the music, new forms of travel(you can row a boat...XD), and economic system thingy...Ubisoft really fixed just about everything the first game had problems with and then some. The only bad thing about it are some frustrating missions(I don't like chasing people) and the fact that you can't replay story missions. ; ; Although the story is much deeper in this game...and Demond does more than walk(even though you play as him only three/four times I think). And one more thing...Altair's armor looks funny. >->; So...any comments on this game?
I agree, it's improved alot more. The story is now just so much more in-depth and it actually makes me want a new installment. I love the fact you can disarm and use alot more weaponry. The guns alright, but I want more acrobatics with it and rapid fire - maybe as Desmond you could do that when he starts 'more than moving again' Spoiler Jesus, Gandhii and so many others used Pieces of Eden to influence the world. Seeing how many people in history were Templars is interesting. Like the first emperor of China and invetor of the lightbulb, Thomas Edison. Even NASA used it to mark their place on the moon. I want to assassinate Genghis Khan! I would recommend buying it. Try the first one to get up with the story, and it'll make more sense, but I guess you could start AC2 since it kinda works. It's also has great use of codes to decipher and a historical conspiracy that spans many centuries.
I'm personally loving the game. I liked the first one and this one improves upon it in every way, except the AI that is still as dumb as a bucket.
I've not played it myself but I will soon. I have heard about it from many others and the only problem with it I've heard so far was that the movement is a bit glitched and the graphics haven't changed at all since the first game. I'm definitely going to get it as soon as I get my external hard drive and connect it to my PS3 XD.
i didn't play it but i wanna get it cause i loved the first one and i watch videos of it and it looks fun but how do u play xbox live on it is it like a match or you play with friends in the creed world
I really enjoyed the first one and I picked up the Collectors Edition the morning of its release. I absolutely loved the game. Superb plot, excellent gameplay, and every issue from the first fixed entirely. I really enjoy disarming guards and watching the brutal kills. If you want to see something really funny, poison a guard while he is in a crowd, then throw money all over the area. His rampage kills all those civilians and its just way too funny.
They speak Italian, it is based in Italy after all. I completed it today, the ending was way more satisfying then the ending of the first game. I can't wait for a sequel. Lets hope they improve the AI and change it up a little bit, and maybe stop it with all the viewpoints it got quite annoying in the end.
Maybe not stop but certainly lessen them, there are like 5 next to each other on the map I'm currently at. Anywho, I got it yesterday and it's not bad, the game play has been improved but I was expecting the game as a whole to be a bit better from what I've heard about it.
What didn't you like about it? I only had three problems with this game. 8D8 1. The little menu that pops up when you're about to do any mission(I didn't like it). ...It also reloads the map if you decline. DX 2. I can't find too much use for some of the weapons. Although the gun doesn't completely replace the throwing knives since it's only good for idle targets. << 3. Some missions were a little frustrating. Ex: Assassinate three people. They will all run away when you get close to them and if they get too far, you fail the mission. Anyone here play Altair's Chronicles? The game that came out soon after the first Assassin's Creed? Spoiler If you read the codex pages, the cliffhanger of that game is resolved. The girl Altair was chasing was eventually found...but she was already dead. <-< And I think I know how subject 16 is linked to Desmond. Spoiler The codex pages suggest that Altair had more than one child. So Desmond and 16 are probably distant relatives.
You do know that people generally don't like to be assassinated and run away because of that, right? I mean if I saw Ezio coming towards me... let me just say I like my spleen inside my body and not spilled out on the floor. And concerning Subject 16 I think that the chances of a spin off series with him and his ancestors is likely. Desmond's great for the plot, but if they are going to expand the series, 16 is a good choice since he's the only other Animus user we know of, and his ancestor's have been to a LOT of places in the past.
The AI, the way that the positioning of Ezio could make you jump the wrong way off a ledge, the weapon choices/variety (not the wrist weapons or throwing stuff) (daggers that replace each other, maces or swords), no dangers in the water (lol I was expecting soldiers to swim), a few minor details about how easy it is to kill, the amount of unnecessary viewpoints, the guards give up too easily/ignore you when you climb on stuff right next to them, the way you push people when you rob them sometimes, etc. I could go on, it's definitely a good game and I'm enjoying it but everything has flaws. XD I've still got to get the PSP game so hopefully the extra stuff that's crossed over will be useful.
It could also be the transitioning of the plot, I prefer it in AC2 but some people may prefer it in the first. It's really about how the player prefers it, considering how the plot of the first was straight forward while the second is more expanded.
I do agree that it seemed way easier this time round. I'm not sure why though. In both games I guess the ability to fight is fairly simple, you could just keep attacking or counter with you're hidden blade and they instantely die. Atleast they didn't make the same mistake with the fianl boss fight, which was better than the first game.
Exactly. 8D But I missed the good chats with the dead. Altair had some pretty good discussions with the Templars. In this game it's more like, Ezio: "Do you feel sorry?" Bad guy: "No. *dies*" ; ; I liked the last levels of the first more than the second. >>; Altair vs 20 Templars then his master=ftw. Although parts of the last battle in the second game was pretty epic. Spoiler Really didn't expect Ezio to pull an Al Mualim.
The ending of the second was far better in my opinion. Spoiler Besides, you fought the pope. You fought the freaking battle pope. I was amazed at that for like an hour afterwards.
Spoiler I'm still amazed at that. Next we'll be killing Jesus. I still am trying to figure out whether 16 is Adam or Eve, I'm not taking what wiki or some dodgy site like gamespot tells me XD