Kingdom Hearts III Aren't square taking the piss a bit...

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by benjizz, Nov 9, 2015.

  1. benjizz Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 26, 2013
    i mean they told us to get hyped for the trailer even went as far as posting on the official na and eu SE accounts about it , then destroy our dreams by probably not ever showing us the trailer. Not all of us have the privilege of going to Japan. Here is a video of an angry HMK who pretty much spells out all my thoughts about this situation.
    what dyou think about it??
  2. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  3. A Zebra Chaser

    Jan 24, 2013
  4. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    This isn't even remotely Square's fault at all. Some of the other Kingdom Hearts News Sites and even the fans got carried away with rumors that had no backing. That didn't say whether or not the trailer would be released at all from the event, let alone in the same week.

    Also, if they DID release it right away that is a giant '**** you' to the people that paid money, for an EXTRA EVENT that wasn't even included in the D23 Passes from what I understand. Disney wouldn't want to do that for sure knowing how they handle things in terms of customer service, and I don't think Square would either. At the last premium event the trailer wasn't released until months later from what I understand. When the Western Premium Event happened no one reacted in this way, or at least it wasn't to the scale. This wasn't directly part of D23 like the D23 we had over here in the West.

    Even if that isn't true and I'm getting slightly confused, I think that it is a totally overreaction on the part of the fans. It just makes the Kingdom Hearts fanbase look whiny especially after they act like Square promised something and went back on it, which they didn't. I feel like the YouTubers are using their reaction videos to stir up even more drama in order to get views, which I find a large part of the problem. It's good marketing but I find the whole thing rather childish. Personally I am not impressed with the twitter, YouTube and Tumblr fanbases, to me how they're acting is very distasteful.
  5. A Zebra Chaser

    Jan 24, 2013
    I don't really care about preserving the sense of smug satisfaction for a privileged few who could make it to japan to see a trailer for a video game I want to play that constantly has information droughts
    you pay to see it early, and to enjoy the actual event, keeping trailers secret is dumb
  6. Calxiyn Keyblade Master

    Jun 6, 2012
    Cisgender Female
    It's not about the smug sense of satisfaction, it's the same reason why you can buy tickets for an advance screenings for movies in specific locations. They paid extra for something that the general public will eventually get to see (and in the case of movies, most advance tickets cost more then when the movie comes out). Movies like the Last 5 Years were only available to be seen in 2 Toronto locations and if I recall another location in New York, but that was it. Eventually it came out on ITunes but that took another 1-2 months. People paid substantially more then the people who waited but got to see it earlier. It's a similar concept but we won't have to pay for the trailer when it's released.

    The information about the game hasn't been so spotty lately. I wouldn't say that the information we DID get about the trailer from the people who watched it, the screen shots and all of the interviews we have had has hardly been a drought in news.
  7. A Zebra Chaser

    Jan 24, 2013
    Hence early. It's a trailer, literally an ad for a game, and they're keeping it walled off for no good reason.

    I don't considering three screenshots and a description of a trailer to be a significant enough to say there's "hardly" a drought
  8. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006
  9. benjizz Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 26, 2013
    Hey. Sorry but i have a few things to say about this.

    First off if you don't remember d23 last year SE showed a trailer that was only exclusive to the audience about kh3 AND they even said so. Only people who attended the event got to see what was in the trailer. We got info just like we did now for that trailer but there was no outrage from the kh fanbase because SE TOLD us it was only exclusive to the people who at the event. However this time due to multiple recent interviews prior to the E3 event last summer, SE said that more info will be released at D23 with an exclusive new trailer. However they did not say it was exclusive to the people coming to the event. SO naturally us KH fans were hyped about this, hell some people did not sleep just to get the latest info from that trailer. but after this whole event SE or Disney have decided not to show us anything about this trailer. How can you not except there to be outrage after all the hype? Even if it more of Disney's fault they know better than to keep one of the biggest fanbases in the dark about something they have been dying and longing to recieve. The people who went to the event got to see an exclusive video on the making of KH 0.2 (which is pretty cool to be fair), a film that will obviously not be released to the public. they already have a great advantage on the thousand and millions of fans across the world. However what annoys me is that square isn't releasing any sort of info on when we are going to recieve the trailer. I am fine with whole thing except this. They don't seem to treat us fans the way we should be treated. A simple " You will be recieving the trailer in the near future" or " The trailer shall come out next month" wouldve have been great news to us fans, which wouldv'e told us something to look forward to and not give up hope to seeing that trailer. And lastly i do not appreciate the way you refer to the the reaction of the kh fanbaase as "distasteful" summing up all the points i have just made above, the reaction of the kh fanbase is not distasteful, its just natural, I don't know how much of a fan you are but they are some pretty hardcore fans out there , that legit absolutely love kingdom hearts , Like HMK they dedicate thier whole youtube channel to it, they do not do it to get views not everyone one youtube wants to get views you know. i didn't even know about that vid and i was already slightly annoyed by the fact that we did not get a new trailer. It does not make the kh fanbase look whiny it just shows how much we love and want the game . Im Sorry about this rant post haha XD but your post really hit a nerve. Im not only speaking for myself but in defense of all the kh fans "distasteful" kh fans who stayed at at 1 in the morning on a weekday to get the latest news on the trailer . If the trailer gets released this week hooray!! you can laugh at my post if you want, but im just currently describing the current mutal feeling of the kh fanbase atm.
  10. gersomvs Guest

    I would also like to reply in this discussion. First of all, I've always been against these exclusive events, it more or less makes the people who went there feel special and privileged and in the worst cases superior tot the fans who didn't go. Disney and Square capitalize on this by offering so many exclusives that it'll make you want to go there. I remember that Kingdom Hearts 1.5 launch event poster that I desperately wanted to have, but couldn't get. Regardless I understand that it's important to keep the values of these events in check. Some things shoud stay exclusive, otherwise it isn't worth it to buy tickets for D23 for example. But what I can't stand is Disney holding out on us regarding info. Back in april Nomura was already hyping us up for the event, but we hardly got any additional info. For that matter I don't understand why people would make a trailer exclusive. There's so many stuff like merchandise already exclusive to those who went. That trailer showcased the most info about the game during the entire event. We still know little about it (I know that a description of the trailer was released, but we all know that's not the same as actually seeing it with your own eyes) and I think its ridiculous to have to pay for a trailer. Disney knows that most if not all people who went to the event will buy KHIII when it finally releases so this is really a matter of principal to me. Furthermore during the event the developers were very vague about whether or not the trailer would be released later that day. First they said it would, then they said it wouldn't. This has happened before with SE and its very annoying. Is it too much to ask to see what a game is becoming? Finally a while back I browsed through all the info released about KHIII on KHV and sadly enough there's barely anything to go by. Nomura does a lot of interviews, but he often tells various interviewers much of the same stuff.

    I sidetracked a bit here, but I hope you see where I'm going with this.
  11. Misty gimme kiss

    Sep 25, 2006
    Cisgender Female
    What did y'all think "exclusive new trailer" meant?

    I really haven't been following the D23 trailer nonsense but as far as I can tell, the rumor of the trailer being eventually released was started entirely by fans. Neither Square nor Disney promised to release the trailer online. For these sorts of events, especially ones that aren't streamed like TGS or E3, one has to assume the best we'll maybe get is off-screen footage if anything. I know nobody wants to hear this but years ago, this is how the gaming industry worked. Press events were closed to the public and while leaks happened, they were rare. Instead we all just had to live with trailer summaries. Now that the industry has expanded, video sites like YouTube are around, and video game streaming is so big, many formerly closed events are open to the entire internet. If I recall correctly E3 used to be an entirely press closed event that's only in the last few years been opened to the public.

    My point being, trailers haven't always been released a few days after an event like we're now used to. Sometimes they weren't released at all. And we just had to live with it. I understand why people are upset, because everyone is so hungry for these games (which is Square and Disney's fault for announcing them too early tbh), but I think we all need to take a few steps back and put things into perspective. It's a trailer. You can wait. Hell there will probably be a new one soon from Jump Festa, it might even be the same one showed at D23. But pointing fingers at Square is totally unfair and misguided. I'm pretty sure they tweeted saying they don't know if or when the trailer will be released (because it's outside of their control) so it's not as though they are withholding information. Disney is at fault but this is still a business. They don't care about the sense of secret glory for the people who went to the event, they care about selling tickets to it next year. If event goers know that everything will appear online the next day, why buy a ticket?

    Honestly I get it. You're excited for a game and you want a new trailer. But throwing a fit because you didn't get what you want is a pretty disappointing reaction to what has been a pretty generous news cycle for KH3 given how far off the game still is. There will be more trailers in the future. Play some other games in the meantime.
  12. Meilin Lee RPG (Red Panda Girl)

    Nov 2, 2011
    I'll be honest, I'm more disappointed with the fact that a new world wasn't announced as opposed to not getting the trailer. But not disappointed enough to start pointing fingers at Square or Disney. Jump Festa's coming up, so hopefully something will emerge from there. And then there's the possibility that new information might get revealed in Famitsu, Dengeki, or some other magazine when we least expect it.
  13. libregkd -

    Sep 30, 2006