We have to write one and I can't come up with a topic to write about. All the other lame choices regarding things like guns and drugs have already been taken and I want to take something else besides the norm. Any suggestions?
Write about something that you like. I wrote an argumentative essay on Harry Potter for my first year in college and got a pretty good score.
Welp, looks like I found my topic. Thx Jiku I think we have to do these on some serious topic. A guy wanted to do one on that spaghetti monster thing and talk about why it sucks that it doesn't get viewed as a religion and he didn't have luck with it. 'Sides, there are some things I like, but I don't think they'd be good for an argument paper.
I had a similar assignment last year. We had to write a persuasive paper and then give a speech to the class convincing them our pov was valid, presenting them with factual support for our pov.
How about the aggressiveness that can occur on internet discussion boards, then? You can talk about the Spam Zone and how the forum explodes whenever a certain two members end up in the same thread together.
That's a good idea..... Then I can show them through the site and its popular forums and talk about the secret Porn Section.