Are There Any Pairings That Confuse You?

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by The Twin, Oct 23, 2007.

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  1. Insane_Squrriel Destiny Islands Resident

    Jan 5, 2008
    Villiage Hidden in the Heart
  2. Marlu[XI]a Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 12, 2008
    Castle Oblivion
    Yes they're still sick. Sick doesn't mean non-existant, it means do not want. And everytime I think of MickeyxMinnie I like Walt Disney less and less.
  3. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Wait, Will Got Elizebeth?

    What about Jack?

    I haven't seen the last movie and I'm hopeless!!
  4. Daydreamer

    Jan 29, 2007
    Los Angeles

    The game seems to support it, but they barely know each other!
    Unless they met before Roxas was beamed into the matrix. :confused:

    Any OrgxOrg

    Pure fanism. I don't see any romantic relationships going on, but I'm not saying it's not possible!
    An exception is AxelxRoxas, I can see why people may tend to think this, even tough it is stated they are best friends. Scenes and dialoge can be interpreted differently...

    People can like each other even though they don't show it!
  5. xeno Merlin's Housekeeper

    Jan 26, 2008
    I don't understand the Roxas X Axel relationship, I mean sure, Roxas makes Axel feel as if he had a heart, but that doesn't mean they should go as far as they do in some fans eyes...and Roxel?

    I also don't understand the Organization XIII (insert member name here) X Organization XIII (insert member name here) seeing as they have no hearts, none of them can really love each other (aside from the Axel X Roxas apparently?)

    Others I don't understand are the Riku X Namine, Sora X Riku, and anything else that aren't directly implied my the games (examples of directly implied relationships are Sora X Kairi, and Roxas X Namine)

    Can someone explain how these work?
    I know Tetsuya Nomura supposedly said that anyone can envision anything they want to be via what happens in the game, but very little that the fans show are rarely in the games from what I have seen, or I am blind?
    (I have nothing against these I just don't understand them)
  6. Are you serious? o.O I understand you not liking pairings such as DonaldxJasmine (Holy forbid...), but I'm surprised you hate MickeyxMinnie and those type of pairings, since they are the same race. Wow, I think this is the first time I ever met someone with those views >.<. Not that it's bad, you can like what you want, just saying....

    I don't understand either xP. I also don't understand how some think that just because we don't support Axel/Roxas and Demyx/Zexion, means we're automatically homophobes. I don't mind yaoi, and I mean, real yaoi, such things as Gravitation, because I have nothing against gay people.

    No, I simply don't like those type of KH pairings because they're just plastered together for fantasies. Other than showing a deep friendship, I don't see Axel/Roxas as anything else, but two guys being placed together because they're "cute" and "hot", and worse if they are best friends, because apparently, guys can't care and protect each other without being labeled gay (no wonder guys are so scared to openly show their feelings to what they mean to each other as friends). They read too much into context and "in-between the lines".

    I can understand where the fangirls are coming from, as Axel and Roxas had a very in depth friendship, and is for preference, just like I love Axel and Larxene (though I know is not canon, I just like what their personalities in a mix can bring and what they can bring as a couple, we need a love/hate relationship, instead of all the innocent love that's floating around. We need spiiiice, and what better than fire and lightning making sparks? xDD).

    What boggles me, is that they take AkuRoku so canonly sometimes, and then there's the overrun of pictures and fanfics about all yaoi around.

    As for the Org. pairings, if Axel and Roxas can have a friendship, and in the game it is hinted that Nobodies aren't fully devoid of emotions, then I guess that's where it comes from, so is not that farfetched. Yet, the rest of the Org. seemed to just be comrades to me, people you work with, whether you like or dislike, and other than Axel, Roxas and, well, Naminé, they don't show any interest about whether they have feelings or not...they don't question it. Saïx is loyal to Xemnas, hence, they get paired, and some are just simply ideas, like Axel/Xigbar (oh my Gawd...), but if you follow the game, none of the pairings can exist in canon reality. Again, preference. Also, since the Org. is popular, people want to write about them, and hence, they would want to write romances.

    Riku/Naminé started in CoM, mostly because of the bond that Repliku and Naminé shared, not to mention that Naminé met the real Riku, had spoken to him, and helped him not to fall into the darkness (remember when she appeared as Kairi to him). That, AND since people liked Sora and Kairi, Naminé had no one, and neither did Riku, and since Nobodies weren't yet...well, named and explained, people thought that they might've gotten together. In the end, that wasn't the case. If you see the fanfics before KH2 appeared, you can see alot of Riku/Naminé.

    However, as soon as Roxas came into existence, and he shared talking moments and scenes with Naminé (especially the ending), Riku/Naminé got was shot down, though they are still supported. But now, Riku mostly plays as a rival for Roxas in fanfiction xP, or gets in a triangle.

    And what? They made out or had a rump automatically? x.X They could've gone their separate ways, they could have talked about the next steps, but I definitely don't think they had a secret thing going on, what for? Marluxia doesn't seem the type for such nonsense truthfully, and Larxene didn't appear like she had a inch of interest (when Marluxia was in the same room with her in scenes anyway, all I sensed was distance, or else, I would've supported it). Sides that, this is KH. That sort of thing is unbelieveable except in fanfics.

    Axel and Larxene were partnered together in the same room for who knows how long to check what happens in the globe, yet I don't believe they did anything either.

    And I'm not defending Axene here, you can interpret whatever you want or think, but the very first parts of your sentence made me speak up, because I find your ignorance insulting.
  7. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    did I or did I not put both next to Ansem?
  8. Hummingbird Destiny Islands Resident

    Nov 16, 2007
    Some people here seem to be taking certain shippings way too seriously. Not all shippings are invented in all seriousness; some are created just for the wtf factor. I seriously doubt anyone truly supports shippings such as Xemnas x Triton, but I can see a good writer make a hilarious fanfiction about the pairing. Who can honestly say they don't want to read a Goofy x Xigbar x Merlin fanfiction? xP If you don't count the shippings people don't take seriously, the list of plain stupid shippings becomes a whole lot shorter, but there are a couple of shippings that I don't quite understand but that people seem to take seriously. These include:

    Roxas x Naminé - I can see why people would want this to be canon, but nothing in the game really indicates that the two would be more than friends. They barely even to talk to eachother and apart from the scene in The World That Never Was, they always seemed rather formal when they were talking to eachother. This might just be because I support Sora x Naminé in CoM. (In KH II Sora is such an incredibly shallow character he doesn't deserve anyone at all. :x)

    Roxas x Axel - This was never meant to be anything more than a fangirl fantasty. Axel and Roxas were never more than friends; I don't see why that's such a hard concept to grasp. It's fascinating how fangirls can't understand that even fictional male people don't necessarily have to be homosexual for having a good friend of the same gender.

    Sora x Riku - I'm sticking to my opinion of the two only being friends. True, depending on how you interpret things, there can be quite many hints towards this shipping, but I don't have a fangirl mind so I can't find any major hints towards the shipping. That, and as much as I despise the shipping, Sora x Kairi had a lot more shipping references.

    I don't really know how seriously people take different Organization shippings, but Sai'x and Xemnas doesn't make much sense to me either. So what if Sai'x is loyal to Xemnas? It's not the same as being his butt buddy. In the end, they're both just after a heart anyway. As for Larxene x Marluxia... although they're both among my top five favorite Organization members, I don't see much room for love there; they're more like partners, perhaps even friends, but there's definitely not anything more between the two imo.
  9. Chad Thundercucc The dharma of valvu; the dream of a clatoris

    Dec 1, 2006
    Anytown, USA.
    Just any pairings that have two characters that don't even show the slightest interest in each other. Such as Axel x Namine, Sora x Mulan, etc.
  10. jammi567 Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 24, 2008
    I agree that some people definatly take things way too seriously. Lighten up a little, guys and girls! It's. For. Fun! It's not meant to be taken seriously.

    SoraxRoxas = I quite like this paring, because i can see them having fun together.

    Demyx/Xigbar = A definate WTF. There's apsolutly nothing in their personalities to say that they would be right for each other.
  11. Aura Goddess

    Feb 8, 2008
    Safest Haven
    The ones I don't get are:

    SoraxRiku(No they are only friends)
    KairixNamine(Now that is what the ****)
    SoraxRoxas(Another what the ****)

    The ones that are weird are SoraxRoxas and KairixNamine.
  12. DarknessKingdom The Kingpin of the TV

    Sep 30, 2006
    I dunno...I kinda find Kairi x Namine pretty hot.


    I don't understand how some people can pair up random Organization members together and that's about it.
  13. xemnasfan King's Apprentice

    May 21, 2007
    adrian, PA A.K.A the black hole
    maybe i read it wrong but there are lot of characters posing as ansem in kingdom hearts and i guess i never saw all the riku parings. that might be a good thing.

    i'm glad i don't take these parings to seriously my thing is, is why would someone want them to be together.

    i know whewn i make a paring it is based on personality mainly and i've got like 1 paring for this reason.
    and i never do same gender parings.
  14. Flamedancer Twilight Town Denizen

    Jun 16, 2007
    Wandering about, pondering life
    Roxas X Sora...the ultimate form of Narcissism... Same with KairiXNamine, but I'm going to rant about the first. I do not see how Sora and Roxas could get together mainly because Roxas is inside Sora. In fact, I have a sneaking suspicion that Roxas HATES Sora. (I'm currently writing a fanfic about it. :3) just doesn't work.

    Then there's Demyx and Xigbar. That, I find to be very wtf. Whoever thought of that pairing was obviously on something.
  15. catspee Merlin's Housekeeper

    Dec 15, 2007
    Zexion x Demyx= I could understand but it kinda gets annoying. Plus I like Zexion and I don't like thinking of him being gay. It's the like the hottest guy at school/work being paired with some other guy.

    Sora x Goofy/Donalds/Disney Character= Crack pairing of a life time. Usually for gigglesnorting and the like, I hope... or for hits/reviews/attention.

    And, to make you all cringe your heads in disgust: Pete x Maleficent.


    Anyways that's said and done.

    For the lack of girls and their character development in KH, I think it's simply because Nomura is a guy himself and it's more comfortable and easier to make and develop characters that are guys like himself. Also, depending on the person, people rather have a character that is like them in a way as its much easier to write and develop them as you can put yourself into their shoes easier. That's the way I see it.
  16. Anime17 Destiny Islands Resident

    Oct 31, 2007
    the midwest
    i'd first of all like to say to all the yaoi and yuri lovers out there, before you read what's below i am NOT DISSING what you's just MY OPINION, k? so don't get mad...


    ... my opinion...I think any pairing that's yaoi or yuri is wrong and it confuses me why so many like it. To me, the main reason I don't like it is because it's completely going against the video game creator's original intent of the plot, characters, and etc. I especially think SoraxRoxas and SoraxRiku are...eeeeew! not going to say anymore on that...

    ...just don't hate me, yaoi/yuri fans...
  17. the-melodious-schemer Merlin's Housekeeper

    Feb 26, 2008
    Stalking Demyx and Zexion =3
    Pairings that confuse me well first of all I'll say the odd pairing I for some reason support-

    Sora x Ariel-It's seriously a what the heck pairing. It's still seems cute though.

    Now there are a lot of odd pairings but only a few stick out to me. Some I can see where people are coming from (Roxas x Namine for an example or even Marluxia x Namine-Stockholm syndrome anyone?)

    Roxas x Sora/Kairi x Namine-Wouldn't that be vanity? Sora and Roxas are the same person and it's the same with Kairi x Namine. Sure it might work in an alternate universe but I don't see how that would work. Kairi and Namine would get along fine as friends but I can't see them wanting anything more and Sora would end up annoying Roxas half the time. It seriously wouldn't work.

    Axel x Larxene-Maybe a one sided relationship on Larxene's side as she seems to flirt with him but it's obvious Axel doesn't like her back. The pairing just wouldn't work, especially with Larxene and Axel's tempers.

    Riku x Sora-C'mon they're just friends. It's pretty obvious that Sora likes Kairi and I don't think either Sora or Riku are gay.

    There are a lot of random ones but I can't be bothered to list them lol.

    Oh and guys who don't understand AkuRoku. I could explain why people support it and point out many a hint and give a hardy explanation but I won't in this thread. If ya want one message me.
  18. SuperStardustHD Banned

    Mar 6, 2008
    That Place
    I saw MickeyxKairi once... That's just wrong (Even if Mickey isn't really KH...)
  19. Kaihedgie Gummi Ship Junkie

    Feb 20, 2008
    I find all pairings confusin' to begin with, especially when they're fan-made. XD

    Sora X Kairi - SEEMS simple, but what's left for Riku? XD Well, best they start believin' in polygamy. XD

    Sora X Roxas - Um...okay? Would that by any chance cause by proxy, masturbating? XD

    KairiXNamine - I'll admit it, I like yuri, cause it's kinda cute. XD But same for Sora and Roxas as said

    Riku X Axel - WTF?

    Roxas X Axel - Oh, I guess if they're BEST FRIENDS, it means by the fangirls they're SUPPOSED to get busy? XD

    Any other pairing with Riku would not fit with any other character in the series. I just don't see him with anybody. XD

    Any pairing with Demyx would not fit. I haven't seen him around girls, so how are we supposed to know exactly what kinda guy he is? For all we know he could be a sex offender. XD

    Any pairing with Xemnas is completely outta the question, cause all he knows is HATE and RAGE o:

    The only actual reason these pairings is because of the way they look. No body just seems to think realistically when it comes to being serious about pairin'. D:
  20. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
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