I highly recommend this movie. It is my personal favorite Michael Bay film, and Bruce Willis does a great job as the lead role. The script is good, and I love some of the visual effects.
It was a better movie than most of the other ones about meteors hitting earth that came out in the 90's. I remember watching that as a little kid. Good times... Good times.... Die Hard is one of the best movies ever.
Yeah, this takes me back. Seen it twice I believe and the second time was as impressive as the first. Great visual effects, good soundtrack too.
Michael Bay is great at directing action films. He always gets the best sequences. I liked this movie, I saw just recently too. The visual effects are really good.
I loved that movie. My mom got me into it, because she likes those disaster flicks. I love the plot in Armageddon. Add the killer special effects, for a 90s movie, and you have a spectacular film. IMO. Plus, Michael Bay is just extraordinary like that. I mean Transformers.
This movie was well written and such, it just seems short. I loved all the characters from the 'crew' they were all very humorous. I just perfer The 5th Element for a Bruce Willis movie.
dededededede Amazing film, that makes me cry my ****ing eyes out every single time. It is something of a tradition that whenever it is on an old school friend and I watch it together with each other on speaker phone :b I just love that this came out around the same time as Deep Impact which blows in comparison.