Are The Japanese Brainwashing Us?!

Discussion in 'Discussion' started by Heaven's Angel, Apr 15, 2008.

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  1. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Why the hell do you guys always put it in caps and make yourself's sound ******ed?..And I answered the question in the damn thread. "do you feel that nothing is happening?" yes,nothing was happening.So stop trying to be an a** and twist what I say around. Your as bad as Madi was with this post. And who said I was a victim? and iwantedtoexplode asked me about what kind of anime I liked,and I answered with the type of show's I have seen. Haruhi,Girls Bravo,both funny and interesting.

    Nice Try with that post though,check your facts next time when you try to flame.

    "Why cant it be funny,lol,like Haruhi"....never said anything related to that..and if you cant respect the fact that I find DN boring and uninteresting,then deal with it.
  2. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    It's call patronization, it's how I roll.

    Well for one, the question was for fans of the series about whether the current arc in the story was a little boring compared to the start of the series, as in the question was for people who were actually following the story and the series in order to know the context of the question. You, a person who admittedly watched a grand total of 2 episodes of the series, burst in and say "HAH I WAS SO BORED I LAUGHED, LMAO!"

    The fact that they didn't take kindly to that is an obvious human reaction, because you were judging the entire series without having watched any of it, and you watched one of the most important and meaningful episodes of the show without having any prior context or knowledge of the events leading up to that episode which gave it meaning. The fact that you went judging the show based on complete lack of context was completely unfair, and as Madi pointed out, you were being completely immature about it.

    What you said about Death Note is like me coming to this forum and saying "WELL HEY, I DIDN'T PLAY ME NON OF THEM KINGDURM HATS, BUT I SURE DID WATCH THE COMMERCIAL AND DAYUM DOES THAT LOOK GAY!!LOL!! WY DOES THAT ANOREXIC KID FITE WIT A KEY? AND WTF IS UP WITH LOONEY TOON CHARACTERS HAVIN WORLDS, LMAO!". Oh hey, I'd be really ignorant if I did that, wouldn't I?

    "Oh poor me, crazy Death Note fans attacked me, wow I wish punishment could be brought forth upon fans like that, ignore the fact that I'm quoting a "crazy Death Note fan" without giving the post any context at all, and I'm going to leave out my entire involvement in the argumen, because it's not like I instigated it by being completely ignorant of the show and saying it was so boring it makes me laugh, in a thread filled with fans of the series posting"

    As far as I can see, I'm the only one that bothered to actually track down the thread and read the context in which Madi said what they did, and I saw that both sides of the argument were wrong, instead of just reading the post completely out of context and considering you the victim of the situation, as you seemed to intend.

    I can respect the fact that you find DN boring and unintresting, but I'm not going to treat you like a victim because you got a proper response when posting in a thread full of fans and making an ignorant statement about one of the most meaningful episodes of the show because you didn't bother to see the events leading up to it to explain why it was meaningful, but regardless of the fact you decided to judge it anyway.

    That's like me only watching "The Boredom fo Haruhi Suzimiya" and saying "LOL I DUN LIKE BASEBALL SHOWS, TOO BAD NOTHING INTERESTING HAPPENS IN THAT SHOW!!LOL!! LIKE ALIENS"
  3. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    1. They were talking about the Anime,werent they..?

    2. Completely immature is calling someone stupid when they dont take interest in what they like,an I required to like DN,is it needed in life? "Your stupid and probably dont even understand the show'' THAT is immature,I saw the first episode,yawn,gave it another try, lol,yawn again. There you have it,gave my two cents,and I only got one intellegent responce in that entire thread.

    3. "havent watched any of it" said I watched two episodes,so I must have watched some or the series...and that was it.a book that kills people isnt in my taste,calling someone stupid for thinking that way doesnt make you look any better.

    4. Who said im trying to be the victim,or am the victim for that matter,you gotta be the only one that sees it that way.

    5. Getting angry over an animated show is 'mature' to you?..if I want to say its boring,then let chose to listen to me and take me seriously..get angry if you want,it isnt changing my opinion.

    oh,and episode one made me skip 24 episodes...the first episode is what should hook you to an anime,not make you want to run away..and its only a T.V show..what's there to get upset about?

    Freedom of Speech ftw.

    There you have it,I dont like the show,I made that obvious in the other thread,arguing isnt going to change my mind.I cant honestly see why people go nuts like that over a T.V show.oh,and starting this up again was a great idea. gg

    Tularim: dislikes DN due to lack of excitement recieved in the first episode.that's it in a nutshell.just leave it at that.

    Muffin: wont let it go. so let it go.
  4. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    Tularim: Wants to play the victim and get attention because "big bad anime fans were mean to me"

    Muffins: Isn't going to buy into it, and calls them out on it.

    The End.

    You're both in the wrong, except Mida isn't the one bringing it up days later in completely unrelated threads for attention.

    Also, I'm not going to de-rep you, because I don't need to go "oh man, I'm gonna get rid of that guys internet points, hahaha, that'll teach him to disagree with me!"
  5. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Muffin: Doesnt know sh*t about Tularim

    Tularim: Isnt talking sh*t about people who want this whole thing over with


    EDIT: lol idc if you do or not,rep isnt special.
  6. Sara Tea Drinker

    Aug 16, 2006
    Wherever the wind takes me.
    Break it up, guys... MuffinMan, if you continue causing trouble, you will get a warning. Same for the others.

    PM me if there's any more trouble. And keep on topic. >>
  7. TheMuffinMan Banned

    Sep 30, 2007
    I never said I "knew sh*t about Tularim", but I "know sh*t" about the context of your victim scenario, where the big-bad DN fans gang up on poor little you, and I called you out on you being just as much wrong and disrespectful in the argument as you claimed the DN fans were.

    And it seems you were "talking sh*t about people", particularly Madi, quoting their post out of context to make them seem like the bad person here, while leaving your entire involvement and instigation in the previous argument out of the picture.

    Indeed it is not special, that didn't stop you from de-repping me with "You fail" for disagreeing with you.


    Edit: Righty-o Sara, this'll be my last post on this matter.
  8. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.
    Then dont make a big deal about a lousy de-rep,it's special to you apparently since your whining about it.And I did it because your starting an argument over something that ended day's ago,I only quoted her to prove my point.

    and yeah,''poor little me'' right?...and talking sh*t? I quoted myself for petes sake,what am I trying to hide?..I said it was boring and uninteresting,I laughed, not hiding it.

    im done Sara
  9. Repliku Chaser

    Guys, this is ridiculous. MuffinMan, really, he's not playing the victim. He was pointing out an example of how some people take things too seriously. Having read the thread he posted, I do get why it was overreacting on the part of others. You are defending people in that thread probably to include Madiyasha but really his original comment here was not that bad. Loosen up. It's no big thing. People take too much offense to the off side remark and that's all this is. If you don't like it, just ignore it and move on.

    Also, if someone doesn't like an anime in the first place, what makes you think someone wants to sit through -more- episodes of it? It makes no sense. Seeing DN a few times is enough to get a feel for the show.

    And Tularim, just a bit of a suggestion. Next time you may want to do a quote from elsewhere but remove the person's nick from it so that it stands more neutral and that might help this not happen again. It keeps things more neutral and won't put someone else on the spot for something done elsewhere.

    I do not find anything wrong with Tularim posting what he did other than not omitting the nick. Let's not take this farther. No one needs the boot, guys. You are both cool and it's not this big a deal. =:/

    Back on topic: Ya know...maybe the Japanese are making people fight over Anime... >.>
  10. Asterisk NO WONT LET YOU

    May 15, 2007
    South Park.

    I shall,thank you for not screaming at me.

    and lol,that could be possible indeed.
  11. Catch the Rain As the world falls down ♥

    Apr 2, 2007
    The Labyrinth

    On request of thread creator
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