I'm just glad that they add to the plot. If it were just more side assassination missions, I wouldn't have bothered.
i thought it good i really like the game and plot all in all its a really good game. but im stuck on the part were you have to get all the codex pages. and getting to the assassin's tombs is relly fun XD
To get the codex pages, you mainly need to use all the view points in a city. After that on your map, the icon for the codex pages will appear. Then it's a case o defeating the guards outside, then collecting them on the inside. I agree that the game is a vast improvement to the first. Hopefully the DLC, which includes more missions stories, and a new leaping technique, will further improve it.
You're right. The Truth was surprisingly challenging as the game went on, and was a nice short break from the main quests whislt still keeping the audience involved. The only minor problem I saw were the Trophy/Achievements. It's first Platinum i've obtained and yet I felt like I didn't even earn it.
I've not done so yet, but i'll probably try again when the DLC comes out, right now i'm in-depth with DA:O. I believe the Crypt involves one of Ezio's more recent ancestors, and a famous Italian poet, who's name excapes me. Again, i'me glad it's enhancement to the story and not simply something worthless like the Altair outfit.