Are There Any Pairings That Confuse You?

Discussion in 'General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts' started by The Twin, Oct 23, 2007.

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  1. I've just seen Naminé/Davy Jones x.X. I've seen everything....

    I think she just meant since there can be things as Larxel (which is quite fanon), she finds no reason why the rest of yaoi should not be appreciated.

    Thing is, I'm alright with yaoi...that are meant to be yaoi. Gravitation, Touya and Yukito from Card Captor Sakura (very adorable), etc. I have no problem with BoyxBoy, where it shows that they like each other more than friends, that is obvious to the viewer that is watching (like hug, kissing, more clues that they do feel that way without actually saying it) instead of enterprating it that they are in love. An example of this, as said before, is Zexion and Demyx...the two weren't even in the same game or had no interaction, yet they get paired up. This shows me it's nothing, NOTHING, but fangirl dreams, and honestly, most yaoi fanfiction, if not all, come from fangirls.

    It stops me from taking it seriously.

    I'm not saying that all are this way, but is the majority.

    And it's all alright, since Nomura likes to leave thing open ended for KH fans to think what they like, but is not like their pairing is canon either (that's what annoys me, they take it as canon and is like "OMGTRUELOVE163", but I don't mind people exploring yaoi relationships either, just make sure that they don't take it like it can actually happen and is real), and is partly Nomura's fault as well, there's barely any girl characters, original ones. All we had is Kairi, Naminé, Larxene, Olette, Aqua, and the 14th Member, but half of them leave quickly. Larxene is dead (which wasn't fair, considering the lack of females, any of that gender should get proper screen time), Naminé went back inside Kairi, and Olette is only part time when you go to Twilight Town, and even then she doesn't have much lines. Who knows what happened to the 14th...

    And the only ones who are strong fighters are Larxene, Aqua , and 14th Member :nono:.

    In fact, I just blame Nomura for this...-_-
  2. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Hmm, Nomura is probably a woman hater. I just thought about it. The only Square game I could think of which features a star female characters is FF6 and FF7. Terra aka Tina, is the only woman who is a primary character who can hold her own in a fight. Celes, also from 6 is an extrodinarily strong woman. But, when you first meet her, she is a damsel in distress.

    Tifa is just awesome.

    Looking at all the other women... they are all girly, girls who shriek when attacked and so forth. Granted some women are girly girls, but not all of them. Thats not fair.

    I would say Aya from Parasite Eve is good, but she wasnt written by Nomura, since that game was imspired by a novel.
  3. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    Nomura has a definate favoritism to creating guy character (I shouldn't need to point this out), as such and as pointed out, this creates a gender-rift for "fan pairings". Example: The fact that the Organization + 14th member is a ratio of 1:6 girl-to-guys should be overwhelming proof of this.

    Also, seriously, most of his female characters when he writes/creates them have LAME (or very little shown) personalities...up to this point. Hell most yaoi pairings spawn from lack of a good personality, or understandable personality mesh, or EVEN UNDERSTANDABLE "Romantic" INTERACTION/development that is MUTUAL (my personal beef with most of Square's 'pairings' is that they feel forced and just SPAWN out of no where- being saved by someone does NOT spawn LOVE, I'm sorry if anyone believes this, but no it doesn't work like that).
    To further clear up the "rampant yaoi pairings" let us use the very popular Sora and Riku one. If Riku was a chick, I seriously doubt anyone would really as rabidly be supporting of the "canon" yet UNSPOKEN (therefore unconfirmed) Sora and Kairi pairing. Most sensible "non-canon" pairings revolve around complimenting and conflicting personalities and actions/reactions. With Sora and Riku you get that, with Sora and Kairi you have the "OMG PERFECT LOVE!". Most pairings (canon and otherwise) that are liked are beautiful because they AREN'T perfect. Most of the time the pairing is in fact, heavily one-sided and flawed! :\

    PS: I have no idea why the hell NO ONE pairs up Marluxia with Larxene considering their affiliations with each other. (Having pink hair doesn't make you gay by the way, if we're going by hairstyle over half if not all but three of the Organization is gay by that logic.)
  4. koolashley King's Apprentice

    Sep 1, 2007
    In a barber shop on Fleet Street.
    Good point there (thanks for explaining the beginning for me).

    Larxene isn't "dead," unless you're focusing mainly on KHII and not 358/2 Days. Namine` is now free with Roxas, and now does whatever she pleases; she was basically a hologram because she came out of that black hole thingy (right?). Olette is like Fuu, Yuffie, ect. because she plays an important role but still a side character.

    I heard in another thread (basically about Marluxia's hair, but I'll skip to the point) and said Marluxia actually would have been a girl, but Noruma thought that Xemnas wouldn't accept every female Nobody that came to his castles and asked for a job as an Organization person. So, thus explains the pink hair and the love of flowers, as well as Nomura not "hating women. (Hell, I bet he's married).

    (Please read above.)
  5. Yes, I am focusing on KH2, or rather, CoM, and I doubt Larxene will be on screen time a lot on 358/2 Days, since she's one of the CoM members, hence, she dies first and won't be there for long except in the beginning, and the game wouldn't focus on her. I don't understand about Naminé and the hologram, but she's not "free", she's just whole, she has to live through someone else and not having her own life, which is what Roxas's story in the beginning of KH2 was centered about, and how everyone felt sympathy that he had to return to someone else leaving a fake life he desired behind. In the end, both accepted it, they won't belong in darkness, doesn't mean they are free.

    And tell me how Olette, and even, Fuu, of all things, plays a important role? And I'm talking about original KH females, Fuu isn't one of them. Fuu is from FF8, and her real name is Fujin.

    There are barely any female characters that spawn from KH, and even if we did, most of them are gone by now.

    Then Xemnas needs to gets his a** kicked by freaking heels ala Larxene screwing Sora royally, because that sounds very sexist of him :yelling:.

    But the thing is, even then, it will just be two females, among ten other men. I'm not sure how Xemnas not accepting every female Nobody ranges in only having one (and don't count the 14th Member, Nomura came out of nowhere with that for future plot purposes, she didn't even exist until now).

    Well, if you want my opinion, I'm not sure :sweatdrop: (I'm a Larxel fan myself), when I saw the first scenes of Re: CoM, I felt that between Marluxia and Larxene, there was nothing there, or any sort of...friendly air, if you get me. It was just like a mutual sense of respect and just being that, partners in crime, working together to reach a goal, with the only bond being the trust they had placed on each other to gain said goal. In every scene that Marluxia and Larxene were in, all I saw was distance, except for the little gestures to him now and then, she doesn't playfully tease and bother, or is more free to be laidback around with Marluxia as she does Axel, she doesn't argue and ill-humor him like what she does to Vexen. With Marluxia, there was a friendship sort of acquaintance thing going on, but I couldn't see anything...more.

    Though in my opinion, is mostly because Marluxia isn't laidback himself. He's serious, collected, calm, cool, and shows that he isn't the type to go down childish games (be free to argue otherwise). While you know if there was attraction between Axel and Larxene, they will go down on each other in this passionate hate/love thing (and I mean if, I know they're fanon, so please), because they both have this...this...something (have to say, almost kinky, kind of like sex appeal) their personalities that doesn't make it out of character for them to do so. That attracts people and writers, it makes it fun. That's why Larxel fics can succeed without any OOCness.

    Marluxia looks like he's too above that. There's this arrogance I felt.

    That's the...fanfic or charm point of view that I figured.

    Of course, if you like it, is not bad, I'm quite neutral about it myself, but I thought I'd give out why there isn't alot of Marlene, like it should've ended up considering their team-up, maybe it also has to do with how Axel is the more popular character as well (and I guess the way how Marluxia is designed too xD, I'm tired of people calling him gay. Hell, he was the ungayest guy in the Org. entirely. Seriously). I kind of put some bias there ^^;, I admit, but I couldn't find a way without comparing the differences and why.
  6. Sui_Caedere Traverse Town Homebody

    Actually I found a lot of material "Marluxia/Larxene" :mellow:

    Axel/Lexaeus... that was a weird one I found...
  7. There you go then xP. Is not like is unheard of, and some do ship them.
  8. Princess Celestia Supreme Co-Ruler of Equestria

    Dec 20, 2007
    Yeah, I seen women married to guys who think that low of women. Its not pretty. Usually thier jobs are stay at home and do everything, while he watches football... kinda sad really.
  9. Zandyne King's Apprentice

    May 8, 2007
    Where the sun is hella bright.
    Not really...
    Namine: Is a permanent captive/tool used by not one villian but TWO.
    Kairi: Has little to no redeemable worth in KH2, in KH1 there was lenancy to her being captured (given...she had no consciousness half the time) but in KH2 she was just baggage.
    Fuu: ...she speaks two words, maybe three, and she doesn' anything. Fuu is also from FF8 as someone already mentioned, so she is not a KH only character.
    Reason why Marluxia is most likely a man: He has a seat of power. 2.) Marluxia...comes before Larxene? Larxene would have been off'd first if it was by order, so that's illogical. PS: Marluxia's hair was more brown in CoM, and Sakura petals are associated with DEATH and are considered the flower of honor/a warrior. (The reason why they are pink was once explained in a story as a tree having absorbed blood through it's roots.) And Marluxia has one of the more manly body builds out of all of them. (Axel has birthing hips!)

    Summary in KH (so far) if you're female you'll be helpless or captured (pining after your hero too) or possessing villianous traits who treats people like toys (not that it's a problem in Larxene's case, but that's a poor excuse to give the only female with any power every negative trait in the book. IE: if you have some shred of ego/self-worth, you're EVIL.)

    So...Nomura doesn't really have an excuse about the whole "all the female chars get the short end of the stick". I've seen other games that have much better female characters without giving up any of their femininty and play much more significant roles (they also have a more balanced cast and *gasp* have healers/casters who are guys, guys getting them into tough scrapes- hell one of them gets incapacitated for being foolish and one of them actually winds up being captured- which is amusing because he's one of the most outspoken and violent of them.) He should learn to have more varied characters. ]8

    I hope this Aqua chick and 14th member can show a change in this and that Aqua's show of power isn't just a farce. (Aka looks awesome, but in the grand scheme of things, means nothing; refer to Tifa's fight with Loz in FF7:AC, the fight was awesome but she LOST then from there didn't really do anything; then Cloud fights both Loz and Yazoo and can reasonably hold his own- and single-handedly wins EVERYTHING save for the fight with the summon.)
  10. koolashley King's Apprentice

    Sep 1, 2007
    In a barber shop on Fleet Street.
    Yeah, I've heard of those, too. It really is sad.

    Thanks for explaining everything to me:D
  11. Tammylita Destiny Islands Resident

    Mar 30, 2007
    I live in a pineapple under the sea...Wait.
    Ooops...umm...well...about the SephirothxAriel thing...

    That wasn't me. But I think one of my friends started that. >DDD It was kinda funny, actually.
  12. Arcantress King's Apprentice

    Sep 27, 2007
    Hmmm. Here?

    Wh-h-ho.... okeedokee. That is one weird pairing, i must say ;)

    Someone's gotta have a real active imagination for that. lol.
  13. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Oggie BoogiexSally

    Jack Skell.xSanta



    how's that for scary?
  14. xemnasfan King's Apprentice

    May 21, 2007
    adrian, PA A.K.A the black hole
    which ansem is that cause i've only seen riku with xemnas and xehanort's heartless.

    that last one just plain bothers me i'm so glad i've never seen pictures.
  15. O R A N G E C is the heavenly option

    Mar 30, 2007
    between an erupting earth and an exploding sky
    I always thought that Sora X Any character besides Kairi was a bit strange..I respect the Sora X Namine fans, but I'm a big Sora and Kairi person. Yaoi's not really my thing. I don't mind other people liking it, as that's they're choice, but it's not for me.
  16. DiveIntoTheHeart Traverse Town Homebody

    Sep 23, 2007
    In your cupboard.
    I think i already posted here... Oh well.

    Ones that confuse me:
    -All the yaoi pairings
    -RoxasXKairi (I mean... They only really interacted in that one scene from KH2!)

    Not to go against any of those supporters though...
  17. iParker_11 Moogle Assistant

    Feb 23, 2008
    I once saw Xigbar/Triton...I was scarred for days.....
    And any yaoi pairings, I'm not against it, I just don't like it.
  18. Fruity~ Hollow Bastion Committee

    Mar 5, 2007
    ... In a country?
    I dunno how fangirls can even find a match of AxelXXigbar, though. o.O
  19. BaseSebastian Kingdom Keeper

    Feb 2, 2008
    Sunam City
    Here's one:

    MickeyXPete (SURREAL!)
    MickeyXYenSid (You've got to be kidding me...)
    SoraXMickey (Now that's just plain wrong...)
    SoraXRiku (I found one pic where they're dancing together and either there is a furry animal on Sora's Shoulder, or Sora's arm is caught on fire and he doesn't realize it...)
    AxelXRoxas (I know it sounds logical, but come on! Not every guys who's best buds with someone else is gay! Come on already! Get outta the cardboard box of stupidness and neglect already, God!)

    Those are just my opinions on yoai pairings...

    As for Namine' and Axel??

    Axel wouldn't steal Roxas' girl.
    They are too much friendssss(Not butt buddies)!!
  20. Marlu[XI]a Destiny Islands Resident

    Feb 12, 2008
    Castle Oblivion
    I find it laughable how Larx/Axel fans always overlook that cutscene where Marly and Larxy both vanish at the exact same time, and are gone for a very lengthy period of time.

    Axel says to Namine, "Have you noticed Marluxia and Larxene have both left? Now no one's here to stop you blah blah blah..."

    What's going on there? Not that I'm an advocate of any pairing, I like to leave video games as video games, because that's what they are. Video games. Not reality shows.
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