Asphyxiate Melancholy

Discussion in 'Archives' started by Pistol Schoolboy, Aug 13, 2008.

  1. Pistol Schoolboy Gummi Ship Junkie


    Asphyxiate Melancholy

    Finding levels and shelves,
    Each of them having an over stock of unimportant data.
    That input being irrelevant, and rather subordinant.
    Punching left to right,
    Memories of eminent grim sorrow.
    As much of a banality as it sounds, I find it to be true.

    However, I have a memoir.
    A diary of happiness.
    Last updated two years ago.
    I even ask myself,
    "Has it really been that long?"
    Has it really been that long,
    Since I've at least felt the smallest of remote happiness?

    Time to pull out the dusty notebook,
    And write down upon the tan pages,
    That I've finally found my arising.
    You, as my love, may had just run into my life.
    But I also bumped into you,
    And sure enough without warning,
    My heart began warming.

    Never, will I be able to explain.
    How much you have surprised me,
    With the passion that you caress me with ever so remarkably.
    So, now, I end this song.
    However, this song will never end.
    Same with my love for you.
    So, no, I finish off, saying the truth,
    That you asphyxiate my melancholy!​
  2. keybladeofdarkness4 Twilight Town Denizen

    Wow......Amazing work....*awestruck*
  3. Pistol Schoolboy Gummi Ship Junkie

    Wow, I left you awestruck? That's amazing, really.

    But anyways, thanks. That really made me happy that this song was successful.
    Even if I only have some critique so far.
  4. Chevalier Crystal Princess

    Jan 8, 2008
    Trapped on an Island

    thats really nice

    youre amazing at this....i like the almost sophisticated style of this.
  5. Ashwa <3 Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 11, 2007
    Agreed. I really like this. Your writing is amazing. The song's flow is really great.
  6. Mexony Hollow Bastion Committee

    Aug 20, 2007
    That is very good, it all flows very well. *thumbs up* Keep it up.