just as the title says. My mom believes that I have aspergers, and I sometimes worry about it. I mean, the more I think about it, the more I think I should be tested for it, but my mom believes that it wouldn't help me if I got tested, since people find it a problem sometimes. When I say she believes, I quote her, "I'm positive that you have aspergers, but I'm not sure it would help you if you got tested for them". What do you guys think I should do? Even if it's not good that your medical record says you have them do you guys think I should still get tested for them? Sometimes I worry that it would be bad if I didn't get tested for them.
There's no need to worry so much. A friend of mine has Aspergers, and frankly they're no worse off than I or anyone else I know is. If you're really concerned about it, get tested, but frankly I think you'll be fine either way.
Pigeonholing Wouldn't bother with it, the only thing earned from it would be a label to pigeonhole you in, think it unnecessary. I too was thought to have Aspergers, although it was suggested not by my mother, but my psychologist. Didn't have myself tested, for it was oh-so costly, and to be honest I think that I levitate more so towards Schizoid Personality Disorder. Suppose Aspergers is always a possibility... Parents are quick to judge, what symptoms of it do you have? And, what do you think that you would gain from the diagnosis, if anything?
Well, I would feel better knowing if I did have it or not, instead of wondering or not. And, concerning the symptons, pretty much all of them
But why do you wonder? Did your temperament ever come to mind before your mother suggested Aspergers? Your behavior, was it noticeable prior to this?
actually, a few people did suggest it, but I never really paid much attention to it. When my mom brought it up I actually looked at it and was a bit concerned
Don't worry about it. I have Aspergers and I actually am better at most intellectual things than the majority of my peers. Granted I'm not very good as far as grades, but that's irrelevant as a measure of raw intelligence. If your mom thinks it would be a bad idea to get tested for "them," she's both stupid and wrong. Plain and simple. If you need help to deal with a disorder (note: disorder, not disability), then you need to know that you have it AND have proof that you have it. And hey, if you do end up testing positive, just chalk it up as a reason that you're better than everyone else. And for those who are talking about it that way, let me remind you that it's a disorder, not a disease. Most people know that it's not a disease, but still talk about it like it is, which is why I'm bringing it up.
well, she knows it's a disorder, but she also knows that people always take those kinds of things on applications as a bad thing, which is why she worries
Protip: The majority of job applications only ask about disorders that interfere with your ability to do the job, if they ask about disorders at all. Where I live, it's illegal to deny a job solely because of a disorder. You don't even have to put it on a resume. It's one of the things that a potential employer should have to ask. So again, she's either being stupid or has simply forgotten what job apps ask. I'm leaning toward the latter, but you know how moms get when they're worried.
Such arrogance. Milking the disorder for all its worth, understandable, but better? Really, better than others? There does seem to be a correlation between disorder and intelligence (the "normies" lack what they haven't experienced), but I cannot stand such boasting. If you are smart, then prove it, do not chuck out your disorder as an excuse. Fools no one. Labels do not not make the person.
It depends if you want to know for certain. If it was me faced with this decision, I would want to know- yes it would go on medical records but I doubt it would affect anything personal e.g. job interviews. The uncertainty would be so nerve racking for me, I would have to know. However, some people prefer not knowing as they can then always think of it as nothing. Personally I would go for the test, the only reason your mother doesn't want you to is because it would dent the medical record but if you want to know then go for it, otherwise stick by your mothers wishes.
I don't think of as an excuse. I think of it as the reason I'm more intelligent and thus why I have no excuse when I don't do as well as I could. It might seem unusual, but I actually don't use any accommodations that I could without because that would make me dependent on them. I loathe when people treat me like I need more help than a neurotypical when in fact I need less.
I believe that there will always be a stigma associated with any type of mental disorder. It is inherent in people to fear/put down/outcast that which they do not understand. However, if it would put your mind at ease, then get tested. It should be up to you if you want to or do not want to get tested for this sort of thing. It sounds to me that your mother is like countless others in today's society that project ignorance rather than do research for themselves. And in this modern day where endless information is at your fingertips, there is no excuse why people do not know better. Perhaps print out some information for your mother to read from a credible online source. It will at least be a start. I wish you the best of luck.