"Ask me Anything" session with Haley Joel Osment

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. Krowley Moderator

    Jun 18, 2008
    Not here, sadly. But if you head on over to Reddit, you'll find that Osment will be available to ask many fan questions on Thursday January 16th 2014. (2 pm ET/11 am PT)

    Thanks to @Misty , some of the comments surrounding Kingdom Hearts can be viewed below.



    News discovery credited to
    Last edited: Jan 16, 2014
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Krowley, Jan 15, 2014.

    1. Anixe
      Well, at least when I'm not near a computer, I'll be able to come back later and sift through the troll comments and find somewhat legitimate questions and answers lol.

      Let's see if he can spill some secrets >:]
    2. Explode
      Wonder if he's been contacted yet to do voice work for II.5. I know he has at least one new scene in KH2FM, and I'm sure there's some for ReCoded.
    3. Krowley
      Voice acting is usually the last in the process, so I'm guessing they won't contact him for another few months or so.
    4. 61
      Though I'm sure the things KH fans would really want to know he either doesn't know yet or can't say.
    5. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Hmm, I think I'll go ahead and ask him something tomorrow (if I've got time)
    6. Truly Mad Moves
      Truly Mad Moves
      Well, it's probably not a good idea to ask him anything about Kingdom Hearts. That Zap2it interview is just further confirmation for what I've always had a sneaking suspicion about: that voice actors know ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about the titles they act in. They don't know upcoming production details - how can they, when they don't even know who their characters are or what the story is about? All they know is to say the words on the page in whatever funny voice they've been asked to put on.

      I'm not implying voice actors are idiots, just that they're not nerds, and that nerds like us need to stop asking them questions about their series and characters. 'Cause trust me, whatever your question is, no matter how commonly known the answer is amongst the fandom, they don't know.
    7. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      I was only planning on asking if he's recorded lines for the ReCoded part of 2.5 HD ReMix, not the series in general. Though, to be fair, from what I've heard from David Gallagher (Riku) and Quinton Flynn (Axel/Lea), those two seem pretty knowledgeable on the series (well, moreso than other VAs)
    8. Truly Mad Moves
      Truly Mad Moves
      There are exceptions, of course. It's just that in my experience, watching interviews and Twitter conversations, yeah... most voice actors need to be given a video clip of the EXACT moment the question refers to in order to understand what on earth their fans are talking about. Sure, Haley Joel's not your typical VA who appears in dozens of cartoons and video games a year, so he probably has time to pay closer attention to his individual jobs, but if your question actually includes the phrase "Re:coded part of 2.5 HD ReMix", he probably won't know what that means...
    9. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Still, doesn't hurt to try.
    10. Truly Mad Moves
      Truly Mad Moves
      Not at all. You'll get your answer based on whether he's working on a Kingdom Hearts project at all. And he's surely not ignorant, he's the lead after all, but the last post about him seems to indicate that he has some trouble following the story. Hey, who doesn't, am I right? ;)
    11. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      Umm, me...
    12. Truly Mad Moves
      Truly Mad Moves
      If you say so. No need to brag or be obnoxious or rub anybody's faces in it. Take it easy.
    13. Satoshi Kusanagi
      Satoshi Kusanagi
      He gives you a simple answer that goes against what you expected and that's somehow being obnoxious and bragging?

      You need to open your mind a bit. I'm actually going to agree with him in the sense that I have no problem following the story either.

      And while I think people seriously exaggerate how convoluted the story is, I do understand why they're confused and think that it does tend to be a little more complicated than it needs to be. (Dream Drop Distance)

      But that's neither here nor there.
    14. Truly Mad Moves
      Truly Mad Moves
      Well, come on. "Umm, me...", that's pretty obnoxious. I make a casual rib about a trait that's universally acknowledged about the series we all love (and, incidentally, I don't have any trouble following either) only to have my remark defied in a very passive-aggressively pompous sort of way. But yes... neither here nor there. I vote that we move on...
    15. Misty
      Here are the Kingdom Hearts related questions I've found:

      He's still answering questions and there are plenty of KH ones asked. Will update the OP when it's all done (or @Krowley can).

      Edit: It's over now, the questions above are the only KH related ones he answered.
      Last edited: Jan 16, 2014
    16. Anixe
      Omg, even they had a flowchart back then, that's priceless.

      Well, nothing new in terms of the future, but it really does seem that he feels his part in the games isn't as just a role. I don't think I've imagined him being this down-to-earth before, so it was really great reading through the entire AmA. : D
    17. Meilin Lee
      Meilin Lee
      This is definitely one of my favorite things HJO ever said. Glad he didn't say something like "DURR HURR, KINGDOM HARTZ IS SOO CONFUSING!!1" His quote here reassures me that he certainly has an idea of what's going on, and what he said in that Zap2it interview was probably rushed (the interview wasn't even KH focused) and just him blurting out random stuff. And him saying how his work on KH2 made him realize how video games became art brought so much joy to me.
      Last edited: Jan 16, 2014
    18. Truly Mad Moves
      Truly Mad Moves
      I'm totally with him on Kingdom Hearts being the thing that triggers the realization that video games are art. That's what the series did for me too. And not just the story - I've always known that video games can have a good story - but that gameplay itself can be art as well.

      It's great that he has enthusiasm for the series. Some games - Re:CoM and Re:coded in particular - he doesn't sound like he's really trying, probably because he sounds far too adult in those two titles, but most of the time, the amount of passion he puts into Sora is heartwarming... and Vanitas, easily the most chilling performance I've heard from a character who just sounds like an ordinary dude. Haley Joel Osment is gonna knock the voice work in KHIII out of the park, I just know it.
      Last edited: Jan 17, 2014
    19. bennyjr123
      Just want to point out that I was one of the students at the Philadelphia Matinee of Red (which he was phenomenal in), asking about Kingdom Hearts in the talk-back. I felt bad...but clearly it was worth it.