Really?? I'm going to play it later tonight. How do you like it so far? since multiplayer is quite different than most multiplayer games.
I managed to get it early since i have a PSN Plus account. Though there is only one type of match available at the mo (Wanted). I really like it. It's quite fun hunting other players, but it can be quite annoying at times since you may run into a streak of bad luck and get killed very quickly or as you are about to kill. xD But it can easily change and you can easily to the lead. I do hate that you can't mute players. They better have a mute soon cause i hate muting the tv. xD It is a fun game and everyone should play. :3 Tell me when you guys get the beta so i can hunt you! >:3
I meant to pre-order and get the Beta code this week, but i've been so busy that I forgot. Oh well, over a month and i'll be able to play the whole thing. I can wait. Though I would inquire, how does the gameplay fair? Is hunting for an opponent that fun?
It plays like Assassin's Creed; you run up walls, hide within groups and stuff. But it can be difficult to locate you target, say for instance, they hid in a group with characters that look like them. If you kill an innocent rather than the player you lose the mark and are given a new one. The way you locate your target is by following a compass which indicates which direction they are in, how close you are to them and whether of not they are above, below or on the same floor. You also get abilities as you level up, like a disguise, smoke bombs and stuff that come in handy. But it's a one hit kill. I would like to see some fighting in the full version.
I doubt that a combat system will be implemented in multiplayer since it would involve a lot of work to use the current fighting system against another player, since most of AS uses counters, quick kills and projectile weapons meaning you could easily finsih your opponent off in one hit, and that would be boring for the victor and victim. Then again Brotherhood has been one surprise after another, so it's still in the realm of possibility. I wasn't sure how the multiplayer games would pace and flow. A bit of diverse gameplay compared to hunt, chase, execute might be a bit better like a combat system. If all I do is run after people to execute them, I may become bored. I also wonder if executing people is all you'll do. Team objectives like a group trying to assassinate a single, well protected target like in Splinter Cell Conviction. That would be fun. Or maybe even a competitive race to an assassin drop off point where you get knives, bullets, abilities, bodyguards and the lot making your life easier, and then another race to another drop off point until time runs out and the person with the most points wins. AC have the advantage in that their gameplay is so unique that multiplayer games can be taken several different ways.
How about a mode where we get to kill every random civilian in the city? When there's no survivors the person with the most kills wins. XD I may just be acting violent but killing fucking everything would be uber. Then when we're done with that, it could turn into a last man(or woman) standing type of thing! I'm wondering if the little "execution" thing will be just one person running from a mob of assassins. I'd love to see people put their free-running skills to the test and try to escape from death. 8D
I agree about the one vs everyone else. You might start as the Assassin Vs Agiles, where Agiles have to collect certain items on the map and escape, whilst the assassin has to single-handely hunt and kill them before they escape. Whilst the idea on killing every civillian in sight.... that would bore me eventually. But I guess it's a creative idea! :p I also think that Ubisoft might be holding back some game type ideas so as to keep them for AC3's multiplayer, since after Brothehood almost all main games are gonna have to have a multiplayer. They've now set the benchmark.
That reminds me of multiplayer games in Tenchu 3. For some reason me and whoever else was playing always wanted to kill off everyone else before finishing each other off in a one on one battle, like one of those samurai movies or something with a showdown. I can imagine people arranging things like this in Brotherhood if private games are possible.
If you guys want to know more about the multiplayer mode, wikipedia has some nice information:'s_Creed:_Brotherhood#Multiplayer I'm looking forward to the PC realease, I'm not sure if my computer can handle it though. But it sounds like it's quite exciting in multiplayer mode.