Earth would witness it's last total solar eclipse as the Moon furthers from orbit. At ~3,000,000,000, galaxies Andromeda and Milky Way might collide. Then the Earth would get swallowed up by the Sun ~4,590,000,000 years later. But all life on Earth would more or less die from ~600,000,000 to ~3,500,000,000.
Sign.... Ok do you want to know the truth or would you like to keep thinking such silly things. First I guess I should say that even if the moon is drawing further and further from our planet earth, it's really the least of out problems. Over twenty percent of the world is starving from lack of food and with the way this world run's by killing off all the forests and polluting the air not to mention the pesticides put in our food, we have so many problems that you should concentrate on thirty years from now not some tens of thousands of years. I hope you put this post as a joke.
Oh, my dog ate them. Sorry, I'll buy you a new pair. Er, in another dimension in which I have money. I'll keep you posted. Alternatively, I can give them back to you when she inevitably barfs them up 8'D.
Alas... ye olde band that hath been named "Busted", did not tell a truth in their life. They whispered in our ears about travelling to the year 3000. Alas, t'was a lie.