Art Depictation of BBS' Aqua, and other new FF Characters

Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Aug 3, 2008.

  1. Xaldin ITS OVER 9000!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Hey everyone, today I recieved an e-mail from a rather kind person from Japan who after the event took her time to draw all of the new characters these include Aqua's BBS clothing. The new Dissidia villain and Final Fantasy XIII characters all beautifully detailed. Then did some quick sketches of the Unbirth and a Roxas avatar for the mobile phone. Also the person put the image up on 2ch as well. It's really a nice drawing.


    Source: 2ch
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Discussion in 'Kingdom Hearts News & Updates' started by Xaldin, Aug 3, 2008.

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    1. Sticky the Somebody!!
      Sticky the Somebody!!
      I totally will have to agree after a LONG wait we finaly get an idea of aqua
    2. Hakurei Reimu
      Hakurei Reimu
      oooo how nice.

      lol, the unbirth looks like a rabid rabbit. XD
    3. TwilightBlader
      I thinks it GrieverUltimecia
    4. DancingCookie
      Aqua looks a little like Yuna. Maybe it's the sleeves.

      I want her outfit, though. I'm happy we FINALLY got an idea of what she looks like.
    5. Darkcloud

      This is awesome! I love the way Aqua looks in her outfit! I can't wait to find out what her personality's like...

      Keep it up guys!
    6. ultima_sora
      lol that's true aqua's outfit does look like yuna's lol
      but i like her outfit it's pretty kool xD
    7. Tikem
      Wow, those look great... I like the unbirth... It looks cute.
    8. windblade

      you kinda don't want to kill it ///_^

      i would like to have a pet like that thing (and one of a shadow and neoshadow)
    9. Zeftnon - The Superior
      Zeftnon - The Superior

      I'm sure you've figured this out already, but that drawing includes the new FF characters as well. The only drawings from KH are Aqua, the Unbirth, and Roxas.
    10. SlippingStar
      all i got was a red X. D8
    11. Inasuma
      Aqua's a babe.

      Nice drawings. Loved the one on the far left.
    12. Scott Pilgrim
      Scott Pilgrim
      You know, at first, I thought Terra was Axel. Just in the bonus footage, not the game scans.
    13. izychlinski739
      not roxas

      That's not roxas, he's the main char from FF Agito XIII.
    14. Stardust
      Uh wow. Major bump much?

      Someone lock this x__x ...
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