Assassin's Creed 3

Discussion in 'Gaming' started by libregkd, Feb 15, 2012.

  1. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I've seen GAME UK do this on Metro2033 I believe. It's not a big deal to me, the cover never really has too much but I always hope it to be very lovely.
    I do believe it's underhanded though so, damn gamestop for doing this.

    Still, i think libre might get a custom box art asap! : )
  2. Karuta Reborn

    Jul 14, 2012
    I'm not a huge fan of the AC series but this looks great, I'll probably buy it when it comes out.
  3. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    Looky at what I got!
    :D*fanboy squeal*:D

    sadly, I won't get to play it till Friday (damn uni exams)
  4. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  5. jafar custom title

    Dec 28, 2007
    New gameplay trailer. I guess they decided to make some last minute changes. Honestly, I think it's an improvement.

  6. Mysty Unknown

    Dec 7, 2011
    From seeing all the trailers and now some gameplay, I know I must get this game. Though I will have to wait till I believe January. That is when I will have the money for a WiiU and AC3
  7. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    I can attest to this game being absolutely great. The gameplay is effectively the same, but in a new way, new button layouts and tweaked gameplay like only needing R2/RT to free run, changing the block to O/B button.

    It's the toughest game of the series I think, to get 100% memories is... really tough comparitve to the old ones.

    And tons to do, so many sidequests, so many places to explore and tasks to do.

    Shame about the amount of glitches but still it will only get better once fixed.
  8. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Well, I beat the game.

    The game briefly mentions the fact that Connor has no woman yet near the end(if you've done all the Homestead missions). Too bad Ubisoft didn't give us any hint as to who Connor's future love interest would be. Probably didn't see her in the game even.

    I kinda figured Desmond would die too. We didn't see enough of him though. I wanted to feel sad for his death but either it was poorly executed or Ubisoft acted this out on purpose.

    Also, wtf ending. Not on Desmond's side but Connor's. Someone new spoke. There's mentions of "pivot points" and...stuff. Didn't make sense but I think I know what to do. Maybe whoever spoke will be in AC4. Connor didn't really get any closure but I guess that was the point of his ending. He still has a lot of work to do.

    There'll definitely be another game. I'm pretty sure it'll be in present times unless Ubisoft decides to make another game solely for Connor's story before going onto AC4. Also, this game has my favorite soundtrack of the series. So awesome.
  9. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    Yeah I beat it today too.

    When that guy was talking about the pivot points I just sat confused. Honestly, that was a weird way to leave off. And I find the fact that Desmond died really sad...not because he's my favorite character, but because he's the key to all the ancestors. With him gone I wonder how they will execute a sequel...I felt like there is much more for Connor to do so I hope they give him another game.

    Overall this game is so beautiful. The graphics and story line were really impressive. My only complaint is that it was a little buggy/glitchy at parts. Going to do all the side missions now. Agreed about the soundtrack too. Intense.
  10. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male

    Beat it a bit ago myself.

    I really like Connor, actually. He's respectable, moral, heroic, protective of his people. He's a bit hot headed and takes a bit of time to reflect on things which leads him to get in some bad situations (like getting thrown in jail, and putting faith in people he shouldn't) but I like his trusting nature that makes him sympathetic and endearing.

    I don't like how they ended Desmond, seemed unfulfilling. I mean Desmond was suppose to be the greatest of Assassins being a descendant of some of the greatest ones in history. And he was blind sided by a precursor *****. He will no longer have descendants, his bloodline of ultimate assassin's stops with him. That's just.... stupid to end. With a couple minutes to learn of his dead hand his death, whilst the Templars are still at large, hope for fighting them is lost.... I mean what stupidity. Hopefully (and just for some sake to get back in Connor's shoes, I hope Desmond has an unknown brother or distant relative with all the same DNA memories.I just want one more game with Connor, one more chance to get to grips with him and then move on to someone else, give him a satisfying conclusion.

    I know the developers have said that with each numbered titles they'll introduce a new assassin like they've done for all games so far, and that's likely the next main game, since Ubi have said that they don't aim to give characters extensive trilogies and series like they did with Ezio.
  11. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007

    Agreed with everything you said about Connor. At times he was way too harsh on Achilles which bothered me to no end, so to that extent he is also hot headed. He is definitely the most serious of the the assassins. I hope that if he has another game he meets more assassins and forms a clique (like Ezio). He might just be more of a lone wolf though. Overall he's my new favorite. They portrayed his character development very well. I love when I feel at the ending of a game that I grew with the character. You feel that with Ezio, but for some reason it was more with Connor. You see him go from a little boy playing hide and seek with his being hesitant to being determined to kill.

    Let's just face it though...If Ubisoft decides that AC3 was popular/made enough money, they'll most likely make another game. IMO I think that they should have stopped Ezio's story after Brotherhood. Although the ending of Revelations was interesting, it was way too drawn out. Maybe that's what they meant by not making it as extensive. I don't know...I'm just being optimistic since the ending left the door open for that sort of thing.
  12. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Exactly, I saw an online review that said 'you can see the Connor you start off with is completely different with the one at the end of the game' which I agree with completely. I really connected with him as well because for his whole life he's been losing everything he ever could love. He lost his father before he was born, next his mother, along with his childhood, then as he starts rebuilding his life as an assassin, he loses Achilles, his friend in Washington, his childhood friend who he has to kill himself, his father again and finally his people that he's tried protecting all these years. He is alone. That mad me feel so much for him. Even though he was losing everything, the only thing he never lost was his integrity for freedom and what was right. He's the paragon of a hero, mixed in with the tragic hero.

    He's my new favourite too. I just find some of the time skips a bit weird. I mean we miss Achilles' death, we miss Yorktown (which I thought would've been in the game), we skip months ahead sometimes between targets. but just seemed a bit weird what they were doing.

    The developers said they'd continue Connor's story if there was good fan feedback. Which currently I don't know about. I don't think many people dislike him (you know those people who complained - effectively in my opinion - that the game effectively played too differently to previous instalments which is bull) and I certainly can't really see why they wouldn't, he's been fleshed out more in this one game then either Altair or Ezio was in their first outings.

    Oh, and the multiplayer? Enjoying the hell out of it! So glad the stun button is the same as the kill one, now you can't tell who is another player by the button appearing above their heads, I've got some sweet Poison Focus Hidden skills, my god, I scored something like 1300 with one kill! XD
    Also, love in Artifact Assault, where you border between the two team sections, you set up a Tripwire Bomb on your side, you wait for a player on the other side to appear, taunt them. They'll think that they can stun you before your able to defend, but NOPE they sprint into the bomb at you feet, their confused, and you stab em in the face! Such a good way to troll idiot players who try to steal the artefact the same way.
  13. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    Well, I'm not going to quote everything but to answer a few things...

    Collecting all the pivots(which you have to be online for) shows the true ending for Connor's side. Which isn't much but apparently someone syncs the animus to "the Cloud". So we can probably continue playing with Connor in a future game because of this despite Desmond being dead.

    Someone mentioned his death not being shown. I can't find it right now but his death is shown if you do all the Homestead missions.

    Future of AC:
    Either we play as Connor in an AC3 sequel(doesn't have to be a descendant due to the "Cloud") or a new character entirely with a new ancestor. ...Or Desmond's dad. AC4 though...well, considering that Juno is free someone has to stop her.

    Anyways, this is my favorite game of the series so far. Best music too in my opinion.
  14. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    How do you access the pivots in general?

    And about Achilles,
    I finished all of the homestead missions, and his death is shown. I found the saddest part about that to be when Connor talks to his grave, and sort of reflects on their relationship.
  15. Peace and War Bianca, you minx!

    May 25, 2007
    Cisgender Male
    Same with Achilles. It's part of the story, not somethig you can re-write.

    So concernig pivots. Spoilers after completion of game, I suppose?
    So after finishing the game, going trhough the epilogue with Connor you're stuck in Boston and these voice oers of people trying to hack the animus begin, saying stuff about it's almost done apart from connecing pivots in the animus to do so.
    So basically pivots are like dowsing rods for finding other pivots in the world. You've got like 15 minutes or something to track as many pivots before they reappear in new locations.
    Now, how do you find these pivots? Welp you've gotta place the pivots you've got down in the world. This is done on the map menu, press the select/back button and when the map pops on, cycle up to the animus pivot map thing and from there you can place a pivot down. Now, the pivot map will be highlighted fully in blue when tha happens and you're on your first steps to getting pivots.
    So now fast travel to another position on the map, and once you get there, place another pivot. Now what should happen is that the two pivots now connect and align, meaning some part of the map is now highlighted whilst another part is blacked out kind of. You've now narrowed down that the pivot you're looking for is somewhere in that blue highlighted are.
    Now you need to narrow down as much as possible, and start exploring the area of blue the smaller it gets with each new pivot and you should be able to find the new pivots in the world laying about in certain locations.

    It's a bit fiddly at first and confusing but you'll get it.
    Each new pivot you pick up you'll also get cheat codes.

    Also I believe that the Thanksgiving patch gives a tutorial on how to use the pivots when it comes out? Might be worth waiting there or looking for a youtube video on it.

    Hope that helps!
  16. Daenerys Targaryen ok

    Apr 4, 2007
    Thank you so much! I'm totally going to do this later. Sounds complicated, but I'll definitely understand when I'm playing.
  17. Kites Chaser

    Nov 25, 2008
    i got the game a day before release so i had finished it pretty much the night of its actual release date. overall i think the game was good, besides the obvious glitches that eveyone has mentioned. although in my game it was so bad that it ruined the gameplay experience. it was just a tad frustrating at times.

    i'm going to just say now, i was totally into haytham kenway's personality at times moreso than connor's. for some reason i just like the sarcastic characters with their dry humor. although i know he was an asswipe to his son and his baby mama i LOVED the plot twist (even though i knew it was going to be connor's father) when desmond found out who he was and the animus just pauses and he's like "wait.....WHAT?". that was super funny and clever to me. it did take a lot of time to get into the gameplay after 6 hours of haytham but overall it wasn't too bad.

    i liked connor, and i understand the point that they were trying to make with his character. if we are comparing him to ezio, you can definitely see a divergence in character development. both of them lost loved ones in a tragic way - through betrayal of others, etc. ezio being the playboy i really liked that about his character and how by the end of revelations he has the entire monologue with desmond listening, talking about how he tried to live and do the best he could even if he knew it wasn't enough. as for connor, his character didn't really evolve as much throughout the game because he was still naive as hell about trying to make things perfect in an imperfect world. that doesn't mean i dislike him, however. i did really like him a lot and admired his devotion. i can see ubi delving into his character more in future games. i'm pretty sure he was well received as a whole.

    as for the ending....aslkdjlsakda. okay i don't really know what it is about games now, feeling like they have to kill off the main character after a trilogy. the same happens in mass effect 3 to shepard unless you pick destroy and even that is refuted to no end to keep speculations high. i did really get interested in how minerva showed the potential for desmond to become a "god" as we know a "god" nowadays (in a way). the way she explained how words that were meant to help, would be used as a tool to control. definitely a deep thought that they decided to bring in. it's also a shame how desmond's bloodline ends with him, unless there is something/someone that we don't know about which is a likely possibility considering "plot twists". at the same time though, i have a feeling we will see desmond in one way or another similar to seeing clay (subject 16) inside of the animus.

    tl;dr: juno is a crazy, vengeful *****. i understand that her husband died but yo know wonder, considering how those who came before were basically making humans their mindless puppets thinking it was for some greater good.

    okay so i was thinking about this. the man who was hacking into the animus was talking about "the cloud". obviously we all know what a cloud does with data, etc. etc. but considering stuff we know from previous assassin's creed games, i have a feeling the man is/is a part of Erudito. If anyone remembers, the Erudito Collective is a hacker/bunch of hackers who oppose Abstergo at all costs, etc. etc. they would hack into their databases, gain information, things like that. if you listen to how the guy talking about the pivots speaks, he talks in a similar style to this quote by Erudito, "You reported me? That stings. Not that it really matters... I am miles ahead of these goons. I'm going to have to work harder to open your eyes, aren't I?". idk. maybe i am reading too much into it, but it seems like it could be a possibility to me. also, regarding desmond. if desmond's mind/memories are still a part of the animus similar to how clay/subject 16 was in revelations, if william miles, etc. don't bury desmond's body and keep him around then it may be possible to upload his consciousness back into his body. remember how clay said that all he needed to go back was a body because his was being "eaten by worms"? if they don't bury him and there is some data of desmond's mind, there may be a way to revive him. maybe by synching all of the ancestors data and previous actions in the animus with his neural synapses.

    also, if you talk to shaun he mentions how curious he is to set the animus back to the time of the first civilization and wonders if it will be possible. since desmond has first civilization DNA it wouldn't be completely out of question to see him again somehow. maybe by linking the animus to multiple people, etc.
  18. Arch Mana Knight

    Oct 5, 2007
    This is the end of Desmond's story. For a long time Ubi's been saying that his story would end with AC3. Still, with the Cloud, we don't need Desmond anymore. Hell, if someone really wanted to go to the source of his memories, Desmond's father is still around. He's the acting leader of the Assassins so I'm pretty sure badasses like Connor, Altair, and Ezio are from his side of the family. ...If not, then Desmond's mother could be used as she's confirmed to be alive.

    Anyways, considering that Juno is out and free, maybe someone will really need to turn back the dial(as Shaun mentions) to the First Civ in order to find a way to stop Juno from taking over the world.

    So either we'll first see a sort of ACIII-2 and the Cloud will be used to continue Connor's story(because dammit he's awesome) or ACIV will still have the Cloud but it'll be used for the whole First Civ thing.

    VEGAS BABY! VEGAS! ...Hopefully that really is Erudito.
  19. antilachlan Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 7, 2010
    The other side of the door...
    If anyone hasn't used their code for the 'Captain of the Aquila' outfit DLC and is in the PAL region, can you contact me? I would like to discuss a trade of codes.
  20. Technic☆Kitty Hmm

    Apr 2, 2010
    Indiana, USA
    I love this game. It really is quite stunning, what with the new gameplay features and all. The weather feature is pretty amazing as well. I think it's be cool if it matched your system clock however (If i'm playing at night, it's night in the game) It took a while to get used to the new free running style as well. A few button change ups here and there. I like the wide variety of weapons however, for instance the bow. I also think it's neat that you can go hunting. All the aspects really bring out the period it's taking place in. But boy was that beginning a shocker, let me tell ya when
    Haytham turned out to be a templar, I almost flipped out

    Another thing I like about this game is
    how you get to go on fun little missions as Desmond here and there. Taking you further into his story and away from his ancestors.

    Sadly I have yet to beat the game, but my idiot brother decided to tell me something I didn't want to know and now the ending is ruined for me . . . forever . . . unless he was lying . . . which I hope was the case. Anyway, great game.